Things that frustrate us all

Well, here's fireproof's monthly driving rant but this one drives me crazy.

I was driving through a small town on the way home and was going through a main street with on street pull in parking. And people were just pulling out of their parking spots without checking both ways for traffic or yielding to oncoming traffic, creating huge blocks as people try to drive down this street.

I couldn't believe it.

People not looking both ways or yielding to oncoming traffic while backing out is very much an every day thing in Miami. Those kind of people are morons.
Well, here's fireproof's monthly driving rant but this one drives me crazy.

I was driving through a small town on the way home and was going through a main street with on street pull in parking. And people were just pulling out of their parking spots without checking both ways for traffic or yielding to oncoming traffic, creating huge blocks as people try to drive down this street.

I couldn't believe it.

Then they shouldn't complain either when they get involved in an accident that way- it's just a shame they'd involve you in it, too. In my country, traffic rules stipulate that ongoing traffic on the road has priority over vehicles pulling out of their parking spots, and I would suppose that would be the case (nearly) everywhere.
Then they shouldn't complain either when they get involved in an accident that way- it's just a shame they'd involve you in it, too. In my country, traffic rules stipulate that ongoing traffic on the road has priority over vehicles pulling out of their parking spots, and I would suppose it's no different in the US.
It is not. You are not to impede the flow of traffic, which is why merging is an essential skill.

But backing up on to a street and assuming traffic will stop? What?
Place a Target order for in-store pickup. No one working that part of the store could help me because they were busy dealing with orders for the drive-up customers. One employee told me to get in line at customer service, which was lined up with a lot of people who wanted to do returns, exchanges and whatever. So I walked out to my car, switched my order to drive-up, parked in one of the designated spots and got my order immediately.
I'm uuuum yeah old. I'll be 60 in 4 years time which is a quite unsettling feeling.
I wish I could be 30 again, actually 33 was the best year of my life lots of really nice things happened.

Where did the time actually go?
This has been happening more and more frequently the last month or so.

Receiving political texts. "Join our rally for this candidate at this location!" "Look at what the other side is doing. Vote ours because it's so much better!" "We know what you're going through! Vote for this person, and I promise it will change!" (This last one especially irritates me, as every word of it false.)

Even replying 'stop' doesn't do anything. Just comes from a different number on the next round. Fucking irritating. Neither side is worthy of respect. Bug someone else.
This has been happening more and more frequently the last month or so.

Receiving political texts. "Join our rally for this candidate at this location!" "Look at what the other side is doing. Vote ours because it's so much better!" "We know what you're going through! Vote for this person, and I promise it will change!" (This last one especially irritates me, as every word of it false.)

Even replying 'stop' doesn't do anything. Just comes from a different number on the next round. Fucking irritating. Neither side is worthy of respect. Bug someone else.
I’m waiting for the bet: what candidate will die of old age first?
This has been happening more and more frequently the last month or so.

Receiving political texts. "Join our rally for this candidate at this location!" "Look at what the other side is doing. Vote ours because it's so much better!" "We know what you're going through! Vote for this person, and I promise it will change!" (This last one especially irritates me, as every word of it false.)

Even replying 'stop' doesn't do anything. Just comes from a different number on the next round. Fucking irritating. Neither side is worthy of respect. Bug someone else.
I'd take that over the constant scammers telling me a package as arrived at a USPS location and click this totally not a fraud website link to sign in and verify payment information.
I'd take that over the constant scammers telling me a package as arrived at a USPS location and click this totally not a fraud website link to sign in and verify payment information.
I also love when I get the emails about a problem with my recent Amazon order, even though our Amazon account is set to my mom's email and neither of us had ordered anything in weeks.
Aches and pains. I'm turning fourty soon and the last few months I've really been feeling the wear and tear.
Doing something wrong. I’m almost 50 with no wear and tear. 40 is the new 30.

How incredibly arrogant of you. I'm 39 and walk with a cane and experience pain in my back 24 / 7; the cane is because my legs were ravaged by blood clots brought on by Factor V Leiden, an inherited genetic condition that results in the body producing far too much of a particular clotting protein. My back pain is from a compression fracture at my T12 disc that was diagnosed while I was recovering from a fall. I'm also a type 2 diabetic, which is no surprise because every male member on the paternal side of my family, going back three generations, has been a type 2 diabetic.

So, no, I haven't been doing something wrong. My body has simply failed me.