The Action Figure and Toy Collecting and Discussion Thread!

Oh my goodness *is dead* (can one die of jealousy?)
This is simply and utterly awesome. I love it! So many great details and accessories, and it looks like a real kitchen. Not the pink Barbie version you often get. And I read from Amazon comments that all the drawers etc. open and move. Brilliant. But a bit expensive? 200+ dollars? Surely worth every penny, but sadly a bit out of my price range. Is that the original price or already the "has come out years ago and people ask for silly money now" price?

Here is my meager (from my childhood days in Eastern Germany) kitchen which fits better with the smaller Torchwood and Doctor Who figures in part 1 of a rather long story about them baking Christmas cookies:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I found mine on ebay for a very very rare $95 dollars which is an instant bargain in my book as I could never find the kitchen for under $100. I really like your kitchen setup as well. I like the open spaces and it just feels so retro to me, I like it a lot. My house isn't very big so I don't have a lot of room to make a nice wide setup yet. :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I found mine on ebay for a very very rare $95 dollars which is an instant bargain in my book as I could never find the kitchen for under $100. I really like your kitchen setup as well. I like the open spaces and it just feels so retro to me, I like it a lot. My house isn't very big so I don't have a lot of room to make a nice wide setup yet. :)
That is a bargain indeed! I never knew this existed in the first place so it's great learning about it in here. I could discuss figures and props and accessories all day long with likeminded people ;)
Thanks! That is my kitchen table that I am using, which for the time it takes to do pictures becomes useless in its original purpose ;) So I only set up scenes temporarily, and then have to put everything away again. At least I learnt now to check pictures BEFORE I have to re-set everything. Sometimes it is really difficult to destroy a nice scene and I let it be for a few days. The "walls" are shelves they wanted to throw away at work. When I started I had people holding up white paper backgrounds but this is better as it stands by themselve.

And here is the second part to my story:

In the meantime, Tosh is starting to cut out the cookies.


The bell does remind Jack of the Daleks and he asks her to please do just round cookies.


Then Gwen is putting the baking tin into the oven.


Someone should have watched them, though...


They only realize that something is wrong when dark smoke is coming out.


Jack tries to put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.


But the neighbours already called the fire brigade.


They get a dressing down by one of the men.


Tosh has to put the dark cookies into the trash.


So they make a new batch. Gwen is also putting some icing on.


Ianto is washing the dishes in the meantime.


Finally they can sit down and relax...



... and eat their cookies.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein Frohes Neues Jahr!

That is a bargain indeed! I never knew this existed in the first place so it's great learning about it in here. I could discuss figures and props and accessories all day long with likeminded people ;)
Thanks! That is my kitchen table that I am using, which for the time it takes to do pictures becomes useless in its original purpose ;) So I only set up scenes temporarily, and then have to put everything away again. At least I learnt now to check pictures BEFORE I have to re-set everything. Sometimes it is really difficult to destroy a nice scene and I let it be for a few days. The "walls" are shelves they wanted to throw away at work. When I started I had people holding up white paper backgrounds but this is better as it stands by themselve.
Oh yes I concur, I'm so happy I discovered this thread and share my creations, I'm glad you found this thread too because some of your pictures inspired me to seek out some Rement stuff. When I first started posting here, I would set things up on a folding dinner tray table and use whatever I could to hold things up. Interesting set up but it worked until I got that entertainment center table I've turned into my workspace.
I'm always swapping stuff out of my table space all the time. It's like my miniature sound stage.I even made some walls out of random scraps I had laying around in my junk pile. Aside from miniatures I've built props for video projects in the past so everything I come across is a potential tool for me to use in some form or another. Here's my biggest accomplishment. A Shrink Ray inspired by the movie Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Just made from random parts I got at junk stores or had donated to me.

I love the Torchwood Christmas, Astra! :lol:

I walked into Target just as a fresh case of the new BvS Multiverse figures were being put out, so I managed to snag a Wonder Woman. While I was there I also grab the regular Batman. So here's our movie trinity:

While this figure is undeniably a great Wonder Woman figure, it's really not a great figure of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I really can't see anything of her in the sculpt and the colors seem much brighter than the film. Batman is just ok. It could have used a paint wash to bring out details. Overall this line is only passable, but they're the best toys we're going to get outside of the high end.
That Muppet kitchen...damn. That's the right size for my mini AGs. Oh well. I have a half kitchen in their camper...
I love the Torchwood Christmas, Astra! :lol:
Thank you!

Oh yes I concur, I'm so happy I discovered this thread and share my creations, I'm glad you found this thread too because some of your pictures inspired me to seek out some Rement stuff.
I've asked this before but you probably didn't see it. Did you find a place where you ordered your lab stuff where you could order this specific set? I only found sellers on Amazon and ebay saying you can get one of 10 pieces for about 4 Dollars, but they send you one randomly. But I don't want to pay 40 Dollars for all ten boxes, as I have no use for all of them (some are nice though)

...everything I come across is a potential tool for me to use in some form or another. Here's my biggest accomplishment. A Shrink Ray inspired by the movie Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Just made from random parts I got at junk stores or had donated to me.
It's been a while since I saw that movie so I don't rememer this but it looks awesome! And you would have fit right in with Eastern German times ;) That's my heritage and why I am such a packrat, collecting everything thinking one day I will be able to use it. Back then people did many more things with their own hands, as either you were not able to buy some things at all, or there was not enough for everyone. In a museum I saw a lawnmower made out of a buggy, or a music keyboard made out of two accordions. Very inventive!

So, when I fell in love with "Knight Rider" in 1989 at the age of 16, I wanted to have a K.I.T.T. model and so I made one, just from scratch using some plywood and cardboard and FIMO for all the other things. It's totally out of scale. I just looked at my videos and books and also the real K.I.T.T. once came to Dresden and so I could study it in detail.

These are old pics, I probably should take new pictures with my new camera. Sorry!
The model in it's full glory. The tires are from an old toy car of my little brother, but I made everything else myself:

The bottom side:

I drew all the little lines and such for the displays (and the red/white/green buttons next to the steering wheel drove me crazy, as the arrangement changed from episode to episode - for whichever special features they needed).

The monitors are made that way that I can insert different pictures:

The number plate is just a sticker from a bubble gum.

Of course also the doors and roof top can be opened. You also can turn the wheel and move the gear shift. The seats are just a bit of paper wrapped with wool, and when I figured I could not put them directly onto the bottom or there would be no room for legs I used part of a cork.

And the side mirrors even have little mirror foil in them, another thing that happened to be left over from the things in a surprise egg.

I don't know anymore what kind of plastic I used for the windows and windshield (the back window was a bit tricky to bring into the rounded form), but it may be from the wrapping of a praline box or something.

Of course I also made the lamps so that they can be turned in and out. (Sorry, the shot is a bit blurry)
The lamps are made from the inside of a "Surprise Egg". You know these? Chocolate egg with a little toy inside?

PS: I even made myself a little Michael to go with it, poor guy is still naked after what, 25 years. Never got around to make him a little leather jacket and jeans as I intended to. I cannot sew, that's the reason. But I gave him movable limbs, I grasped the concept of action figures way before I knew they existed. I had ballpoint joints made from beads. Of course the feet are way too big (so he was able to stand) and the arms way to long and let's not talk about the face...

Again he is made from FIMO (Suralin actually, which was the Eastern German equivalent)

And even movable fingers - wire with thread wrapped around:

For when it was made and the materials you used, that is amazing work! Outstanding is an understatement! Well done!
Thank you!

I've asked this before but you probably didn't see it. Did you find a place where you ordered your lab stuff where you could order this specific set? I only found sellers on Amazon and ebay saying you can get one of 10 pieces for about 4 Dollars, but they send you one randomly. But I don't want to pay 40 Dollars for all ten boxes, as I have no use for all of them (some are nice though)
Sorry about that, I didn't see your original question but I got the Science Room set on Ebay. I did get a single box of another set and it was specifically the one I wanted. I don't believe sellers randomize the sets. It might depend on where you are but what I saw and purchased was what I got.

I really like your Kitt model. That is some excellent craftsmanship I love all the little details on the console. Reminds me of the time my mom made me a Back to the Future Delorean out of cardboard and various pieces she had. I still have it somewhere. I need to dig it out and take some pictures.

And your prototype Michael figure is pretty cool too. Maybe you could find some Barbie (Ken) clothes to dress him if it's the right scale. :)
I bought this terrarium at Hobby Lobby today. It's going to be sanded and repainted, and turned into a doll tea room. Two ideas with existing furniture I set up:



It's so hard to find furniture in this scale. 1/12 (standard dollhouse) is just a bit too small, 1/6 (playscale/Barbie) is slightly too big.

ETA- Astra, your Torchwood cookie baking is adorable!
Sorry about that, I didn't see your original question but I got the Science Room set on Ebay. I did get a single box of another set and it was specifically the one I wanted. I don't believe sellers randomize the sets. It might depend on where you are but what I saw and purchased was what I got.
Thanks! I can't find the links right now (have saved them at home) but all I could find at the time was indeed called "surprise box" where you randomly get one out of ten which are all science boxes. I may purchase the whole set of all boxes once I have money again, they had some nice stuff.

I really like your Kitt model. That is some excellent craftsmanship I love all the little details on the console. Reminds me of the time my mom made me a Back to the Future Delorean out of cardboard and various pieces she had. I still have it somewhere. I need to dig it out and take some pictures.
Please do! I'd be interested to see that. Nowadays it is easy to just go and buy a model.

And your prototype Michael figure is pretty cool too. Maybe you could find some Barbie (Ken) clothes to dress him if it's the right scale. :)
Nah, he is more on the 7" size, that wouldn't fit. I have closed this chapter of my life.

Impressive work!
For when it was made and the materials you used, that is amazing work! Outstanding is an understatement! Well done!
Aw thank you all!

I bought this terrarium at Hobby Lobby today. It's going to be sanded and repainted, and turned into a doll tea room. Two ideas with existing furniture I set up:
You also always manage to find the best things and imagine new purposes for what you see. I like that!

It's so hard to find furniture in this scale. 1/12 (standard dollhouse) is just a bit too small, 1/6 (playscale/Barbie) is slightly too big.
Do you have markets where you live? When I go to a market, for example if there is a potter or a basket-maker, they often do miniature things of what they sell in big, just for cuteness and people are more likely to buy those. They are not necessarily in any scale, so may fit your purposes?

ETA- Astra, your Torchwood cookie baking is adorable!

Thank you! Let's see what else I can spam this thread with - I have lots of Doctor Who and Torchwood stuff. Here is a very old one. It got inspired by a discussion about CoE and how Jack's body parts knew to make only one new Jack and not several different ones.

A Jack for everyone

The End
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Haha I got a great laugh out of that comic. I haven't found that home made Delorean yet but my Muppet's Lab playset came in. My wallet is hurting but I just couldn't resist. It's much smaller than the Kitchen and Pigs in Space Playset but it's still very nice and full of beautiful details. This will go great with "Luigi's Mansion." inspired pictures which I just happened to have taken a few of. :D

Luigi shouldn't have messed around in Professor E. Gadd's lab without his permission first. ;)


Haha I got a great laugh out of that comic.
Thank you ;)

I haven't found that home made Delorean yet but my Muppet's Lab playset came in...
Okay, that's it. I'm hopping into the next plane and come visiting you. I want to play with all your awesome stuff! Why haven't they invented beaming yet? Why? That new lab set is really something else!

Okay, how about this one? Explanation: John Barrowman and his sister Carole E. Barrowman wrote a trilogy of fantasy books called "Hollow Earth". A friend who also does miniature work made a miniature of it and was so kind to give the pattern to me. I took it and ran with it and this story happened. It was supposed to be a single story but due to the overwhelming feedback (by the book publisher and finally even Mr. and Mrs. Barrowman themselves) I made a second part as well.

And I actually got my five minutes of fame with them talking about me and the figures I made of them in a TV show - watch it here starting at the 6:55 mark:


An ordinary day in the Hub. Myfanwy is flying around.


