The Delta Flyers now covering DS9

If Wishes Were Horses, aka "Robert Duncan McNeill spends an hour complaining about how he doesn't get "the rules" of aliens bringing imaginations to life". He spends so long on it that Farrell 'gently' tells him to get over it.

Also, I was very amused at how RDM, Farrell, and Wang all try to figure out which bits of DS9 are which (in relation to where the sets are on the exterior shots), and managing to guess every single one wrong. Not that they should know, just funny to me that they didn't even get any right accidentally.
I remember I had a very hard time figuring out where the promenade was when I watched the show for the first time, the round doors confused me, usually they indicate a docking port and they are sometimes used by people seemingly entering the station so I thought the promenade must be in the habitat ring and the doors led to one of the pads that are also used by the runabouts.
Yeah they kind of ended up agreeing with each other that the central core is Ops, the docking ring is the Promenade, and that the living quarters are in the pylons. :D
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Totally. This is one of the things I love most about this pod: their attempts to figure out the Star Trek universe, and getting a ton of it wrong, which takes me back to my own days of first watching it and trying to figure it out and often getting it wrong. It's so endearing.

I think Terry particularly has great pod co-host chemistry with Robbie and Garrett. They have that "hang out pod" vibe nailed, and I am here for it.
I think early on I thought the inner core was ops too, it makes no sense because that would make the station tiny but it seemed to fit the shape of the set.:shrug:
Okay, so not knowing the layout of DS9 is absolutely understandable. But there was a new doozy this week.
Armin says that until now (so thirty-one years after starting DS9), he was always unsure if what Kira wears is a uniform or just her regular clothes. C'mon man! :rommie:

He also struggles with the concept of Odo regenerating anywhere other than his pail, as though the pail has special properties or something.

Very amusing.
Now that they're a full season into the show, the dynamic's settled down quite nicely. I love having Shimerman and McNeill together and how their insights on acting and directing complement each other, and they're not afraid to call out the things that don't work. Farrell, on the other hand, I could do without. Apart from a giddy enthusiasm for the series, she doesn't add anything to the conversation.

Also fun to note that in the most recent episode, Shimerman talked about stuff happening on Discovery with Adira and Gray, so at least one alum is a fan of the new stuff.
I'm looking forward to catching up and listening to the DS9 content. I'm currently closing in on completing S4 of the Voyager content. Hopefully I'll be caught up on Discovery by then so I'm not spoiled!
I've always wanted Shatner to do something like this for TNG. He's always said in panels that he has not watched it but he would like to. Might be a fun way to do it.
He's watched Arrow and Flash after all. :)
Yes. Armin seems like a good person but he's prickly and overserious. Terry's episodes are always more fun.
Difference between a DS9 panel and a VOY panel. One is very serious talking about important social and political issues and the other is just jokes and gags. You can guess which one is which.
Difference between a DS9 panel and a VOY panel. One is very serious talking about important social and political issues and the other is just jokes and gags. You can guess which one is which.

Yeah, no. During the Terry episodes they don't just giggle and snort. They talk about the same issues and also analyze the show, but not with deadly, often ponderous seriousness.
They both have different temperaments but it's not like Armin doesn't joke and laugh at stuff too.
I remember I had a very hard time figuring out where the promenade was when I watched the show for the first time, the round doors confused me, usually they indicate a docking port and they are sometimes used by people seemingly entering the station so I thought the promenade must be in the habitat ring and the doors led to one of the pads that are also used by the runabouts.
I still keep thinking the promenade is the outer ring. I keep imagining someone walking out the shuttle door and then to me is almost immediately on the promenade. I thought everyone lived in the middle bit
I just started listening to this after finding this thread.

Only listened to a few episodes and, wow, I gotta admit, I'm hooked. Honestly, the episodes are so long, I'll likely only listen to ones for episodes I truly like, but it's really a great series. I love all the director's insight that McNeil brings to the table, but both he and Garrett make solid hosts with interesting insights and infectious enthusiasm.

It's also intriguing to hear what insights the DS9 actors have about their characters and the universe, while occasionally getting. a few details wrong. Though I haven't heard anything as absurd as Armin Shimmerman not knowing Kira was wearing a uniform in the episodes I've listened to thus far.
I started listening to the Delta Flyers back in the Voyager days. It has just started Season 3 when I first tuned in and I've stuck with it since. And I'm not someone who usually listens to podcasts. I probably enjoy the episodes with Armin most tbh, his intellectual insights like the entomology is interesting.