Spoilers They should have named it the —-

But Starfleet wasn’t planning on making a G. That only happened later.
The -F was being decommissioned, so they were probably already drawing up the plans for a -G.

I wonder what it was going to be before the Titan saved the day.
I've seen some people say, well it was the crew of the Enterprise D that saved the day, not just Picard. Which is fair but I'm still inclined to agree with you, USS Picard fits better.
Starfleet is always building ships. Certainly one of them could have been 1701-_.

Eta: why not simplify: every ship is Enterprise 1701-some letter, and they can switch to multiple letters after they get to Z.
Initially while watching the Episode, I really felt like it was an honour to the Titan to be renamed Enterprise, but I quickly realized that it can also be viewed as a slight.

After reading the reports that the Titan was initially supposed to be renamed the Picard, in retrospect, yes at the time when they filmed the "names are everything" line, she likely was the Picard.

I mean Picard certainly deserves to have a ship named after him, but there are also others. You could have named her the La Forge, since without Geordi spending 20 years to restore the Enterprise-D, the day would have been lost. Or the U.S.S. Spacedock (or whomever the CEO is) since they were holding the line for..... what, several hours?
Eta: why not simplify: every ship is Enterprise 1701-some letter, and they can switch to multiple letters after they get to Z.


If Star Trek Legacy happens, then I'm OK with the renaming. Branding make sense. If it doesn't happen, if was an odd choice.

The Titan was described by Matalas as an "underdog" ship. Cleary not top of the line. But a modern shop nonetheless. Mid tier perhaps. Like a mid tier Samsung galaxy phone.
I think Picard would do as well. They can even just call it season 4!
I mean Picard certainly deserves to have a ship named after him, but there are also others. You could have named her the La Forge, since without Geordi spending 20 years to restore the Enterprise-D, the day would have been lost.
Ships usually aren't named after people who are still living. Although, I guess in Picard's case he is technically dead.