The College Football Thread

At least I lived long enough to hear one of the Fox announcers say that maybe some folks get tired of the Tim Tebow praise. But not before another one says "what parent wouldn't want their kid to grow up and be like Tim Tebow?" :rolleyes:

Why don't they go massage his tootsies in the locker room and get it over with? At least no one pulled out the line they did last year with the "You'd feel like a better person after having talked to him for 5 minutes" in regards to Tebow. Gag me. Can't they talk about the whole Florida team for once? Do they not know any of the other players' names? They act as if Tebow does it all by himself. Obviously he's got a solid defense there.

Oh yeah, it looked like the N'western kicker's leg was broken on that last kick when they roughed him. Nasty looking injury.
I love watching blowouts. That was fun. Even when Florida was trying to run down the clock they were getting hunks of yardage.

I'm glad the Tebow era has ended. Now we can talk about something different.
Nice going Oregon. Way to represent the Pac 10. :rolleyes:

Don't even start, when Cincinnati represented the Big East. At least Oregon was in the freakin' game, whereas the Bearcats ... :rolleyes:

Here's hoping UC's hangover lasts for a few seasons, and they're no factor in the conference for quite some time now.

Pitt, WVU or Rutgers would have stood up for the Big East much better than that. Nice goin', CubKits.
Nice going Oregon. Way to represent the Pac 10. :rolleyes:

Don't even start, when Cincinnati represented the Big East. At least Oregon was in the freakin' game, whereas the Bearcats ... :rolleyes:

Here's hoping UC's hangover lasts for a few seasons, and they're no factor in the conference for quite some time now.
Oh I wouldn't count on it. Matt Barkley will be experienced next season.

I was thinking during the Rose Bowl that it would have been nice to give Oregon the Pac 10 title but let USC play the actual Rose Bowl game.
Here I was lamenting that I had to work today, but it turned out to be a blessing. Apparently my Oklahoma State Cowboys really blew it in the fourth quarter after a low scoring, dead even game for 3 quarters. Can you say, "fumble"? :(

And yes, seconding and thirding that I am so glad the Tebow era is over.
Here's hoping UC's hangover lasts for a few seasons, and they're no factor in the conference for quite some time now.
Oh I wouldn't count on it. Matt Barkley will be experienced next season.


Dude ... I wrote "UC," not "USC." I was referring to Cincinnati's disintegration at the jaws of Florida.

And yes, seconding and thirding that I am so glad the Tebow era is over.

I have to be honest: I don't think he's going to do much of anything in the NFL.

I wish him well, and luck, though.
Here's hoping UC's hangover lasts for a few seasons, and they're no factor in the conference for quite some time now.
Oh I wouldn't count on it. Matt Barkley will be experienced next season.


Dude ... I wrote "UC," not "USC." I was referring to Cincinnati's disintegration at the jaws of Florida.
Sorry Dude, I saw U's, S's, and C's and jumped to a conclusion. :)
I heard it was really broken. My football guru dad said it really truly was, and I've been looking all over the place trying to find out if it's true. But I'm pretty sure that that Auburn player actually broke that poor boy's leg.

What makes you think the Auburn player, or any of Auburn's fans are happy about that? This Auburn fan does not like players getting hurt. Period.

Judging from some of your prior remarks in this thread, where you immediately started making character comments about Auburn, I have to ask.
I'm an Alabama fan, sweetie. As stated before... I hate orange. I'm sad that the kicker is hurt, but I'm still going to mock Auburn that they fight dirty. The sliding into the kicker was accidental, but they do several questionable things in all their games. I think even the announcers said something about it at one point this year.

Plus, Auburn fans are nothing but mean to Alabama fans. Just how it is. We hate each other, in state rivalries and all that. These are the people who adopted the phrase "War Gators" after we beat them in the Iron Bowl this year and went to the SEC Championship. We just don't like each other. You should know that as an Auburn fan ;)
Well, what I know as an Auburn fan is that even if some people decide to make asses of themselves, joining in is not right. And even though I may joke on Alabama, I see no reason to make it personal. I want us to win--but why should I make nasty and personal cracks about Alabama or its fans or players? What purpose does that serve? To me, if people feel the need to do that, it shows they've crossed the line into taking things WAY too seriously. It's about as ridiculous in my eyes as the DS9-VOY wars that apparently happened here awhile back. I'm as "Niner" as they get, and like to RP a Cardassian around here because of it. But am I going to bash people who like other series, including those I can't stand? No. Because it shouldn't be personal.

