Things that frustrate us all

A kid who attended a football game for a team whose colors include red and black. He paints half his face red and the other half black... and people accuse him of being in blackface.

I find racism deplorable... but team spirit is not racism.

Some people have no clue what racism really is. Just gives them an excuse to bully but claim the moral high ground.
Indeed. God save us all from well-intentioned fools; they're the worst sort.

Near our local district, there have been attempts by high school teachers NOT to teach TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.....and not only because of the offensive language, but because Atticus Finch is too ''savior''y, and the black characters aren't sufficiently center-stage. I can only remind these teachers that Scout is the main character, and Atticus did not succeed in saving anyone. (Boo Radley saved his family.) But he attempted to do good, which is an odd complaint to make. Some modern lenses resemble soup sandwiches to me.....
I haven't facepalmed this hard while reading an article about people criticising other people's decisions since reading an article about people (I'm going to assume that they were millennials since boomers love blaming us about everything) criticising the lack of diversity in Grease, it's a movie that was made in the seventies that takes place in the FIFTIES!

In case you forgot, segregation was still a thing and homosexuality was still a disease. Of course there aren't any LGBT couples, of course the cast is mainly white. It's simply a product of it's time. Are we really going to judge each and every movie for not being diverse enough? Gtfo with that stuff. Diversity in historical fiction is a recent development, go watch Bridgeton if you want to watch diversity in historical fiction, some people I swear.

And for those who think that I'm making stuff up, here is the link of said article:
Like when they tried to make us use words like "womyn" and "herstory". I think I rolled my eyes into the next COUNTY when I heard about that. :rolleyes:

And don't even fucking get me started on "Latinx". :barf:
"Womyn" and "herstory" were created by feminists in the late 60s. They were playing with language to try and expand their minds past their social conditioning. You may find it eye-rolling, but it was valuable to many women at the time.

As for "Latinx", that's very common here in Arizona so one doesn't have to use the more cumbersome "latino/latina".
Like when they tried to make us use words like "womyn" and "herstory". I think I rolled my eyes into the next COUNTY when I heard about that. :rolleyes:

And don't even fucking get me started on "Latinx". :barf:

At grad school, I had an instructor who was like that. We couldn’t even use the word ‘The’ because of the ‘he’ in it, for instance… *eye rolls*

For the final essay/term paper, I ended up writing it as ‘normal’, then systematically went through and search-and-replaced as many ‘offending’ words as possible before handing it in.

The end result was completely unreadable gibberish but hey, got an ‘A’ for it. So much for modern scholarship. Sheesh.

I think most people have seen enough of my posts to know I'm a huge supporter of acceptance and diversity, but some people really need to actually do a little thinking before they get outraged.
I think a lot of the ridiculous stuff that some people reacting instantly without really looking into what it is that they're so pissed about. There are a lot of times where a video or story has gotten me pissed at first, but then once calmed down and I took a second look, it really wasn't as bad as thought at first.
As for "Latinx", that's very common here in Arizona so one doesn't have to use the more cumbersome "latino/latina".

Even though actual Latinos don't like the word?

At grad school, I had an instructor who was like that. We couldn’t even use the word ‘The’ because of the ‘he’ in it, for instance… *eye rolls*

God knows what types like that think of people whose names end in "man" or "son". Must have been hell to pick a late night talk show to watch, when the only options were Carson or Letterman. :lol:
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When they go so far, that even their "in this house we believe..." signs aren't even true anymore, it's clear that the train has gone off the rails in a big way.
At grad school, I had an instructor who was like that. We couldn’t even use the word ‘The’ because of the ‘he’ in it, for instance… *eye rolls*

For the final essay/term paper, I ended up writing it as ‘normal’, then systematically went through and search-and-replaced as many ‘offending’ words as possible before handing it in.

The end result was completely unreadable gibberish but hey, got an ‘A’ for it. So much for modern scholarship. Sheesh.

The older I get the more frustrated I get with the huge emphasis that was put on me to get a higher degree. Unfortunately, that came at the expense of more practical life skills that I now look back on and go "That was stupid; why didn't I learn that." The emphasis on academic achievement over practical skills really bothers me because it assumes that all the other skills will come with it. But, in college, no one tells you all the practical, real life, needed skills, from navigating insurance companies, to basic problem solving skills.

I feel frustrated because I feel like I should know a shit ton more than I actually do.