The Animals That Aren't Dogs or Cats Thread

Otter baby toe beans
This is really cool.
I had no idea they just popped off like that, I thought it was a slower more gradual process.

Arthur's Acres' Paulie in the tunnel
Some people are weirdly obsessed with this pig. Todd, the guy who runs AAAS, goes live almost every night and there are constantly people on demanding, like all caps SCREAMING, to see Paulie. And they'll just keep doing it until someone explains that he goes to sleep before Todd starts the lives or Todd kicks them off. There are 39 different pigs there, and I like them all.
sound on for full effect
Why is it that when people eat like that it's disgusting, but when animals do it, it's cute?
Release the kraken!
hehe Oops.
How many octopi are there? They're moving around to much for me to be able to count tentacles.

Mikey in the snow

Penny Lane from Arthur's Acres. I love her little oinks as she's going down the ramp.