Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

Time and ammo ... two things you can never have enough of in combat.

And so far from home, it'll be a bit hard to replenish!

And shields! :)

They're all out!

Plus redshirts...

They have 21 of them on board, but they are currently down two!

Tick tock, yer on the clock!

Tick tock on the clock
But the party don't stop, no
… Don't stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'mma fight
'Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don't stop, no
How useful are optical sensors given the ranges being in tens, hundreds or even thousands of kilometers to the target?? The enemy ship would be a tiny speck against a dark sky filled with bright specks of distant stars.
How useful are optical sensors given the ranges being in tens, hundreds or even thousands of kilometers to the target?? The enemy ship would be a tiny speck against a dark sky filled with bright specks of distant stars.

Apparently very useful? In "Balance of Terror" you hear the crew lamenting that they had no visual target and the motion sensors only provided a rough idea of where the target was. Of course this is based on TOS having "visual" sensors capable of FTL tracking of objects hundreds of thousands of kilometers or more away.
I assume they just call it visual and the real input is just translated sensor data, kinda what James Web is doing, it's not an optical telescope but pure infrared but it's images are translated back to frequencies that humans can see.

As for the story so far, really good and again your work is so very good, placement of characters, the gestures, bodylanguage etc are spot on and enhance the storytelling, well done. :mallory: :techman: