Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

I'm rooting for the Aries! It is a tough little ship :D

*Worf voice* LITTLE?

well yeah she's smaller than the Defiant from DS9, so... yeah. LOL

A tough ship is worthless without a tough crew. Or a tough captain.

Cry Havoc! And Let Slip the dogs of war! ;) And totally agree with you.

Guess it's time to wipe the dust of those photorps and grease the launchers... :D:mallory:

Lunch lady Doris... Have ya got any grease??

Avril has kept the phasers and torpedo launchers prepped since they hit Triangle space I guarantee that!

Why do I get the feeling this was really about retrieving a Section 31 asset after all…plausible deniability…the Orions did it.

BTW Sci-fi-meshes has a ship that looks Orion:

Everyone always comes up with such neat ideas! I can say that Section 31 is definitely not involved in this. This time. I don't know if I'd ever touch on a Section 31 storyline. Not sure I have one kicking around in my head.

That is a neat design! Definitely feels like the same layout as the Wanderer.
"Aries is a tough little ship, Captain".... VINDICATION! :hugegrin:

I wonder if the Aries crew will rig the Queenstown to throw a tractor beam on any and all nearby Orion ships to keep them from warping away when it goes boom? :whistle:
"Aries is a tough little ship, Captain".... VINDICATION! :hugegrin:

I wonder if the Aries crew will rig the Queenstown to throw a tractor beam on any and all nearby Orion ships to keep them from warping away when it goes boom? :whistle:

Nothing is ever easy ;)



Just a little short of 45 light-years...if I've decided well.

Yeah it's still a bit of a haul, especially on the TOS warp scale.

Hmm.. remote controlled freighter eh? Lots of (explosive) fun you can have with those. :shifty::D

Aren't all spaceships with a warp core a flying bomb? ;)

For what it's worth, in the game Star Fleet Battles, suicide freighters ARE a thing.

Not something you'd typically deploy outside of wartime if you're the 'good guys' though.

I admit that's been on of my favorite modules for a long time (I remember seeing the cover as a kid and just gravitating towards it) and I'd love to do an adaptation but I just think there being TWO of those things in existence is a stretch. I haven't ruled out them studying the remains of the Doomsday Machine though. ;)
could be worse.. in Star trek online one of the factions in the Temporal cold war was selling multiple doomsday devices to anyone who would ally with them. several missions and one PvE 'task force operation' revolve around preventing said weapons from being used.
whether these were multiple doomsday machines they'd found or they were pulling temporal shenanigans on the one decker fought so it could appear many places in history is never addressed.
And then there's this:

Of course, I was very ... annoyed ... when I first saw that because I wrote my story TIMELINES (see link in my signature below) three years before they released the fan-film.
I may use some characters and the set-up for some of the modules from STA or FASA, hell even the shows, obviously, but I definitely end up going my own direction for what I want to do with it down the line.

Like the TNG era story I've been working on spring boarded from an idea from one of the STA module collections and right now it basically has the base idea and the base enemy but NOTHING else has stayed the same lol. I basically treated it like a writing prompt and went to town on my own.
"Running over-extended even with automation" .... AMEN. I could go into gory detail about crew rosters and manning requirements to operate a starship 24/7 for an extended period of time. Short version, I calculate you need a minimum of 50 to 60 for a small warship, and even that can leave you short handed. If you like, I could pull up links to other threads that I've posted in about this subject.
"Running over-extended even with automation" .... AMEN. I could go into gory detail about crew rosters and manning requirements to operate a starship 24/7 for an extended period of time. Short version, I calculate you need a minimum of 50 to 60 for a small warship, and even that can leave you short handed. If you like, I could pull up links to other threads that I've posted in about this subject.

They're running at 40 right now. They have room to cram up to 70 with doubling up the lower ranks, but I think I was bumping it to either 50 or 55. ;)