Things that frustrate us all

Earth's population is close to 8 billion.

Yeah I meant 6 billion sorry, you're right though after a quick check it's 8 billion, that's still almost 10 billion per human, plus how many of those aren't in a position to buy meat from supermarkets etc?
First, your math is definitely wrong. At most, it's 10 per human, not 10 billion per human. (70 billion divided by 8 billion is 8.75.)

Second, I think that 70 billion a year number is highly inflated. Simply because if that number were really accurate, cows, chickens, fish, etc. would all have become extinct by now.

I can see 70 billion after a decade, but that number in a single year? I've seen people fluff numbers to make their case before. Whatever place you got this number, it sure looks like it falls under this category.
World Economic Forum, 2019

An estimated 50 billion chickens are slaughtered for food every year – a figure that excludes male chicks and unproductive hens killed in egg production..

Nearly 1.5 billion pigs are killed to feed the growing appetite for pork, bacon, ham and sausages – a number that has tripled in the last 50 years.

Half a billion sheep are taken to the abattoir every year. The number of goats slaughtered overtook the number of cows eaten during the 1990s, although the figure for cattle excludes the dairy industry.

When it comes to seafood, the number of individual fish and shellfish is almost impossible to calculate. One hundred and fifty million tonnes of seafood were produced for human consumption in 2016 – nearly half from aquaculture (for example trout or shrimp farms) rather than caught in fisheries.
First, your math is definitely wrong. At most, it's 10 per human, not 10 billion per human. (70 billion divided by 8 billion is 8.75.)

what a jackass it’s been a long day..
Second, I think that 70 billion a year number is highly inflated. Simply because if that number were really accurate, cows, chickens, fish, etc. would all have become extinct by now.

I can see 70 billion after a decade, but that number in a single year? I've seen people fluff numbers to make their case before. Whatever place you got this number, it sure looks like it falls under this category.

What a jackass it’s been a long day.
World Economic Forum, 2019

An estimated 50 billion chickens are slaughtered for food every year – a figure that excludes male chicks and unproductive hens killed in egg production..

Nearly 1.5 billion pigs are killed to feed the growing appetite for pork, bacon, ham and sausages – a number that has tripled in the last 50 years.

Half a billion sheep are taken to the abattoir every year. The number of goats slaughtered overtook the number of cows eaten during the 1990s, although the figure for cattle excludes the dairy industry.

When it comes to seafood, the number of individual fish and shellfish is almost impossible to calculate. One hundred and fifty million tonnes of seafood were produced for human consumption in 2016 – nearly half from aquaculture (for example trout or shrimp farms) rather than caught in fisheries.

Interesting. I didn't realize the number could be that high because I figured going through that many animals in a single year would cause extinction. They must be breeding them far more often than I thought.
I wasn't trying to be one. I just deal with numbers A LOT at work, and it's basically a reflex to fix math issues. Especially when numbers are being used to make a point about something.

But if I came across that way, my apologies.

Not at all, I meant me for getting my maths that wrong.
Apparently something like 70 billion animals are killed a year to meet our needs, a truly horrible figure - especially when the Earths human population is something 6 million, so more than 10 billion per person???

The only animal killings that bother me are the ones that are unnecessarily cruel and the ones for animals intelligent enough to make a case for being sapient like apes, dolphins, whales.

(And killing of endangered species for sport).

So I do try to get my meat from free range animals when possible.
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What a jackass it’s been a long day.

Infraction for flaming. Comments to PM.

I wasn't trying to be one. I just deal with numbers A LOT at work, and it's basically a reflex to fix math issues. Especially when numbers are being used to make a point about something.

But if I came across that way, my apologies.
Not at all, I meant me for getting my maths that wrong.

It seems I got caught by a combination of vague wording, and the difficulty of reading tone online. Through follow-up, it appears that @ED-209 only intended his comment to be self-directed, not directed at another poster. In light of this, I am rescinding the infraction for flaming. Any comments related to this, please send via PM.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I saw post on IG a while back that said either 10,000 or 100,000 to feed one person in their life time. I know there's a big difference between those numbers, but I can't remember where I saw it, so I can't confirm which it was.
Interesting. I didn't realize the number could be that high because I figured going through that many animals in a single year would cause extinction. They must be breeding them far more often than I thought.
There's a new huge multistory pig breeding facility that they're building in China that's going to be breeding and killing thousands of pigs a year.
The only animal killings that bother me are the ones that are unnecessarily cruel
That would be all of them.
and the ones for animals intelligent enough to make a case for being sapient like apes, dolphins, whales.
You'd be amazed how smart, pigs, cow, goats, horses, chickens, ect. are.

(And killing of endangered species for sport).
Just endangered animals?
So I do try to get my meat from free range animals when possible.
This is a nice idea, but it's not always clear how "free range" the animals really are.
Yeah, I'm 100% sure, but I think with chickens, it can say cage free even if they are only outside of a cage for a short time.
Like the bag full of what are obviously peanuts, and there's a warning sign that says MAY CONTAIN NUTS. Well, fucking DUH! :guffaw:
I love the use of "May" on that label, like they are hedging their bets that it might not. Like the shoe box I had a my old job that said "Average Contents: 2" like every once in a while there was a shoe box with only one or possibly three shoes in there. Is that common?
You want to talk absurd....go anywhere in California and say hello to Proposition 65.

Apparently every single substance and physical object in the entire state is known to cause cancer or other reproductive harm. :guffaw:
I use to work for a California based company. Because all our products could be shipped to a CA store at any time we had to label them after the fact as necessary with newer products. And I had to answer many questions from concerned customers about these labels. Very frustrating.
I use to work for a California based company. Because all our products could be shipped to a CA store at any time we had to label them after the fact as necessary with newer products. And I had to answer many questions from concerned customers about these labels. Very frustrating.
Good intentions gone bad.