Things that frustrate us all

I'm frustrated with my lack of weight loss. I've been seeing a trainer for almost 2 years and going to the gym 3 times a week. I watch what I eat most of the time, but screw up on weekends and when I'm stressed out. I've been bouncing between 260 and 270 for the last 2 years. Before that I lost about 50 pounds in order to get knee surgery.

My weight doctor left her practice and I saw a new one yesterday. She gave me a referral to a nutritionist, which I probably need, and suggested I meet with the surgeon about bariatric surgery, which I'm scared and ambivalent about as I 1) don't really want surgery and 2) know too many people who've gained the weight back after surgery.

My trainer got a 2nd job that's going to make it nearly impossible to keep seeing him. The other 2 trainers don't have slots open when I need them, so I'll either have to get up waaaaaay too early or try to meet with one at lunch or just drop having a trainer for right now.

I came home from the doc yesterday ready to cry and scream. Maybe I just have to accept being disgusting for the rest of my life.
I'm frustrated with my lack of weight loss. I've been seeing a trainer for almost 2 years and going to the gym 3 times a week. I watch what I eat most of the time, but screw up on weekends and when I'm stressed out. I've been bouncing between 260 and 270 for the last 2 years. Before that I lost about 50 pounds in order to get knee surgery.

My weight doctor left her practice and I saw a new one yesterday. She gave me a referral to a nutritionist, which I probably need, and suggested I meet with the surgeon about bariatric surgery, which I'm scared and ambivalent about as I 1) don't really want surgery and 2) know too many people who've gained the weight back after surgery.

My trainer got a 2nd job that's going to make it nearly impossible to keep seeing him. The other 2 trainers don't have slots open when I need them, so I'll either have to get up waaaaaay too early or try to meet with one at lunch or just drop having a trainer for right now.

I came home from the doc yesterday ready to cry and scream. Maybe I just have to accept being disgusting for the rest of my life.

First off, don't think of yourself as disgusting. That's self-defeating and it's only going to put you into a spiral of self-loathing, and I promise you that won't help--I've been there.

Second, weight loss is not easy, as we all have different things--genetics, conditions, what have you--that affect things like our metabolism. I was heavy for most of my life even going back to high school, and even as recently as 2012, I was hovering around 280 pounds. Nowadays, I'm at 171, and my doctor actually wants me to put on weight.

When I say it's not easy, I say that in congratulations for losing 50 pounds at one point. That isn't easy, and that you did it once means that you can do it again.

I liken it to when my apartment is really, really messy. Back when I was married and the house would be a disaster, my ex-wife would tell me to just do one thing a day: Rather than doing dishes, vacuuming the living room, cleaning the litterboxes, mowing the lawn, doing laundry and whatever else in one day, I would focus on one thing a day, like taking care of the dishes.

It works the same way with weight loss and nutrition, which is a marathon, not a sprint. Go for the low-hanging fruit, first: Drink nothing but water, all day, every day. That's the quickest way to shed 15 - 20 pounds in a matter of weeks. Then check your diet: Are you eating a lot of processed stuff? That can really mess with our metabolism, for example.

I agree that the nutritionist is probably a good idea, because that person can help you with things like meal planning (a huge boost, because trying to figure out what to make for dinner when you're already starving is a recipe for over-eating), balancing your food groups and your carb intake, things like that.

It's not an impossible mountain to climb. Start small. You can do it. You will do it.
I think the worst thing about weight is how easy and quickly you gain it, and hard it can be to lose it. In just the month or two since my bike was stolen my mom and I both noticed that I appear o have gained back some of the weight I lost while I was going out on my bike every day.
Burden of proof sucks. Better when you could just shoot them.
That's not what I meant at all, I just think they could do a better job of balancing the needs and wellbeing of both the victims and the accused.
And as a vegan, the lack of real punishment for things like animal abuse and neglect is absolutely appalling. The fact that people like the fucking piece of shit Ashley De Felice can abuse and neglect over 100 animals, and walk away with nothing but community service and a fine is just infuriating.
That's not what I meant at all, I just think they could do a better job of balancing the needs and wellbeing of both the victims and the accused.
The needs of the accused are to maintain the presumption of innocence. How do you do maintain that?
I was more just thinking along the lines of what victims of things like rape go through in the lead up to and during the trial. It just seems like sometimes the law doesn't always acknowledge the trauma of crimes like that as much as it could.
And when it comes to crimes against animals, it barely even recognizes the victims as living, sentient being.
It just seems like sometimes the law doesn't always acknowledge the trauma of crimes like that as much as it could.
So,one groups rights exceeds the other's? The process is for due process to prevent an innocent person from being imprisoned.

It's shitty but how do you protect both groups rights?
Yeah, you're probably right.
Although, that doesn't really address the animals issue. To be clear, I'm not saying they need to same full protections that humans get, but they at least deserve to be treated better than they are, and to have people who commit crimes against should be punished with more sentences that actually fit what they did.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Although, that doesn't really address the animals issue. To be clear, I'm not saying they need to same full protections that humans get, but they at least deserve to be treated better than they are, and to have people who commit crimes against should be punished with more sentences that actually fit what they did.
Probably time for a lobby or something.
FedEx dropped off a package but the proof of delivery is just the sidewalk in front of the house, no proof of actual packages.
@Commander Troi Please don't think of yourself like that because nothing could be further from the truth so reading that made me sad. You're kind and caring and I've never seen you say a bad word about anyone or to anyone. Our weight doesn't define beauty how we treat others does and you are always supportive and encouraging to everyone with much needed hugs that's a reminder nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Dare I say it you're also a very attractive lady with an air of intellectual sophistication. I'll stop there, I don't want to get in to trouble with your husband!

I hope you're feeling better today.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but I have to get it of my chest. I don't understand parents these days, I saw a mother taking her daughter to a exhibition about the titanic.

She was maybe 5 years old and crying the whole time, probably from exhaustion. Yesterday, I went to see the Swan Lake and there was a 3 year old who did not sit straight and kept whispering the whole time.

How hard is it to think about your child and think "she's crying from exhaustion, I should take her home" or "my child is too young for this she won't remember it" or "I should arrange a baby sitter" it really pisses me off
I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but I have to get it of my chest. I don't understand parents these days, I saw a mother taking her daughter to a exhibition about the titanic.

She was maybe 5 years old and crying the whole time, probably from exhaustion. Yesterday, I went to see the Swan Lake and there was a 3 year old who did not sit straight and kept whispering the whole time.

How hard is it to think about your child and think "she's crying from exhaustion, I should take her home" or "my child is too young for this she won't remember it" or "I should arrange a baby sitter" it really pisses me off
Things like this are among the many reasons, that I'm truly grateful I don't have kids. My overall "patience level" is rarely enough to keep myself in check, though I am working on it.
Same, the presence of a child on a bus is enough to set me on edge. Because I'm always thinking please behave and don't cry, I have other reasons not to have kids, perhaps too many, but the inability to bear their presence is my main reason