Thread for PRODIGAL, Geoff Thorne's debut comic book (it's coming)

Geoff Thorne

Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
I've got a comic book coming out from APE ENTERTAINMENT.

The book, a two-issue mini-series (but double-sized. ha!), is called PRODIGAL and it's thrashtastic.

By "I" I of course mean me and my partner, Todd Harris. We call ourselves GENRE 19, when we're being professional. It's just the two of us doing everything.

I'll likely be making an official "press release-y" announcement in the next few days elsewhere but the folks around here have been so supportive of my work (both backstage and in fan world) that I thought I'd open a thread here.

KRAD, Ward, Dilmore and Mack have had a look at the thing but very few others have. That changes as of today.

Just so you know: if you're wary of comics because you fear spandex, secret identities, bizarre and incomprehnisble plots or "grim and gritty" styles that masquerade as realism, put your minds at ease. We have none of that.

If, however, you love a ripping yarn about world retrieval specialists... trying to acquire dangerous objects from even more dangerous people across a landscape that makes James Bond films appear to take place in a small town back yard, this is a book you will enjoy.

Here's a quick look to give some flavor.


The title is "Why Byron Switched to Blutooth."

I'll be telling more over the next few weeks.
I am very intrigued. Do you plan on posting more info here when it's released?
For instance:

Meet our titular character.

BYRON LENNOX aka The Prodigal

World class hand-to-hand fighter, unbeatable by any standard, Byron has a murky past that includes time as a mercenary, hired corporate muscle and, possibly, some time in US Special Forces.

In addition he is a master strategist when it comes to close fighting tactics and breaking and entering.

He has one other attribute that is not commonly known and that is his "mojo."

Byron can defeat ANY foe, regardless of their number and regardless of their strength or abilities, provided he has enough time to assess them. How he does it is a trade secret known only to himself and Pae. And they aren't telling.

Magic gives him trouble. He hates ninjas.
This looks really good. Have you and Todd done any other comic work that I can check out? I've followed the comic industry almost as vehemently as i've followed the trek world over the last 10+ years, but I can't remember ever hearing of a Todd Harris...

More like Nemesis Kid.

(but not really that either)

This book is designed to be FUN. If you're not smiling or laughing when you read it, I've not done my job.
Where would be the best place to find this when it comes out? Should it be in the local comic shops, or Things from Another World?
Initially the book will be distributed by DIAMOND DISTRIBUTION who has a monopoly on the comic book market (meaning, mostly, comic book specialty shops. That's in the US. I have no idea how it works elsewhere. Provincial, me.)

Some months after that the TPB version will be handled both by Diamond and by INGRAM which deals with book stores.

The best thing about this thing is that the monthly books only span two months. You're getting 48 pages a pop for a relatively low price. You get the full story and then if, by some bizarre twist of fate, someone managed to miss it, within five months the entire story will be compiled into the TPB (with extras).

We're pretty happy with it.
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Funny you should ask. If you have a local comic book shop, simply tell them to order it out of this months DIAMOND PREVIEWS (they'll know what that is) or you can print out the form in the back of the online preview you just read.
Funny you should ask. If you have a local comic book shop, simply tell them to order it out of this months DIAMOND PREVIEWS (they'll know what that is) or you can print out the form in the back of the online preview you just read.

Done. :)

They told me the expected date I could pick it up was the 24th.