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Oh? The ENTERPRISE in SNW is 1448 feet long? Is that stated somewhere? Has anyone developed blueprints yet?

It's 442m long, which is pretty much exactly 1450 feet. The ship dimensions are given on the SNW Enterprise's bridge dedication plaque.

I don't know if we have seen the dedication plaque clearly on screen. What we have seen clearly on screen was in the opening of Discovery season 2.


From the episode in 720p (you can read the dimensions of the warp nacelle).

And behind the scenes where you can see the whole thing...


All the dimensions and most of the rest was lifted directly from the FJ Tech Manual (the dates are the ones set during the Berman years by the Okudas). You can also see John Eaves original intended design before they altered it.

This is one of those cases where they have established in canon the size of the ship, yet the FX do not match and and we see the dedication plaque does not match. So Which do you chose? Frankly, in Discovery and SNW I'd completely ignore this and go with the Dedication plaque numbers. Yet this is what we can clearly see on screen. The length of the warp Nacelle is 153.6 meters and the diameter is 17.3. And yet the image is wrong. Even the crew size is wrong according to the dialog. And the numbers don't even fit the image. Alas, the Discovery team failed on this major continuity point.
What is stated on screen.
When they have conflicting data on screen?

Anyway, I can understand the urge to change the size of the ship to match the sets (I prefer to do the oppostite). I am looking forward to seeing how this project pans out. So much good work and so much more effort than I have time for.
When they have conflicting data on screen?

Anyway, I can understand the urge to change the size of the ship to match the sets (I prefer to do the oppostite). I am looking forward to seeing how this project pans out. So much good work and so much more effort than I have time for.
Data always conflicts so I usually work with an average between the two. Generally, I will go with what is spoken vs. what is written largely because one if definitely heard, while the other may not be seen. And finally, I don't rely on visual effects as much because those can change, due to a variety of factors.
Yes, I can clearly see the width of the ship as 127.1 meters which is the same size as the ENTERPRISE from TOS.
I've been laughing since I first found out about that. Good data for me (since I refuse to enlarge the exterior) but it clearly doesn't fit Eaves design or the visual FX of the series.
Geez, I’d never seen that plaque before. The beam (width) of the SNW Enterprise is 70% of the length of the unscaled Constitution class!

Jim, with your permission I’d like to use your blueprints to revise some of the visible interior details on my C4D Enterprise and Constellation… any objections?
Jim, with your permission I’d like to use your blueprints to revise some of the visible interior details on my C4D Enterprise and Constellation… any objections?
I have not seen your C4D ENTERPRISE or CONSTELLATION. What does "C4D" mean? I'd like to see what others have done to try to make what we see onscreen fit in the ship.
Technically all we have is the nacelle dimension visible in the episode that is connected to a different version of the Disco Enterprise seen in the same episode and NONE of the other dimensions visible. It reminds me of TOS having the "Pre-Pike" Enterprise diagram in "The Enterprise Incident". So technically there is no in-universe discrepancy. The SNW Enterprise does not need to be tied to that smaller dimension since it's another version of the Enterprise. YMMV :)

I have not seen your C4D ENTERPRISE or CONSTELLATION. What does "C4D" mean? I'd like to see what others have done to try to make what we see onscreen fit in the ship.

C4D = Cinema 4D
@blssdwlf is correct, Cinema 4D. A few
months ago I ran into an insurmountable blockade with the OctaneRender plugin for LightWave. Since Newtek has essentially killed LightWave and OTOY is no longer updating the Octane LightWave plugin, I’ve reluctantly started transferring my LW assets over to C4D, including my shuttlecraft, planet killer, and Enterprise / Constellation models.
OH! I remember seeing that first comparison image on Facebook. This is your work? Outstanding! Pleased to meet you. Thanks for the entire document; I never saw any of the other images or any of the text that walks us through your process.
Thank you!
Thanks, it was fun looking at my favourite ship design, and also very pleased to meet you as someone else who has tackled this design in a meaningful technical way also regarding its size, which never bother me until I saw it in 3d.

Technically all we have is the nacelle dimension visible in the episode that is connected to a different version of the Disco Enterprise seen in the same episode and NONE of the other dimensions visible. It reminds me of TOS having the "Pre-Pike" Enterprise diagram in "The Enterprise Incident". So technically there is no in-universe discrepancy. The SNW Enterprise does not need to be tied to that smaller dimension since it's another version of the Enterprise. YMMV :)
Yes it is just the two dimensions (length and diameter of the nacelle, but from that you can calculate the size of the rest of the ship based on the drawings. When you can instantly recognize the source of the dimension, you don't even really have to calculate it.

But like I said, for Discovery and SNW, that display is in error. It does not match the CG visuals we see of the ship (straight pylons vs. angled) or the apparent scale of the CG work. But it is the first time to my knowledge that a specific and readable dimension of the NCC-1701 has appeared on screen. The next closest was in The Enterprise Incident where the drawing appeared with a scale and that same drawing was also in several printed sources at the same time making an accurate scaling possible. I just find it hilarious that it appeared in a series that has very specifically upscaled and redesigned the ship and when you see the entire screen, it is even more hilarious. I think technically that data may have appeared on screen before since those pages of the Tech Manual were used in various displays in Star Trek II and III, but the only thing large enough to be readable in that instance was the registry.

I'm far more interested in this project which is a more modest upscaling than the SNW plaque has, and how the space will be utilized. One of the things that many forget is that the complement of the Enterprise under Pike was 203. That has been doubled down by Burnham's dialog in Discovery (repeated from The Cage/The Menagerie). Under Kirk it was increased to 430. The original 947 dimension is very spacious for 203 people and fairly spacious for 430. I imagine the equipment was bulkier and some updates opened some space. But the larger scale has more space for sensors and cargo. As we have seen, SNW is imagining a great deal of hollow space (the turboshaft scenes) which I think is unrealistic.

And has anyone tried to scale Doug Drexler's cutaway?

In a slightly different format (looks like a wireframe version) it appeared on screen.
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