TNG at 35!

When my mom and I moved to Michigan from Alaska to live at my grandmother's house (a sort of dumping ground for indigent family members) the family had already settled into their TNG watching routine and we would all gather and watch it while my grandmother cleaned the kitchen floors for the night (her choice). She would not allow anyone to leave the tv room until the floors dried, so we were trapped in there watching TNG and another show after. I was about 4 and it was 1992, several seasons in. I didn't have any idea what was going on until I was about 12 and started watching reruns of TNG and VOY after school and the Enterprise arc with SG and something else sci-fi was on after it.
Even though they were clearly crap, I do miss those days of making dodgy recordings on VHS, poor television reception, mulling between choosing SP and LP quality and setting the video timer…

I know it was crap. I know if we regressed today I’d hate it, but I do miss it!
I have been having really strong nostalgia for that time period. When TNG was on was the last time I didn't know ahead of time where the shows were going (since Australia was so far behind US). I've been thinking about what it would have been like for Season 8 and I spent a day or so looking around for copies of unproduced TNG scripts. I know people weren't fond of Season 7 but for me it was the first one I watched "live" here. They aired on Channel 9 at 10.30 and my dad would tape the episodes for me so I could watch the next day. I would happily have had more of that.
Okay I just turned on "Evolution" and hot damn this show looks beautiful.