Three Years Of Starscream: A Celebration

I'm a month early this year, but something made me think of you people so I thought I would get the party started.

This thread is old enough to drink in the US, so here's a toast to the thread, the host, and all you marvelous oldies who stop by now and again. You still all have a place in my heart.

And here's a 2001 emoji to contribute to the nostalgia: :beer: Haha remember these guys?
Those Bar Thread were a WILD TIME!!! (I never really got them.)

We could do the celebration early this year, like how Easter is early this year! Hey, Jethro, why does Easter change dates but Christmas doesn't? What's Jesus trying to pull?

Or we could do a special month long celebration where everyone lists a different favourite Starscream Memory each day in April, so that we end up with 30X favourite Starscream Memories, where X is the number of posters who post each day.

:angel: (I'm just being Wacky!)
Just happened across this thread by chance checking in on things. Crazy to know these forums are 25 years old now and still kicking. And that some people are still somewhat regulars from back then.
So that's...

24 years of Starscream (I'll always be Starscream on the inside)
21 years of this thread
Probably 10 years at least of apologising for problematic content in the opening post

I haven't posted much the last year but I still visit. I was never a big poster (a posty poster) anyway, not without hiding behind some kind of crazy gimmick. MAYBE I SHOULD BURN IT ALL DOWN IN THE FIRES OF TROLLDOM. MAYBE IT'S TIME...

Or I'll just wait until next year. A quarter of a century!

I had a random thought bubble away at the back of my head for a couple of weeks now, and as much as I tried to grasp into it, I kept failing. Well that was until a few minutes ago when it finally came to the surface...

...and that thought was... how many years of StarScream?

I average about 12 posts a year now, if there is a Doctor Who season and 3 posts if there isn't. Long gone are the heady days of 600 posts in a fecking week!

What is the Internet like these days anyway? Still cats doing the darndest things and kids dancing to that Numa Numa song? Real Life keeps me far to distracted.

Anyway, enough mumblings from a 44 year old rando, who joined this board at 21 (like holy crap!)

Happy anniversary anyway!
TrekBBS will soon be exclusive to TikTok, and it'll just be T'Bonz dancing while wearing Romulan ears and mouthing "HELP, I'M TRAPPED IN THIS VIDEO, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING."
Man I'm late for the party again, but at least I showed up to pay my respects :techman:

Here's to another 24 years, maybe I'll finally retire and we can all go for cocktails on the beach.