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Things that frustrate us all

Update: I can't file a complaint because I'm not a minor anymore and it's my mom, if I was a minor or if she called a friend then it was breaking doctor patient confidentiality. So I just called the reception to remove my mom's phone number, nobody calls my mom about my medication without my permission
Um, why can't you file a complaint? Unless your a minor, you have say in your health care information being distributed or not, regardless of blood relationship.

Unless I missed something or your mom had permission before. Either way, I would call the doctor's office and make sure there is no contact information for your mom on file.
I just said in that post you quoted that I'm not a minor, and that I asked to remove my mom's phone number from my file. Please read my post thoroughly

ETA: that doctor also called my social assistant, awesome /s
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I just said in that post you quoted that I'm not a minor, and that I asked to remove my mom's phone number from my file. Please read my post thoroughly

ETA: that doctor also called my social assistant, awesome /s
I saw that. I'm wondering why they could disclose your information at all since you are not a minor? And why you couldn't file a complaint because you're not a minor.

I am confused despite reading your post.
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One of my best friends doesn't give a shit about school. He is making very little effort to pass his classes, spends all his time during class talking to strangers on Discord instead of doing work/listening to the teacher, and gets upset with me when I suggest that he maybe do some work. I swear his entire life takes place on that goddamned app and it's making me so angry. I have very little faith that we will be in the same graduating class. :sigh:
One of my best friends doesn't give a shit about school. He is making very little effort to pass his classes, spends all his time during class talking to strangers on Discord instead of doing work/listening to the teacher, and gets upset with me when I suggest that he maybe do some work. I swear his entire life takes place on that goddamned app and it's making me so angry. I have very little faith that we will be in the same graduating class. :sigh:

There was a guy in our Academy class back in ‘90s that (successfully) ended their first semester with a GPA less than 1.0 …

Bunch of us were like, ‘How is that even possible??’

He didn’t make it to or through the next term, obviously, after that ‘effort’, lol. Anything less than a 2.2 was instant dismissal by a Suitability for Service board.

Dish Network finally sent an update to my DVR that smoked the receiver. Now I have to wait until Tuesday for their "new and improved" equipment. Of course, it will add $5 a month to the bill. The Dish receiver is connected to my router through a switch. I also found my computer was sitting at the login screen. The Dish signal must have also turned the computer off and back on again as well.
Dish Network finally sent an update to my DVR that smoked the receiver. Now I have to wait until Tuesday for their "new and improved" equipment. Of course, it will add $5 a month to the bill. The Dish receiver is connected to my router through a switch. I also found my computer was sitting at the login screen. The Dish signal must have also turned the computer off and back on again as well.
That would be very frustrating.
We had a name for that in college: "The Square Root Club". It's where the square root of your GPA is higher than your GPA (i.e. less than 1.0).

Same here - This guy was the only member I saw/met that ‘qualified’ for the honor… lol.

Does anyone else get overwhelming urges to clean?
As a single adult, I'm always tidying up, but I'm talking about vacuuming, mopping the floor, laundry, changing the sheets, cleaning the bathroom/kitchen, etc., and just going to town and spending most of the day doing it.
I know more people who are the total opposite and don't do any cleaning.
Re: aaargh!!

That's actually pretty much what I said-- along with, "If this were true, we'd have to call the police." :rommie: Of course, I wasn't talking directly to the member, but to the associate who took the call and then called me for help.

Demerol is the good stuff. :bolian:
Valium is pretty darn good too. When I had my lower back wisdom teeth removed (many years ago), they gave me some IV Valium as I waited to relax me. I didn’t really feel it. Until when I went in the room to have it done and they got me settled and they shot the rest of it into my IV line. I have never felt so good.

Even after I woke up from the procedure with holes where the teeth used to be I asked if I could get some of that great stuff to take home. They said no. I then had three days from hell where my days consisted of taking a pain pill, feeling nauseated, taking nausea medicine, falling asleep from the nausea medicine to be woken up to more pain and starting over and over. When I was awake I just kept wishing for more of that IV Valium. I still do.
I only dust when it gets so bad it's embarrassing.
I don't need to dust, it accumulates just fine all by itself. I am in the process of clearing out the living room, so the Dish Network Technician can install the new satellite DVR. He won't even have to clean the bottom of his shoes when he comes in, He will track more dust and dirt when he leaves than what he brings in, I will also lose quite a bit of dust when he takes the old DVR away, but I'm patient, the new DVR will get enough new dust eventually. I do clean dust off the monitor for better picture quality.:D
My husband explaining to me that our house faces north as we're looking at the sunset from our front door.
And in the Northern Hemisphere, this time of year, the sun sets in the southwest. After it sets, will he point to Venus (currently in Aquarius) and say, "look, the North Star.":rolleyes:
Catfishers are getting more sophisticated. Now they can try to get ahold of you by tracking your location (on Twitter) to trick you into following them. I almost fell for it again. :sigh:

actually I don't think they were really catfishers, as such. Just OnlyFans trolls. I still felt stupid tho. I should know by now that I am PRIME target for people like this. :(
Catfishers are getting more sophisticated. Now they can try to get ahold of you by tracking your location (on Twitter) to trick you into following them. I almost fell for it again. :sigh:

actually I don't think they were really catfishers, as such. Just OnlyFans trolls. I still felt stupid tho. I should know by now that I am PRIME target for people like this. :(
Most of what I find are those that try to track my location by IP server address. Difficulty for them is I use a VPN and constantly change my IP location, and I don't use X, Facebook or Instagram.
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