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Things that frustrate us all

How incredibly arrogant of you. I'm 39 and walk with a cane and experience pain in my back 24 / 7; the cane is because my legs were ravaged by blood clots brought on by Factor V Leiden, an inherited genetic condition that results in the body producing far too much of a particular clotting protein. My back pain is from a compression fracture at my T12 disc that was diagnosed while I was recovering from a fall. I'm also a type 2 diabetic, which is no surprise because every male member on the paternal side of my family, going back three generations, has been a type 2 diabetic.

So, no, I haven't been doing something wrong. My body has simply failed me.

Agreed. Some things, we simply have no control over.
Of course there are lots of situations where people are dealt a bad hand health wise, I should know having been a life long asthmatic and diagnosed with a blood cancer in my early 40s. But there are certainly, in my opinion, a sizable (no pun intended) portion (oops did it again) of the population who's health issues are self inflicted, eating too much, drinking, smoking, drugs, lack of activity and so on.

So its easy to offend when discussing health and looking after yourself because there are of course always those that cannot do anything about the way their health is.

Activity is one, I see our local school which the vast majority of children will attend from within the village but the traffic in the morning and afternoon is horrendous, and I know there are working parents who are spinning plates so dropping them off on the way to work is what they need to do but (and I'm sure I'm about to offend someone) the pyjama brigade are out in force parking cars over people's drives and generally causing traffic mayhem, when a little more time and walking the kids too and from school seems a good way to introduce some activity into both theirs and their kids routines.
Note to self keep your plans to yourself, especially if it involves money. Especially to your mom and grandfather, they will complain about you spending money.

I know my financial situation has gone downhill ever since I had furlough for months on end in the spring, and I still haven't recovered.

But I had some extra money and it had been months since I've been to the cinema and ate dinner with a friend, so I figured why not? But my mum and grandad were like you shouldn't have done that and that I spend to much money and such.

I'm sick and tired of having to answer for spending my own money, next year I turn 30, why am I still treated like a child? You know what, I'll just say I didn't do anything and I ate salad, that will please them.
why am I still treated like a child?
It's very frustrating and I do not share my financials with anyone as much as humanely possible.

But, the honest answer to the above question is that they know no other way to relate to you. For the first 18 years of your life you were a child, a dependent, and someone who had to rely upon others to make these decisions. You might be almost 30, but that's only 12 years of not being a child. No one really teaches parents how to relate to their children as adults.
Note to self keep your plans to yourself, especially if it involves money. Especially to your mom and grandfather, they will complain about you spending money.

I know my financial situation has gone downhill ever since I had furlough for months on end in the spring, and I still haven't recovered.

But I had some extra money and it had been months since I've been to the cinema and ate dinner with a friend, so I figured why not? But my mum and grandad were like you shouldn't have done that and that I spend to much money and such.

I'm sick and tired of having to answer for spending my own money, next year I turn 30, why am I still treated like a child? You know what, I'll just say I didn't do anything and I ate salad, that will please them.

Still learning that "note to self" lesson in many situations! Not learning it very well. You hope other people will be happy, understanding, proud, helpful, what have you...but they often aren't.
Sorry for the situation you are dealing with. I am happy you treated yourself!
What movie?
Still learning that "note to self" lesson in many situations! Not learning it very well. You hope other people will be happy, understanding, proud, helpful, what have you...but they often aren't.
Sorry for the situation you are dealing with. I am happy you treated yourself!
What movie?
The marvels.
From someone who just could might understand: Keep on Keepin' On!

A bit trite, but do it, anyway!!! :techman:
My wife and I have been experiencing a heavy amount of frustration due to financial stressors with the current project we are working on. Recently, it was so daunting that we both had near panic attacks about it. I stumbled upon a phrase from a Robert Frost poem that has stuck with me: the only way out is through.
So many scam ads on Facebook and they're obvious too. But enough people continue to fall for them and Facebook doesn't even care.

I used to be dead set in favor of the Swift/Kelce thing being a staged publicity stunt to boost sales of Chiefs tickets, Kelce jerseys, and "Eras" tickets (not that Taylor really needs that last part anyway :lol: ). Then I realized it doesn't matter.

If it iS fake, then it's irrelevant, because staged relationships have been a staple of the entertainment industry for a hundred years.

If it's real, then what the hell, leave them alone.
If it iS fake, then it's irrelevant, because staged relationships have been a staple of the entertainment industry for a hundred years.

If it's real, then what the hell, leave them alone.
This is one aspect of pop culture that never makes sense to me. It's the same dust up over Charles and Diana and all that. Why in the world should I care about someone else's relationship? They are not family, they are not friends. They are modern day royalty and upper class around whom people predicate their whole lives in their details while not actually knowing them.

Celebrity relationships as discussion fodder is bizarre. :eek::wtf::rolleyes:
Agreed, but when it's shoved in your face every minute of every day (it's hard to pick up a damn newspaper wtihout seeing more of this 'Swiftce' stuff) it's kind of hard to avoid.
I have a teenage daughter. I am familiar.

And my coping strategy is to nod along and ignore it. Because it's none of my damn business.
And let me just be clear, I have nothing against Taylor Swift herself. I'm not a fan by any means (there's like one song of hers that I like, and that's it) but she can do whatever she wants. I have no problem with that. It's her FANS that are the problem.

I mean, you say anything at all even remotely critical of Taylor on social media and these damn "Swifties" are all over you like a pack of dogs on a three-legged cat. In their minds, anything that's not love is hate, and must be punished accordingly. They tolerate no dissent whatosever - it's the ultimate mob mentality. If I posted this exact message on, say, Twitter, I'd be getting doxxed even as we speak. It's really kind of insane when you think about it.
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It's really kind of insane when you think about it.
Welcome to fandom.

Fandom is insane. It is completely baffling the way things consume people. Saw it with Michael Jackson, saw it with Marilyn Manson (among my family no less), and see it across multiple fandoms.

There is no logic to it.
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