The new ban/warning utility.

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Excellent initiative I must say, but are you still in the process of debugging it???...

"Resistance is and always has been... Futile." -Locutus of Borg, Star Trek: Armada
Looks good, but geepers creepers, whats the delete a warning link for.........
Question: How do you access it without going through this page. Are you going to add a link to the profile page, to the main board, or what?
Originally posted by DrWho:
I won't use Netscape 6, they both suck in various aspects that I don't wish to compromise in.

Hmmmm, what's wrong with 6.1? From everything I've heard, it's a solid offering....not saying it is, I just don't know.

As for it not working, I believe it's because I'm using include files to display the pages...I'll see what I can do.

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
Originally posted by DrWho:
Thanks label!

No problem.....try the main page now....see if that works for you. If it does, I'll know how to fix the rest of it.

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
Originally posted by Indi:
Looks good, but geepers creepers, whats the delete a warning link for.........

You've notice the quixotic nature of making appeals too, heh?

"In all fighting, the direct method may be used for
joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to
secure victory." -- Sun Tzu
label: No problem.....try the main page now....see if that works for you.

Interesting....that didn't work. Well, let me go through the code and see if it's missing a "/" somewhere, Netscape is notoriously easy to break if the code's not "just right"

I'll look at it tonight when I get home.

In the meantime, if you could go to the page and do a "View Source" and cut and paste what code your recieveing to me in an email that might help.

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
try now please

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
Nobody has answered my question yet.

RobL----> Super Hombres in Trouble: A contributing member

SPAM----> It does a body good.
Originally posted by RobL:
Question: How do you access it without going through this page. Are you going to add a link to the profile page, to the main board, or what?

It's my belief that Christian will be adding the link to one of the sidebars or perhaps below the New Post/Reply buttons...I really don't know where he'll put the link.

Also, here's the link that takes one straight to the Warnings Report page.

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
Originally posted by label:
try now please

Good job label. I don't know if it works for DrWho but it works for my poor little Netscape now.

Correction: The front page works, but I can't view the actual ban/warnings list.

[This message has been edited by Hope (edited May 30, 2001).]
It's getting there label! But as Hope says the actual ban/warning lists don't display after clicking from the main page. I'll send you the source. Thanks for putting in the effort, it's much appreciated.
Try it again al.

I believe I've found the culprit.

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
Woo hoo! It works! There are some differences though (compared with IE). For instance, under the “User Name” heading, a thickish white line appears in IE, but not in NS. Also in the ban list, the blank (dark blue) square next to Quacker appears black (looks like a hole) in NS.

Question. Why does it say “Delete a Warning for a User” in the ban list header?

Anyway, thanks label.
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