The Next Voyager Novel

Kirsten Beyer

Red Shirt
Hello friends,

Well...the contracts are signed so I guess there's no turning back now.

So here's the official announcement that I am writing the next Voyager novel. It is entitled The Eternal Tide and is set for release in September of 2012.

The story will pick up shortly after the end of Children of the Storm and will resolve two of the biggest ongoing story threads in the continuing Voyager saga.

Which two, you ask?

We'll talk this time next year.

Kirsten Beyer
Great news! So far I enjoyed all your works (Haven't read Children of the Storm yet) and have the upmost confidence, that this one is goin to kick ass once again :)
Anything other than Voyager in the works? I really hope that one day you get the chance, to resurrect that corpse called ENT-Relaunch which is in my opinion in an equally disastrous situation as was the VOY-Relaunch, before you took over.
Great news - haven't read CotS yet, it's in my pile.

If my self control is up to it I might wait a while and pace myself - Sept 2012 seems a long way off !
Congrats Kirsten,

I'm just now catching up on all the relaunch series. I read the Christie Golden Voyager novels but haven't read any of yours yet. I'm working my way there though and all the praise I hear has me very anxious to get there. I'm glad to hear there will be more coming.

- Byron
Fantastic! I've loved all your previous Voyager books, and am eagerly awaiting The Eternal Tide!
I'm adding fantastic sprinkles to the awesome sauce, and drizzling it over yummy goodness.

With Vanguard all but over, and no news on the next Titan novel, the Voyager relaunch is the place to be, thanks to you, Kirsten. I am so looking forward to The Eternal Tide.
While we've heard the whispers, rumors and hints that another book was in the works, it's awesome to get the confirmation. Kirsten, you have worked wonders with the VOY relaunch novels. I don't think I have ever been more interested in these characters than I am after reading your novels (Full Circle, Unworthy and Children of the Storm). I'm thrilled to hear that you will be continuing the VOY story. I honestly can't think of anyone better suited to write them than you.
Kirsten - hving been HUGELY impressed with how you dealt with the lacklustre Voyager situation and covered such a lot of ground with Full Circle, have you considered pitching something filling in the gaps and bringing DS9 up to date ?

I'd love you to do it - you've turned probably my least favourite Trek shows into one of my favourite book series. I'm sure you would do brilliantly with DS9 !
This is great news.

Congratulations, Kirsten; I hope there are many more after this one, too! :)

(So: Blind Man's Bluff reprint, Rings of Time, That Which Divides, Storming Heaven, Forgotten History, DRG's duology, Mack's trilogy, and The Eternal Tide. That leaves one more, next year. Any guesses?)
New Voyager book? Good news.
New Voyager book by Kirsten Beyer? Great news.
New Voyager book by Kirsten Beyer that moves the story along (ala Vanguard) rather than drag it out (ala Lost)? The greatest news possible!

Can't wait.