The Animals That Aren't Dogs or Cats Thread

I don't have any pictures but when I was about 7 my dad got me a Parakeet. He thought having a bird around would be a good learning experience for me. I could take care of it and watch it. We went to the pet store and picked one out and along with the cage I also got a book on the care and feeding of the bird. We got the bird home and a week went by. The bird didn't do anything but sit and eat. It never seemed to want to leave the bottom perch where the food was. My dad decided the bird must be lonely. Because it had been in with a lot of other birds. So we went and got another bird. This one was very active and did a lot of things. We don't know for sure but we called her the female Candy and the lazy bird was Tweety. Candy didn't like Tweety just sitting and getting fat. So she would peck at his foot to get him to move. Sometimes he did other times he didn't. We began to think we was not lonely just lazy! Then one day something was wrong with Tweety's foot. We took him to the vet and the vet found that Candy with all her pecking broke his foot! The vet made the smallest cast he ever made for Tweety. We had to get a separate cage for Tweety until he healed. But funny thing Candy did miss him. And after he healed she didn't peck at him anymore. He was still lazy but he did move to the upper perch. The birds lived about 4 or 5 years. We never got anymore, but I did learn from them!! :)
Baby tapir...

... apparently after eating a peanut butter sandwich.
Squee! Wook at dat widdle face!! :adore::adore:
It's kind of weird how different things are in person compared to when you see them on TV or online.
Even though I've seen them on TV/movies and online all the time, it didn't really dawn on me just how big horses actually are until some of the ones I ride past on my bike were right by their yards' fences. It really is kind of amazing we tiny little humans are actually able to control them as much as we do.
I know that used to be because people basically beat them into submission, but most decent horse owners/trainers don't do it that way anymore.
^friend has a couple in her farm, it’s weird to see them roosting in trees like fancy chickens!
It's kind of weird how different things are in person compared to when you see them on TV or online.
Even though I've seen them on TV/movies and online all the time, it didn't really dawn on me just how big horses actually are until some of the ones I ride past on my bike were right by their yards' fences. It really is kind of amazing we tiny little humans are actually able to control them as much as we do.
I know that used to be because people basically beat them into submission, but most decent horse owners/trainers don't do it that way anymore.
I was a typical little girl who loved horses until I met one - holy geez so freaking big. It must have relieved my parents when I stopped asking for one!