Ianto is cleaning.


Look at that mess!


Jack is - reading a book?!? Actually he is supposed to work on those reports - but he's reading.


He likes to read and has a whole book shelf.


Finally Gwen demands that he gets off his seat, because the rift monitor is making funny noises.


But Jack tells her she's in charge today and turns another page.


Gwen and Ianto catch a Weevil.


Jack keeps reading.


The Hub's overrun by scary creatures who want to overtake the world.


Everyone gives their best to fight them.



Jack keeps reading.


Finally they have enough. They demand to know what this is all about.


Gwen flicks through the pages - what's so special about this book?


So Jack tells them.
"This a new book by that cute guy John Barrowman and his sister Carole. It's called 'Hollow Earth'. It's a sci-fi novel for young people. It's about twelve-year-old twins Matt and Em who can make their drawings come to life and get into the pictures themselves. People who can do that are called Animares."


"And I wonder how they know about them. It's not just sci-fi, they are real, I once met them. We have to go and retcon these Barrowman people. Are you coming, guys?"




"Um, guys?!?!?"


Gwen distractedly waves Jack away with one hand and says: "You go alone, it just became very suspenseful, I have to read on." Ianto demands that Gwen reads it out loud to them and Tosh has spotted that two more books are planned. "We can't retcon them, Jack, not at least till they have written the rest! And there also probably shall be a tv series or even a movie..."


Jack groans.

THE END (of part 1)
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I bet we'd have a whole lot of fun. Congrats on the TV shout out. I bet that made your day. :) I really like this new setup you have. I really love those computer consoles. Where are those from? I don't remember if I asked you about them before but I'd love to get me some. Same with the little magnifying glass, lava lamp and vacuum cleaner. Those are just awesome. Are those re-ments too?

As for me. I'm coming with some ideas for a new comic strip I got this sesame street playset back in the summer and this Imaginext firehouse playset recently and I'm working on a small city block scene. Today I got some black paper and yellow tape to make the street so it will be fun to see how this progresses.
I bet we'd have a whole lot of fun. Congrats on the TV shout out. I bet that made your day. :)
It did! The whole week. Month. Year, actually ;) And it came totally unexpected.

I really love those computer consoles. Where are those from? I don't remember if I asked you about them before but I'd love to get me some. Same with the little magnifying glass, lava lamp and vacuum cleaner. Those are just awesome. Are those re-ments too?
The computer consoles come with "Primeval" figures which I bought for just that reason (having it seen on someone elses pictures) but sometimes you also can get them in single on ebay. There are three different ones, they are called "anomaly detector" and come with Connor, Nick Cutter (one screen each) and Jenny (three screens) Another thing from the "Primeval" figures you probably could use is called Spotlight accessoire They have the neatest stuff. I never actually watched the show though.

The magnifying glass came with Daniel Jackson from "Stargate". Surely someone will sell accessories of those figures as well. The lava lamp was given to me by someone who thought I could use it, no idea where it's from, sorry.

The vacuum cleaner is the best! Search for Dollhouse Miele Miele is a (real) German company. They actually make those in big ;) My mother got it in a toy shop over here. I also have the washing machine, microwave and dishwasher. I see that also an oven and a fridge exist. And the best part - they all light up and make noises! And you can open the dishwasher and it has a basket inside with dishes. Too cute.

As for me. I'm coming with some ideas for a new comic strip I got this sesame street playset back in the summer and this Imaginext firehouse playset recently and I'm working on a small city block scene. Today I got some black paper and yellow tape to make the street so it will be fun to see how this progresses.
He has houses! With stairs even! What are these called? Do you know about Cat's Meow Houses? They are also flat (but no stairs in front). There are many many different designs which I love and I thought about getting some. They are not even that expensive, if I bought several at once, but the shipping is. And I have the trouble of not being able to decide which to get.
It did! The whole week. Month. Year, actually ;) And it came totally unexpected.