That's why when I see accusations of cheating without links to proof, or something that could have been read as a suggestion that our players wanted to injure the Northwestern kicker, that's not something I'm going to let go unquestioned.
I try to differentiate between genuine hate and what I call "football hate"—which is immediately dismissed in light of any real world matters.

For example, the fans in Morgantown so took the Connecticut Huskies to their hearts on that Saturday after the death of Jasper Howard that my feelings for WVU were permanently softened. Sadly, even my football hate has lost much of its vehemence. ;)

In short, it's an affectation: As a Rutgers fan, I know that attendees of and athletes for West Virginia University aren't morally bankrupt or intellectually bereft ...

... except, of course, on most Saturdays. :techman:
I'm an Alabama fan, sweetie. As stated before... I hate orange. I'm sad that the kicker is hurt, but I'm still going to mock Auburn that they fight dirty. The sliding into the kicker was accidental, but they do several questionable things in all their games. I think even the announcers said something about it at one point this year.
That's mostly Ziemba who I know some Aubies are glad to see leave taking his false starts and chop blocks with him. As for accusing them of cheating, either present evidence or drop it. Alabama needs to worry more about keeping it's trunk clean than what any other team does.

Plus, Auburn fans are nothing but mean to Alabama fans. Just how it is. We hate each other, in state rivalries and all that. These are the people who adopted the phrase "War Gators" after we beat them in the Iron Bowl this year and went to the SEC Championship. We just don't like each other. You should know that as an Auburn fan ;)
And there's no reason to respond to it. If some Aubies want to bark, let'em bark. It means nothing. Coach Bryant said "It's better to be seen and not heard. The sun's about the most powerful thing around, but it doesn't make a lot of noise." Right now, Alabama and its fans need to focus on the matter at hand: Beating Texas and bringing #13 home.
I try to differentiate between genuine hate and what I call "football hate"—which is immediately dismissed in light of any real world matters.


I like to say I wouldn't piss on a Notre Dame fan if he was on fire.

But in reality..... I would.

^ Sports hate is, I think, different from actual hate. As a Yankee fan, I of course hate the Red Sox with a passion, but it's never personal (and I admit I had a great time at Fenway a couple of years ago). It's all just talkin' trash. Nobody gets beat up or anything like that. It's harmless fun.

Except when the Huskers play in Colorado. Colorado fans treat us like shit. :mad:
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It's been a pretty entertaining bowl season so far. I haven't watched a ton of games, but all the ones I watched were entertaining. Glad to see the Big Ten get a couple wins in the Rose and Capital One Bowls. Hopefully that quiets down some of the "Big Ten sucks" rhetoric a bit.
The SEC hasn't stacked up too well against other conferences this bowl season so far. I'm kind of glad to see it to be honest.
Overall, the SEC is 5-4 right now.
- Winners: Ole Miss, Florida, Georgia, Auburn, Arkansas
- Losers: LSU, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina

The Mountain West has done the best with a 4-0 record. the total record by conference through yesterday:
Conference Bowl Records
Conf #          Record     % 	# in AP Poll

SEC 	10 	5–4 	0.556 	3    
Big 12 	 8 	4–3 	0.571 	3    
ACC 	 7	3–3 	0.500 	3    
Big Ten  7	3–3 	0.500 	4    
Pac-10 	 7	2–5 	0.286 	4    
Big East 6	4–2 	0.667 	3    
Conf USA 6 	2–4 	0.333 	0    
MAC 	 5	0–4 	0.000 	1    
Mt West  5 	4–0 	1.000 	3    
WAC 	 4 	1–2 	0.333 	1    
Sun Belt 2 	1–0 	1.000 	0    
Ind 	1 	1–0 	1.000 	0

Those left to play:
SEC: Alabama
Big 12: Texas
Big Ten: Iowa
ACC: Ga Tech
Mt West: TCU
WAC: Boise St
Sun Belt: Troy
MAC: Cent Michigan