Things that frustrate us all

Is it a percentage of max heart rate or something like that?

There are calculations for it. It’s optimal to mostly train in zone 2 for general fitness.

My goal is to outlive my neighbors, rather than buy as much stuff. I’d rather be a fit, active 60+ year old while they deal with cascading health problems.
I'm older than you (55) and haven't treated myself well for a long time, so for me this is about getting healthier now, while I'm still relatively young, so as to try and reverse what I've already done and do better in the future.
I'm older than you (55) and haven't treated myself well for a long time, so for me this is about getting healthier now, while I'm still relatively young, so as to try and reverse what I've already done and do better in the future.
I’m trying to keep up with my 60+ friends. One has done rim to rim of the Grand Canyon since 40.
It’s much cheaper to keep up with the Joneses when it’s health, rather than stuff.
I’d like to be an active 80 year old.
I think I mentioned the dogs that are chase after me in one of the neighborhoods where I ride my bike, and now they've got two more dogs that have joined in on the fun. :mad::scream: I still haven't called animal control/the cops yet, but I think it might be time too. I have to go full speed up the street to keep their teeth out of my legs, and I'm getting to be afraid that one of the days I'm end up riding out in front of a car or horse, this is the neighborhood with the riding club, and someone is going to get hurt. I also saw the dogs today almost get hit my a pickup pulling a horse trailer, luckily the truck wasn't going very fast when they ran in front of it.
I think I mentioned the dogs that are chase after me in one of the neighborhoods where I ride my bike, and now they've got two more dogs that have joined in on the fun. :mad::scream: I still haven't called animal control/the cops yet, but I think it might be time too. I have to go full speed up the street to keep their teeth out of my legs, and I'm getting to be afraid that one of the days I'm end up riding out in front of a car or horse, this is the neighborhood with the riding club, and someone is going to get hurt. I also saw the dogs today almost get hit my a pickup pulling a horse trailer, luckily the truck wasn't going very fast when they ran in front of it.
Time to take up mountain biking.
No thanks, I like a nice easy ride, and it would mean giving up visiting the horses.
Dear Heather Reisman,

OK, I love your store, you know I do. But please, get out of here with your holiday note on November 1. The Halloween decorations haven't even been put away yet. I'm still in the middle of the leftover candy sugar rush! Please send your holiday wishes in December, like a normal CEO.

Thank you.
I didn't know 55 was still young?
I'm 53 soon and still feel young.

I reckon a lot depends how you look after yourself and your outlook on life.

I've always done plenty of excercise, not body building but cardio and I reckon my body health wise is 'younger' than a lot of mid 30 year olds, especially considering the amount of people in the UK who are very overweight.

I do know I definitely have a younger approach to life than when my parents were my age. Probably even more than when they turned 40.
Dear Heather Reisman,

OK, I love your store, you know I do. But please, get out of here with your holiday note on November 1. The Halloween decorations haven't even been put away yet. I'm still in the middle of the leftover candy sugar rush! Please send your holiday wishes in December, like a normal CEO.

Thank you.
Unfortunately, where the money is at us Christmas now. In the USA Christmas decorations sales are already up 100% over last year.
And here I've been panicking about 40 which turn in 2025.
I'm rp next year. Still play with my kids, did dodge ball, basketball and working on a house. I might hurt, I might take a little longer to recover but I'm still going all in.

40? Pfft. I'm still doing things I never thought I would be doing when I was 20.