Spoilers They should have named it the —-


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
I’m not unhappy with Titan becoming the Enterprise-G, but if they had to rename her would have preferred to see them make her the USS Picard.

More fitting given his contributions and the situation. JLP would have the same, amazingly well acted, reaction. Picard’s friends and son on the bridge. Lets him inaugurate with a bottle from the vineyard.

And thematically goes really well with the show - provides a double meaning that it’s about the man and the inauguration of a starship legacy. First time we’ve had one of those in foreground (not an easter egg display). And would immediately draw Q’s attention.

Best yet: Doesn’t forestall future uses for Enterprise.

Terry you did great! But I’d prefer this outcome.
According to some sources, the original plan was to rename the Titan USS Picard, but someone overruled and said it had to be the Enterprise G for some reason.

Of course, the renaming seems silly anyway. The ship just played a part in saving the Federation and the reward is to get rebranded with a whole new name? That doesn't sound like much of a reward.
Even the dialogue sounded like it was going to be the USS Picard. Beverly says something like “they renamed it in your honour” which to me seemed to imply they had named it after him. Sure Picard is a famous Enterprise captain, but so is Kirk, so I’d have thought they’d have used his name rather than the name of two of the ships he captained.

In fact, maybe Picard would have preferred Stargazer? He always seemed rather fond of her even though both his Enterprises were bigger and better.

That said, it’s an interesting change of pace for the Enterprise not to be the latest and greatest ship in the fleet like the Stargazer.
I’m curious as to whether when they shot that scene had they decided on the name of the ship that they’re reacting to.

Stewart’s reaction almost seems like maybe at the time it was going to be the USS Picard.
If they wanted a new Enterprise so damn bad, they could have just made it the Enterprise-F from the get-go instead of the Titan-A, and not shown that completely unnecessary STO Odyssey class.

I guess it was a courtesy to all the STO players to finally canonize the Odyssey class Enterprise F.
At least we can now hope, that the G's lifespan will be a little bit longer. There aren’t too many letters left in the alphabet left until the Enterprise J, which is at least 100 years away from Picard season 3…

We renamed it the USS Shelby
It is also kind of disrespectful towards the Captain and crew of the Titan, who actually died while trying to save earth and Starfleet. The name of their ship shouldn’t be forgotten.

The Enterprise is usually the flagship of the fleet, quite asinine to grant the name to an outdated model..
It is also kind of disrespectful towards the Captain and crew of the Titan, who actually died while trying to save earth and Starfleet. The name of their ship shouldn’t be forgotten.

The Enterprise is usually the flagship of the fleet, quite asinine to grant the name to an outdated model..
Matalas mentioned there might be a Titan-B

I wonder what happened to it. It’s not like anyone even bothered to say. Did it get destroyed? Did it remain in service for the rest of the year? Was it immediately decommissioned like the display said, even though decommissioning it early served absolutely no story plot point whatsoever?

Matalas mentioned there might be a Titan-B

Hey, maybe they’ll rename the Enterprise-F to the Titan-B.

Terry Matalas said:
Sorry. We just wanted to honor STO fans. We could’ve easily not included it. Maybe that would’ve been the better call and just used the E. But you can’t please everyone. I’m sure she will live on in other ways/stories.

Yes, Terry. That would have been better. You don’t need to pander to the .01% of Star Trek fans who play STO.
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There was *a* severely damaged Odyssey seen on screen but we don't know for sure it was the Enterprise.
If Star Trek Legacy happens, then I'm OK with the renaming. Branding make sense. If it doesn't happen, if was an odd choice.

The Titan was described by Matalas as an "underdog" ship. Cleary not top of the line. But a modern shop nonetheless. Mid tier perhaps. Like a mid tier Samsung galaxy phone.