The new ban/warning utility.

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Vice Admiral
Fellow BBS members...

A few weeks ago I agreed to a new change in our policy regarding warnings. Limits on their probation. I found this to be an excellent idea, and realized there was much support as I'd noticed before this last suggestion.

What I planned was to take this under my wing and come up with a solution. The solution was updates every month on warnings as someone else suggested as well, and combine that with the new warning probation policy.

Now, enough of the politician talk.

I'm a bit old-fashioned and thought the best solution was to log all the information in myself, and keep track of the paperwork. Well, one thing I failed to realize is the fact there are damn well educated and resourceful people around here too. Our good Moderator label has come up with a fantastic little database that does all this without all the typewriter obsolete work! With this new utility, you all will be able to look yourself and keep track of your warnings and bans. There will be no need for a monthly update since this will eventually be updated itself, and all warnings/bans will be input to this directly.

I invite you all to have a look! Bear in mind though, we're still performing a bit of debugging, and not al the current warnings and bans are input there yet. That will take a few more days as I'm doing a few at a time going back, and all the new ones will probably be done by the Moderator or Admin.

Well, have a look, and congratulate label for all his effort!
I'm sure you guys worked really hard an' all and I'd really love to congratulate y'all, but I cannot. Why? Coz all I get is a black page with the title "Warnings/Bans" and nothing else! How hard can it be to come up with a blank page!

[This message has been edited by DrWho (edited May 28, 2001).]
Maybe it's that piece of crap you call a browser...did you try the Evil Empire's Explorer?
First of all, Thank you.

Second of all, losers...err.....people like Dr.Who not using Internet Explorer may experience issues temporarily until I make this cross-platform compatible.

I have tested this application however in Netscape 6.0 and I.E. 5.0 & 5.5 with no real issues so those of you using an older version of Netscape may wish to join the 21rst century and upgrade to 6.0

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"
That looks neat. btw thanks for removing me, you finally realized I didn't deserve no warnings after all.
Originally posted by Lightning:
This will make our job much easier!

Thanks label!

C'mon Lightning. Have you even thought about handing out a warning yet?

"In all fighting, the direct method may be used for
joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to
secure victory." -- Sun Tzu
Ok, as far as I can tell, I've fixed all the incompatibility issues with Netscape 6.00

If anyone has any other issues, please email me with your problem and browser specs at:


Also, you may view the warning page directly by going here:

"I live in fear of my next anxiety attack"

"If you can't read and would like to learn call 555-7989"

[This message has been edited by label (edited May 28, 2001).]
Certainly a class act label. We should put a link to it over on the right under Today's Topics.

BTW Shortly after he got his position, I was teasing Lighting as the only mod who would be giving warnings for one member calling another a "cheater".

"In all fighting, the direct method may be used for
joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to
secure victory." -- Sun Tzu
Originally posted by label:
Second of all, losers...err.....people like Dr.Who not using Internet Explorer may experience issues temporarily until I make this cross-platform compatible.

*glares at label* You really are begging for that spanking now, you know.

Actually it's not a problem, since I have IE too.

But for the record I have Netscape 4.7, so make it work for me, please. *pouts at label.

No offense was intended by this post. If you take offense it is not my problem ~ As this message has now been disclaimed.

Good day/night/whatever.
Originally posted by tshrike:
Certainly a class act label. We should put a link to it over on the right under Today's Topics.

BTW Shortly after he got his position, I was teasing Lighting as the only mod who would be giving warnings for one member calling another a "cheater".

I wish I had that power. I would use it on my younger brothers and little cousins. There will be a lot of banishment's on the horizon then.

Jokester of the BBS

My Motto Funny has just begun!!
Nope! Still don't work. I refuse to use IE for the same reason I won't use Netscape 6, they both suck in various aspects that I don't wish to compromise in. Netscape version 4.76 is still 'shipping' and that is what I'm using. I doubt the issues are to do with Netscape per se, more like the adoption of non-standard codes in IE. Bottom line, I still see a blank page. I'm sure it would look absolutely magnificent if it could be made to work properly.
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