Things that frustrate us all


Vice Admiral

Surely you had an argh!-moment, too, today. Share and vent with us! :D

In the market I encountered 3 people with eye-searing awfully neon coloured sports shoes within 20 seconds. (Plus an ad for said shoes here on the BBS just now.) I think I'll have to make an appointment with my eye-doc as that colour almost rendered me blind.
Is this the newest fashion? (Nooo! Please!!!!) It's almost worse than those horrible baggy pants.
Re: aaargh!!

Saw so many spammers on a forum I'm on recently that it's made me want to hit my pillow :scream:. I don't mind them as much as people who try to childishly come on the same forum under alt accounts to harass others though. That's even worse imo.
Re: aaargh!!

Wednesday morning some guy bumped into me seemingly intentionally, then yelled at me for bumping into him.

eta: I think "Having a bad day?" would be a better title. ;)
Re: aaargh!!

We got a call from one of our members who asked if she could be reimbursed the fee she paid to a dentist who performed a vasectomy on her 11-year-old son. I explained what a vasectomy is. Turned out to be a frenectomy. Not the same thing. :rommie:
Re: aaargh!!

Having a little "aarghhh" of my not need a vasectomy or frenectomy, but I sure could use a "lapectomy"...seems I have snuck on a few pounds...
Re: aaargh!!

welcome to the club :D at 91 kilos /182 lbs I'm a bit "equatorially challenged" myself atm.

I guess to a certain extent it's age related. Humans tend to put on a few pounds a year and it sums up after a while. It comes very handy when you get cancer, though. Plump people have a far higher chance to survive cancer and chemo than thin people do. We have more energy reserve.
(With atm the 5th cancer case in the family chances are good that I'll need my extra pounds in the next 2 or 3 decades)
Re: aaargh!!

Blah blah port 1433 blah blah SQL blah blah firewall blah blah Management Studio blah blah connectivity blah blah SSIS yada yada end-to-end.

None of the meaning has been lost (to most of you.)
Re: aaargh!!

I had to pick between three different kinds of breakfast cereal today! Then I had to decide between FOUR (count 'em) FOUR different types of lunch meat.
Then because my Brita filter needs to be changed, I had to drink perfectly safe water out of my kitchen tap... Oh because I forgot to change the battery in my AC controller, when I woke up my house was TWO WHOLE degrees hotter than I usually keep it!

It is hard being me.
Re: aaargh!!

There's this thread on TrekBBS about innocuous problems. In it, people seem to be suffering the innocuous problem of other people having a thread about innocuous problems. However will people survive this thread? The trial! The tribulation! The crucible!
Re: aaargh!!

There's this thread on TrekBBS about innocuous problems. In it, people seem to be suffering the innocuous problem of other people having a thread about innocuous problems. However will people survive this thread? The trial! The tribulation! The crucible!

This is actually funny, which sucks. Why do you have to be funny?
Ruined my day.
Re: aaargh!!

I'm the kind of guy who would sit in the greasy spoon and think "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the big rack of Barbecued spare ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I *want* high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese alright? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinatti in a non-smoking section. I wanna run around naked with green jell-o all over my body reading a Playboy magazine. Why? Because maybe I feel the need to, okay, pal?
Re: aaargh!!

i was gonna make a samich...but there was no bread!!11!
Re: aaargh!!

To try to be an actual contributor:

I wanted to buy a TV. I had the money saved, picked out the one I wanted, waited for it to be on sale, "clipped" the electronic coupon, and went to the store to buy the TV. I was very excited. The store didn't have any. The department manager said he would have some two days later, but advised me I could purchase it online. I explained I did not want to wait 5-7 days for it to arrive, OR pay more for faster shipping. I came back two days later, and they STILL didn't have the TV. So I called another location of the chain, and as I was driving there I called the electronics department. They didn't have any EITHER, but the manager oh so helpfully suggested I buy it online. I asked him if online was so awesome, why the H.E. Double toothpicks did they have a physical location that purported to sell merchandise? So I called a competing store, they gave it to me for the discounted and couponed price, and I picked up that day.

Re: aaargh!!

We got a call from one of our members who asked if she could be reimbursed the fee she paid to a dentist who performed a vasectomy on her 11-year-old son. I explained what a vasectomy is. Turned out to be a frenectomy. Not the same thing. :rommie:
"Look Lady, if you took your 11 Year Old son to a Dentist and had a Vasectomy performed, that's on you"
Re: aaargh!!

We got a call from one of our members who asked if she could be reimbursed the fee she paid to a dentist who performed a vasectomy on her 11-year-old son. I explained what a vasectomy is. Turned out to be a frenectomy. Not the same thing. :rommie:
"Look Lady, if you took your 11 Year Old son to a Dentist and had a Vasectomy performed, that's on you"

Seriously! Vets are way cheaper...
Re: aaargh!!

It's the 4th day of the month, and I already know I don't have enough money left to last 29 days. And the deposit was yesterday.