Spoilers The Boys Season 4 Discussion ( Spoilers)

I liked this one much better than other episodes this season. Yes, it has the typical superdisturbing gore that's come to be expected from The Boys but it didn't feel as gratuitious as previous episodes.

Hughies storyline comes to a conclusion there in a heartbreaking ending as he needs to make the hard call, something he always struggled with and usually only did by accident.

What's equally sad is how Ryan is manipulated and his good intentions twisted without him even realizing - i didn't expect Homelander could be so subtle but then again he's giving Ryan just power over people and not stepping in when he inevitably abuses it. However i get the feeling there's more in store for them as Butcher and Homelander fight it out over his future.

Old McDonald had a farm - man, if old McDonald knew what kind of farm he'd run screaming. That was The Boys in a nutshell - creatures with superpowers that just took a wrong direction. What i wonder now though is why V turns everyone/everything into a monster, even animals? I mean it's The Boys ok, that's the show's thing but non-predator animals turn into bloodcrazed killers? Why?

However it led to one of the most hilarious one liners uttered by Frenchie, i'm still laughing :lol::lol:

And now Homelander is dropping all pretenses, if it wasn't clear by now - no surprise there but since Butcher is once again at his thing with no regard to anybody but his revenge goal it'll be interesting to see how it plays out. I just fear it'll be Boys as usual, they will come close but fuck it up again at the last second.
The animals were mutated by the virus which is meant to kill the Supes. The poor bunny was given the V laced with the virus. We might have seen what is lurking within Butcher with the bunny.

The talking head anchor didn't last long. Three screams and it was all over. The Supers pulverized his remains. I am thankful we did not see that.
I doubt it will happen but this would be a good opportunity for a history repeating itself storyline where the patient Hugh Sr. accidentally killed has a loved one who seeks Hugh Jr. out for revenge.
Ha! Even in The Boys, Dr. Pershing ends up working for Moff Gideon!

Damn, this show was on fire this week. The weird and surreal farm animals on V was just wild. We had some damn funny moments all throughout but also some poignant moments with the Campbell family and Frenchie's sort of existential crisis.

Some memorable lines this week.
"I wanted to have this meeting in your mom's pussy, but I figured it'd be better to go some place more private." (delivered in a way only Jeffrey Dean Morgan can)
"This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep."
"I took a shit in Homelander's toilet, I didn't join the fucking Rebel Alliance."

Theory time. Maybe I'm off and could be overlooking something which disproves this, but anyone else thinking Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character is another of Butcher's hallucinations like imaginary Becca, possibly fueled by the brain tumor fueled with V? It's just I've noticed JDM is only ever seen with Butcher, even this week when the two of them go to the barn to meet Sameer, the scene is filmed in a manner so that JDM is outside of Sameer's line of sight. I dunno, random thought, I'm possibly out to lunch, but figured I'd toss it out there see what everyone else thinks.
The stuff with Hughie and his parents was really good and well acted, the most I've ever teared up watching this show (that I can remember.)

The way The Boys and Neuman ended up teaming up on the farm - even though they were looking for a virus which could kill her and she knew it - was really contrived and silly but did give us "that man is in no condition to fuck a sheep!" and the killer animals so it was fine I guess.

The racially specific product placement bit was funny/brutal.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character being in Butcher's head is being so heavily sign-posted that at this point it would be a twist if he turned out to be actually physically there.
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The stuff with Hughie and his parents was really good and well acted, the most I've ever teared up watching this show (that I can remember.)

The way The Boys and Neuman ended up teaming up on the farm - even though they were looking for a virus which could kill her and she knew it - was really contrived and silly but did give us "that man is in no condition to fuck a sheep!" and the killer animals so it was fine I guess.

The racially specific product placement bit was funny/brutal.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character being in Butcher's head is being so heavily sign-posted that at this point it would be a twist if he turned out to be actually physicall there.
His character hasn't interacted with anyone else... The thing about the farm that made no sense. How did Butcher have the time to grab the scientist, chop off his leg and stash him somewhere all while nobody else there noticed he was missing?

I also kinda felt like the strength of the animals seemed a bit inconsistent. If they can literally fly directly through a human body, I'm not sure why they can't even put a hole in a wooden barn door.
I loved those little shots at Marvel and then the one thing "They just finished up doing re-shoots of their re-shoots... It will be the most expensive TV series ever so it must be good right?"
The most unrealistic thing they do is how quickly they make these shows and movies. It’s only been a few days since a-train made that movie and it already has a trailer
Man, they really skewered Disney in this episode, the jabs at D23 Expo, announcing "Phases 7 through to 19" of the Vought Cinematic Universe, the diversity stuff, A-Train's lines about how the show for Vought+ was going through it's latest round of reshoots, making it the most expensive TV show ever made, therefore it must be good!

One of the titles on the slate was "G-Men: Days Past From The Future"
The animals were mutated by the virus which is meant to kill the Supes. The poor bunny was given the V laced with the virus. We might have seen what is lurking within Butcher with the bunny.

The talking head anchor didn't last long. Three screams and it was all over. The Supers pulverized his remains. I am thankful we did not see that.

(I went back to check.)

"Mr Fuzzy Buzzy" the Rabbit, was on Temporary V.

So how the Bunny died is how Butcher will die, with one of those Krolls digging their way out.
I am amused by the sign on Mr. Fuzzy Buzzy's cage - "Use muzzle".

I find it scary how the virus mutates animals. Imagine that getting into the general population of non-supes.
The most unrealistic thing they do is how quickly they make these shows and movies. It’s only been a few days since a-train made that movie and it already has a trailer
Yeah, like, how the heck they have the time to do anything else?
No, the farm animals became powered (and monstrous) after the V samples leaked then sunk into the groundwater (making it concerning what will happen if truly massive V proliferation widely affects the human species and wildlife or even plants).
By the way, it's the same thing that happened in the comic, where there are waaaay more supers than in the show. Compound V entered the environment and supers were born spontaneously.
By the way, it's the same thing that happened in the comic, where there are waaaay more supers than in the show. Compound V entered the environment and supers were born spontaneously.

Compound V in the series was completely classified to the US public and other nation states (and likely an open secret or rumor amongst rank n' file Vought employees and the US Government) until relatively recently in-universe, even its actual ingredients and synthesization process (and production line) remains a mystery so-far (but there's hints it's radioactive in nature).
I was not expecting The Boys of all shows to have an incredibly well-acted, touching, and tearjerking couple of scenes dealing with dementia and the pain of letting go. Jack Quaid, Rosemarie DeWitt, and especially the unmatched Simon Pegg were absolute gold, wow.

I'm really grateful Kripke and company didn't do any kind of swerve, or twist, or shock-for-shock's sake, but played that completely straight.