Things that frustrate us all

So apparently Bad Boy (a furniture chain in Ontario) filed for bankruptcy recently. So of course, anybody who had paid for (or even put a deposit on) furniture, and was just waiting for delivery, now gets neither their furniture nor their money back. And it's all perfectly legal.

According to the article I read, customers are collectively out $4.5 million across the province. :eek:

Nice system we've got, there. :rolleyes:

(This is just general frustration at our laws that favour suppliers over consumers and employees. I personally don't have any money lost because of this, fortunately.)
So apparently Bad Boy (a furniture chain in Ontario) filed for bankruptcy recently. So of course, anybody who had paid for (or even put a deposit on) furniture, and was just waiting for delivery, now gets neither their furniture nor their money back. And it's all perfectly legal.

According to the article I read, customers are collectively out $4.5 million across the province. :eek:

Nice system we've got, there. :rolleyes:

(This is just general frustration at our laws that favour suppliers over consumers and employees. I personally don't have any money lost because of this, fortunately.)

They just built a giant, fancy distribution center too. There is going to be a lot of fancy accounting going on with this, and I'd bet all the money will end up in Lastmans pockets, and none to screwed customers.
It hasn't rained in two months. It poured today. Why? Because my car window stopped working and the replacement switch from China (Toyota wanted $800) didn't work. I picked today to put the original switch back in and when I did I accidentally touched the button that sent my window all the way down. It wouldn't go back up of course.
I tried everything I could think of and nothing worked. It started raining so I had to find a tarp to put over the window. I found an obscure solution wayyy down in one of the comments in a Youtube video so I finally got the window back up after getting soaked.
So then I log into Amazon so I can return the defective switch (which also drains my car battery) and find out that since the switch took way longer than it was supposed to to come from China that I am now past the return window. :brickwall::brickwall::brickwall:
I always see tons of commercials for companies working with dog and cat rescues, and celebrities are constantly doing game shows and things like that with their winnings going to those kind rescues, but we never see any of that for farm animal or horse rescues or sanctuaries. They need just as much, if not more money and support, most of the constantly struggle to even stay afloat, and nobody ever seems to do anything like that for them.
Having to spend an hour in the car, on my day off, to drive to the Comcast store to pick up a new remote, since our old ones wouldn't communicate with the TV anymore. And, since hubby set up all the subscriptions, I can't sign into them. That means no Netflix or Disney Channel for me tonight, dang it. I texted him to see if he remembered his passwords off the top of his head--of course he doesn't. Oh well, it was worth a try. At least I can watch TV now.
So apparently instead of being mature and actually addressing people's concerns with the way cows are treated and other issues people have the milk industry, the Got Milk people have decided to be fucking immature assholes and make fun of us.
And they even got Queen Latifa to be part of it.
So Got Milk people, this is for you
I won't pass judgment regarding on whom may be in the wrong above, if anyone.........but I always felt that the pro-dolphin defenders might also have a bit of sympathy for the less-sexy, lower-IQ tunafish also caught in the nets.
You do realize that's an ad for PLANT milk, right? :lol: ;)

But don't take my word for it. Here is the real version of the ad:

That is not the “real” version of the ad. That is a modified version, presumably with AI voiceover imitating Queen Latifah. Note how she never again appears on-camera after the cutover to the modified portion. And the final shot is from the “wood milk” ad from earlier this year featuring Aubrey Plaza, who is not involved with the current campaign.
It's not your fault, I thought it was real until I saw Avro Arrow's post. I even started a post apologizing for being so wrong.
I was just at a middle school in downtown Seattle... it had a sign up that prohibited riding bicycles. And it had a bicycle rack.

And the flagpole had (right next to each other, under the US flag) a Palestinian flag and an LGBTQ flag. For those of you who don't know, Palestine still punishes same-sex couples with jail time.

Am I the only one who thinks these people have completely lost their minds?
I was just at a middle school in downtown Seattle... it had a sign up that prohibited riding bicycles. And it had a bicycle rack.

And the flagpole had (right next to each other, under the US flag) a Palestinian flag and an LGBTQ flag. For those of you who don't know, Palestine still punishes same-sex couples with jail time.

Am I the only one who thinks these people have completely lost their minds?
I didn't realize it was possible to completely contradict yourself like that.