Things that frustrate us all

Sometimes I see people texting using both thumbs and I wonder how the hell they do it. That shrunken touchscreen keyboard wasn't made for my fat, klutzy fingers. If not for the predictive text feature, it would take me five times as long to tap out a simple sentence or two.
They might be gamers, I read somewhere a while back that gamers tend to have text better with their thumbs since you work game controllers with your thumbs. I'm gamer, and I almost use my thumbs for everything I do on my phone and tablet.
I brought a refurbished iPhone because I always wanted to try one but it’s so overrated! And it keeps asking me for a Face ID, no thank you, I will not do that. 0/10 not recommended
When people log a support ticket and ask how long will it take to fix, if I knew how long then it would already be fixed, and responding to chase up messages asking if there is an update or how long actually slows down the process of getting it fixed.
My favorite is when they raise a support ticket at 5:07 PM on a Friday after I had already logged off, and the first thing I see going back to work the next week is an e-mail sent at 7:54 AM on Monday complaining and demanding a follow-up because "they asked this question three days ago and it hasn't even been acknowledged yet."
My favorite is when they raise a support ticket at 5:07 PM on a Friday after I had already logged off, and the first thing I see going back to work the next week is an e-mail sent at 7:54 AM on Monday complaining and demanding a follow-up because "they asked this question three days ago and it hasn't even been acknowledged yet."

While I'm not on a ticket system for my job, I'm in the same office to someone this happen to quite often - though they'll also get their manager to email as well along with comments that you've breached the SLA.
Somebody has blocked me on Twitter and I have no idea why.

What little interactions we had, were friendly. Never argued, never creeped out, absolutely nothing that I can remember as being even remotely unpleasant. Even met, in person! (She shopped at my store once. Went through my checkout lane. That encounter went well. We even talked briefly outside.)

And yet, I'm blocked. Not only that, but it was a DIFFERENT ACCOUNT from the one I followed! (I know it's the same person because I recognized her name.)

Am I not justified in being the slightest bit CONFUSED about all this? :confused:
There was a guy petitioning in my store's parking lot. So I kicked him out, of course. (Private property, don'cha know.) At least I thought I did. He waited until I'd gone back inside, then got out of his car and started his damn petition again. So I had to kick him out! Again! :mad:

This time I followed his car until I'm sure it left.

He didn't come back again.

Seriously. What part about "no solicitation" do people not fucking GET? And don't give me any "free speech" angle. On private propertyy, you have no rights.
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. What part about "no solicitation" do people not fucking GET? And don't give me any "free speech" angle. On private propertyy, you have no rights.
Remind me never to go on your property.

And speaking of property and frustrations, I hate building codes that require things that practically are difficult, if not impossible, to do in reality.
I am away from home and I can't access any of my email accounts - allegedly to protect me from possibly unauthorised access. In one case, I've been through being told to try again in an hour, then proving I'm not a robot and THEN "we've sent a message to..." but they haven't. On the other account, the same story except the captcha wo'n't load so I've fallen at that step. What's the point of having email if I can access it only from my physical home address?
Yeah, I don't participate in yard sales (either as a seller or a buyer) It's just too frustrating. Our neighborhood holds one in the spring and one in the fall. It's the only time you can have a yard sale, so the neighborhood traffic is high. I mark the dates on my calendar and stay in the house.
They just had our big neighborhood garage sale day a couple of weeks ago where I live, and my mom and I both agreed we didn't want to put up with the hassle of dealing with the money, and the people. And I have to admit I'm a little paranoid about them ever since I heard that people have used them as a way case a house before they break in or steal a car or something like that.
Last weekend, my wife (a teacher) took a group of 20 students and 2 other adults to Walt Disney World for a conference and some fun. On their flight back, they had a layover in DFW since our home airport is not a hub. Their flight from Orlando was delayed due to weather, but it should have been okay as the one from DFW was also delayed. They showed up to the gate as the second leg flight was boarding, and was told by the gate agents that they had bumped the entire group since they thought they were no-shows! After arguing with the agents for a while, the agents literally said "Well I don't know what you want me to do!" :censored: :brickwall: My wife pointed out that other airlines deal with delayed connections by having gate agents meeting the plane and escorting them to their connection. No such help here, and the gate agents should have known what was going on.

My wife had to talk with a customer service rep (whose eyes got *real* big when we was told it was a group of high schoolers!). Initially they couldn't get a flight until the next day. Legally, my wife couldn't have the kids past that day. (Due to waivers, I think.) Not to mention no hotel or food money at that point. Then they wanted to split them up on different flights. Which also wouldn't work with only 3 adults (need at least two adults for all groups due to youth protection rules).

They finally found a flight that night, not to home, but a different airport two hours away. Myself and several other parents had to drive and pick them up, minimum 4-hour round trip (mine ended up being about 7!). Instead of getting home at 12 noon, they got home around 1 AM.

My wife was beyond pissed, frazzled, etc. and was on the verge of a breakdown through this whole experience. She sent an email to the airline (American, if you're wondering) praising the customer service rep for spending about 2 hours helping her get her group home. In the same note, she absolutely raked the gate agents over the coals for their screw-up that caused this whole ordeal. The school has since managed to get a payment for gas and time to get to the non-home airport, and I'm pretty sure they're still working on getting the entire trip refunded.