The mystery of Jose's peppers...

We actually had sensitivity training at work, specifically telling us to NOT talk like that, even in playful ribbing to close friends, just in case a stranger overhears and becomes offended. :borg:
So true! I worked in a large multinational corporation and every year we had a battery of required legal/hr etc training modules we had to complete. Hours spent watching the worst acting and stupidest scenarios … with a quiz at the end and a mandatory passing grade lest you be required to retake the module. I found that there was a huge generational difference. Near the end, I just avoided any small talk lest you incur someone’s wrath.
So true! I worked in a large multinational corporation and every year we had a battery of required legal/hr etc training modules we had to complete. Hours spent watching the worst acting and stupidest scenarios … with a quiz at the end and a mandatory passing grade lest you be required to retake the module. I found that there was a huge generational difference. Near the end, I just avoided any small talk lest you incur someone’s wrath.
This is all part of the same stupid mentality that asserts everything about our society up to now is shit. In their ignorant world view everything is based on some form of oppression. It’s plain horse-shit. And if no one cowered to this nonsense they wouldn’t have any influence.

And this has really been lent weight by social media that allows a tiny minority to have a grossly oversized voice and influence. If you have done nothing wrong then don’t apologize, don’t cower, and tell them to take a hike.
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I usually find that those who complain the loudest about cancel culture just want to be able to make the same sexist, racist, homophobic "jokes" they used to, only without any consequences. They don't seem to realize that the 20th century is over (and when you see it in Star Trek fans, truly sad.)
I usually find that those who complain the loudest about cancel culture just want to be able to make the same sexist, racist, homophobic "jokes" they used to, only without any consequences. They don't seem to realize that the 20th century is over (and when you see it in Star Trek fans, truly sad.)
While that might be true in some cases it’s not universally true. But a generation is being raised that seeks to be coddled and protected from everything uncomfortable. That is not in the least bit realistic and doesn’t bode well for the future of their emotional and psychological well being. And those the most shrill in accusing others of insensitivity and oppression are in fact seeking to oppress others by controlling not only what they say, but even what they think.

They need to grow up.
The implication that you cannot conceive why this behavior (i.e., overtly lobbing raw subjective humor concerning ethnic traits) could be problematic with unfamiliar coworkers - particularly those of lesser seniority or possibly rank - is unfortunate.
Whats unfortunate is that you don’t seem able to conceive that something that is not your business is not your business.

I’ve been bullied in my life. I know what it is to be sensitive to that and other things when I see it happen to others. I also know the real world and when something absurd is taken too far. Don’t presume to lecture me about it. I’ve also certainly lived long enough in this world to see a society that is becoming nannied to the point of absurdity. And when I see and face certain younguns lecturing me about history recent and far past yet without any real knowledge of it or grasp of its context I find myself alternately laughing myself silly and enraged.

So if I’m having a conversation with someone in which neither of us have a problem in how we are communicating, but an eavesdropping third party gets in my face about it later where we did nothing wrong then the problem is actually theirs and not mine.

And if you don’t understand that then you have indeed affirmed my point.

But to the more immediate subject at hand: there is absolutely nothing wrong or offensive in what Kirk said unless one is hellbent on finding something to complain about where no offence is intended.
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Whats unfortunate is that you don’t seem able to conceive that something that is not your business is not your business.


So if I’m having a conversation with someone in which neither of us have a problem in how we are communicating, but an eavesdropping third party gets in my face about it later where we did nothing wrong then the problem us actually theirs and not mine.

And if you don’t understand that then you have indeed affirmed my point.

People who go along with behavior - instead of voicing their discomfort - because they're worried about either being fired or never receiving due recognition for their actions (which may have lead to promotion). An individual with a measure of power who doesn't comprehend that their behavior rubs others the wrong way can do much damage; it may be unintentional (best case scenario), but the damage is done. To them, other people are "sissies" or "wimps" (and that's putting it in the kindest terms possible) and they had better suck it up when arguably racist humor flies by the water cooler.
There is a difference between a racial slur and friendly ribbing. It’s a distinction certain individuals today don’t comprehend.

There are lots of things in this world that will make you uncomfortable or you don’t agree with. You can either go around angry all the time and crying about hurt feelings or you can grow up and adapt.

I’ve been bullied—as such I don’t bully others and I’ll defend someone being bullied. I’ve been insulted because of my culture—as such I won’t insult another’s background, but I also grasp the distinction between malicious intent and gentle ribbing. I can also laugh at myself.

Today whites, white males, western civilization and the patriarchy are the villains, which is the grossest horseshit because it displays a stunning ignorance of history and historical context. Yes, bad things were done, but a helluva lot of good things were also done. And cruelty and oppression is certainly not a monopoly of whites and never has been.
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Good grief, how did we get here?

Let's see if we can salvage what's left of this admittedly thin thread before I have to shut it down.

Miscellaneous and/or TNZ are the correct places for real world politics.
I wonder if agricultural planets exist during Kirk's era; in TNG, there was - in effect - a "Planet Scotland". "Planet Chili Peppers", anyone? Maybe.
I wonder if agricultural planets exist during Kirk's era; in TNG, there was - in effect - a "Planet Scotland". "Planet Chili Peppers", anyone? Maybe.

Star Trek portrays a generous vision of the galaxy, with Earth-like planets everywhere you look, whose atmosphere and soil chemistry is just right for us. But everything we know up to this point, with over 5000 exoplanets catalogued [and that still sounds like sci-fi to me :) ], suggests that planets we could colonize are very rare, if any are in our vicinity at all.

Even Mars is probably useless, in my opinion, because NASA found the soil contains toxic levels of perchlorate compounds that would make farming impossible. And that's not to mention the -80° temperatures and air pressure less than 1% of Earth's. Add in the location, and we're talking about worthless real estate.