TMP Drydock

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by AnyStar, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. tobiasrichter

    tobiasrichter Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jun 25, 2010
    Cologne, Germany
    I am working on building a drydock as well and I am looking for blueprints. The bp you have in your first post looks great - is that your own work or is this something from the net or that can be bought? Any help would be appreciated.

  2. AnyStar

    AnyStar Captain Captain

    Sep 28, 2009
    Orbiting Planet Plastic
    yes, i created those plans for the now-closed website, it was a set of 7 full "size-E" sheets he was running off, which made the plans scale right at 1:350 to use as a guide for those wanting to scratch a dock for their own refit models.

    his website is gone, and last year i tried to ask if he was going to be putting up a new one, or offering any more prints. but the only response i recieved was that he was looking for someone to create a new site for him.

    honestly we had no formal contract or agreement about myself putting any plans out there on my own, but i'm still hesitant about doing so. still, you guys know me "i'm always more happy to help!" just PM me, or email me at and we'll see what we cant do to help you out.

    edit: you can also check out Jackill's website, he has a similar set that i "borrowed" the layout style from when i drew up these :P