Things that frustrate us all

Not turning 30
You’re doomed. Basically, all of the bad stuff that you did to your body in your 20s will hit you in your 30s. Each decade pays forward the next one. There is like this delay, where your body holds off on punishment.

Then it gets worse. Your vision goes in your 40s. Your metabolism goes in your 50s. The later is a weird one. You need to consume less calories for the same energy at 50+ than less than 50. This is why a lot of guys blow up.
There is also the biological clock. It totally freaks out some folk.
it does yes, bothers my wife more. But I genuinely have no fear of getting old or dying.

The way I see it is the odds on us all having a life are that astronomical you couldn't even measure it, if that asteroid that killed the dinosaurs had been 10 seconds earlier or later it might have missed and life on earth would have been totally different, plus the sequence of events that led to your parents meeting and theirs and theirs and so on, and my mum and dad doing the deed at that time and so and so on, life is a gift we should be so grateful for and accept it's not infinite.

My only regret if I could look back when I was dead would be if my life had ended prematurely, at the hands of someone or an accident or war, basically as a result of someone else's actions.
You’re doomed. Basically, all of the bad stuff that you did to your body in your 20s will hit you in your 30s. Each decade pays forward the next one. There is like this delay, where your body holds off on punishment.

Then it gets worse. Your vision goes in your 40s. Your metabolism goes in your 50s. The later is a weird one. You need to consume less calories for the same energy at 50+ than less than 50. This is why a lot of guys blow up.
I agree that when you are young you think you are invincible and don't maybe take the same care you might if you could do it again
it does yes, bothers my wife more. But I genuinely have no fear of getting old or dying.

The way I see it is the odds on us all having a life are that astronomical you couldn't even measure it, if that asteroid that killed the dinosaurs had been 10 seconds earlier or later it might have missed and life on earth would have been totally different, plus the sequence of events that led to your parents meeting and theirs and theirs and so on, and my mum and dad doing the deed at that time and so and so on, life is a gift we should be so grateful for and accept it's not infinite.

My only regret if I could look back when I was dead would be if my life had ended prematurely, at the hands of someone or an accident or war, basically as a result of someone else's actions.
Some home school lit puts humans and dinosaurs together. Blows my mind.
Some home school lit puts humans and dinosaurs together. Blows my mind.
ha, I had to try and explain to my 50 something sister in law cavemen and dinosaurs didn't live at the same time, while trying to also explain that the megalodon doesn't still roam through our oceans
Saw an obvious fake ad on Facebook and decided to investigate it. Turns out this fraud site is pretending to be a legitimate store. The store knows about this and has been trying unsuccessfully to get the ads to stop. Facebook will advertise anything as long as they're getting paid.
Saw an obvious fake ad on Facebook and decided to investigate it. Turns out this fraud site is pretending to be a legitimate store. The store knows about this and has been trying unsuccessfully to get the ads to stop. Facebook will advertise anything as long as they're getting paid.
Facebook is the devil.
ha, I had to try and explain to my 50 something sister in law cavemen and dinosaurs didn't live at the same time, while trying to also explain that the megalodon doesn't still roam through our oceans

As I have mentioned before, I had to maneuver the intricacies of teaching a girl whose family Honest To Kahless believed that the earth is flat.
It takes all kinds to make a planet…
ha, I had to try and explain to my 50 something sister in law cavemen and dinosaurs didn't live at the same time, while trying to also explain that the megalodon doesn't still roam through our oceans

No, but I saw it in a couple of movies!
It was there!
As I have mentioned before, I had to maneuver the intricacies of teaching a girl whose family Honest To Kahless believed that the earth is flat.
It takes all kinds to make a planet…
At some point the flat Earth guy will say it was for the lols.
At some point the flat Earth guy will say it was for the lols.

if only…
No, it was a Real Thing. Both Curriculum and Administration had to get involved. The family left the school the next year. It was really something, and a hell of a Teaching challenge. I actually felt bad for my student…
Well, here's fireproof's monthly driving rant but this one drives me crazy.

I was driving through a small town on the way home and was going through a main street with on street pull in parking. And people were just pulling out of their parking spots without checking both ways for traffic or yielding to oncoming traffic, creating huge blocks as people try to drive down this street.

I couldn't believe it.