The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Discussion

Specifically, the plots are better when they are about the interaction of the guys, rather than their relationship issues. The more the plots splinter into A, B and C stories about the various relationships the less we care because it splinters the cast into a series Manboy vs. Girlfriend stories.
I really enjoyed this week's episode. There were quite a few laugh out loud moments for me. I especially liked how Bernadette and Amy defended their men.

There were several moments in the episode where i was laughing hard.. especially when Bernadette and Amy went to war for their men :lol:

It reminded me of Panty Pinata.. an episode from the second season where Penny and Sheldon duked it out too and it was an equally hilarious episode.

This is Big Bang at its best!
I'm not normally a fan of episodes that are completely over the top (e.g., the games competition, Sheldon making up excuses why he and Leonard can't go see Penny sing) but this was a good one.
I'm not normally a fan of episodes that are completely over the top (e.g., the games competition, Sheldon making up excuses why he and Leonard can't go see Penny sing) but this was a good one.
On the contrary, I believe those are some of the best ones.
See, I actually didn't like the way the women got involved like that. It just made them seem insecure and stupid. Although once they were involved, I liked Bernadette being evil.
If it were between Leonard and Sheldon, I could see Amy deferring to Penny, but in general, this is what NORMAL spouses would do.
Seriously, wives/girlfriends who are friends would start bickering because their husbands are fighting over a parking spot? You stand by your man but not over something so stupid. Why even get involved?
"They guy you let bang you every night sucks. He is inferior. You have allowed an idiot jerk to set up residence in your knickers you fool, no one has such bad taste as you before ever. Feel shame, your crotch should feel shame too and fire the bouncer that's supposed to keep the riff raff out, because the riff raff is in, is inside you lowering property values, your property value."

(Girls are weird.)
Seriously, wives/girlfriends who are friends would start bickering because their husbands are fighting over a parking spot? You stand by your man but not over something so stupid. Why even get involved?

But why should the women be any more rational or less ridiculous than the men?

Is Bernadette having Amy's car towed any sillier than grown men stealing Iron Man helmets and getting naked to prove a point?
Seriously, wives/girlfriends who are friends would start bickering because their husbands are fighting over a parking spot? You stand by your man but not over something so stupid. Why even get involved?

But why should the women be any more rational or less ridiculous than the men?

Is Bernadette having Amy's car towed any sillier than grown men stealing Iron Man helmets and getting naked to prove a point?

I feel like they try to portray them as less silly, maybe with the exception of Amy. Or at least silly about different things? I mean for several seasons Penny basically served as the person we could compare them to, the "normal person" that showed us when the guys were being ridiculous. The girls all do stupid things but I've always gotten the sense that they're supposed to seem grounded in a way that the guys aren't.
Seriously, wives/girlfriends who are friends would start bickering because their husbands are fighting over a parking spot? You stand by your man but not over something so stupid. Why even get involved?

But why should the women be any more rational or less ridiculous than the men?

Is Bernadette having Amy's car towed any sillier than grown men stealing Iron Man helmets and getting naked to prove a point?

I feel like they try to portray them as less silly, maybe with the exception of Amy. Or at least silly about different things? I mean for several seasons Penny basically served as the person we could compare them to, the "normal person" that showed us when the guys were being ridiculous. The girls all do stupid things but I've always gotten the sense that they're supposed to seem grounded in a way that the guys aren't.

But that's a double standard. By rights, the women should be entitled to act equally ridiculous and immature! :)

And, seriously, I think Bernadette and Amy have always been portrayed as a little off-kilter . . . .
I haven't checked for a long while so color me surprised and impressed by the viewer ratings.. they have more than doubled from roughly 8 million in the first season (which is not bad for a new show) to over 17 for the last few episodes.

So Big Bang is here to stay.. their renewal includes season 7 but i guess if they keep up the interest and everyone agrees it'll go on.

Seriously, wives/girlfriends who are friends would start bickering because their husbands are fighting over a parking spot? You stand by your man but not over something so stupid. Why even get involved?

If someone insults your guy you will let it slide? Even if it's over something trivial and stupid? You're bigger woman than most i know.. i think it's normal that people take sides. In this episode it just escalated a bit the same as it escalated with the men.