The computer consoles come with "Primeval" figures which I bought for just that reason (having it seen on someone elses pictures) but sometimes you also can get them in single on ebay. There are three different ones, they are called "anomaly detector" and come with Connor, Nick Cutter (one screen each) and Jenny (three screens) Another thing from the "Primeval" figures you probably could use is called Spotlight accessoire They have the neatest stuff. I never actually watched the show though.

The magnifying glass came with Daniel Jackson from "Stargate". Surely someone will sell accessories of those figures as well. The lava lamp was given to me by someone who thought I could use it, no idea where it's from, sorry.

Thanks, I snagged me up a Jenny with Anomaly Detector, can't wait to get that. That will be useful for Star Trek themed comics. :)

The vacuum cleaner is the best! Search for Dollhouse Miele Miele is a (real) German company. They actually make those in big ;) My mother got it in a toy shop over here. I also have the washing machine, microwave and dishwasher. I see that also an oven and a fridge exist. And the best part - they all light up and make noises! And you can open the dishwasher and it has a basket inside with dishes. Too cute.
Oh wow, those are just beautiful I'd love to get me some of those in the future. The quality on those looks amazing.

He has houses! With stairs even! What are these called? Do you know about Cat's Meow Houses? They are also flat (but no stairs in front). There are many many different designs which I love and I thought about getting some. They are not even that expensive, if I bought several at once, but the shipping is. And I have the trouble of not being able to decide which to get.

Yes these were both lucky finds. The firehouse with built on fire escape is just so cool. They fold up to so I can rearrange them differently too. I have a few other buildings too. I have a Maple Town Cabin, a Calico Critters. (Sylvanian Families as it's know elsewhere.) House which I painted to have a Green Roof and Window's as well as new Calico Critters Fish and Chips Restaurant and Boat. These are more for 4 inch scale figures but really cool none the less.


Thanks, I snagged me up a Jenny with Anomaly Detector, can't wait to get that. That will be useful for Star Trek themed comics. :)
You're welcome! Can't wait to see what you will come up with. I haven't tried them yet with Star Trek figures.

Yeah, sadly Sylvian family stuff is too small. I often look at it in the toyshop and it is really cute though. But I meant to also ask you something. I wanted to get myself such a Christmas story leg lamp. But there are so many different ones out there and I don't know which is the right size. Which one do you have? The Hallmark ornament or different one?

And here is the conclusion to the Hollow Earth story. Now with guest actors from other universes.
(part 1 of the story was here:

Washington, D.C.:

FBI Agent Scully examinates something very strange.
"Mulder, I've never seen anything like this before, I really need your help here!"


But Mulder is reading a book.


Stargate-Center, Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, Colorado:

Major Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson and Teal'c are ready for their mission to planet P3X-877. But their leader is still missing.
"Colonel O'Neill, where are you?"


But Jack O'Neill is reading a book.


Somewhere in the United States:

Batman is having a hard time against the Terminator.
"Superman, I really could need your help here!!!"


But Superman is reading a book.


Somewhere in the Universe:

Martha, Donna and Rose want to have fun together.
"Doctor, you promised to show us the Universe. We're ready to go, are you coming?"


But the Doctor is reading a book.


Meanwhile in Cardiff, Wales:


Jack has to realize that he comes too late with retconning the authors. The line for the official book signing with John Barrowman in Cardiff is hundreds of meters long.


(as you can see from the previous picture I first had only Jack here standing in for John but then Carole retweeted the story and said that she needs an action figure and I made one for her)

There are grandmothers with grandkids, mothers with children, men and women of all ages.


And everyone brought their own copy of the book.


It's too much, he can't retcon them all. He has to accept that the story of the Animares will be out there forever - but hopefully it also will remain to be just a fairytale.


And here a glance at behind the scenes. If you want to know how I did the wirework for the flying Superman (and also Myfanwy in the previous post) - I used my kitchen shelf:


And the original picture I modelled my figures after. Carole originally was a Willow from "Buffy".

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You're welcome! Can't wait to see what you will come up with. I haven't tried them yet with Star Trek figures.

Yeah, sadly Sylvian family stuff is too small. I often look at it in the toyshop and it is really cute though. But I meant to also ask you something. I wanted to get myself such a Christmas story leg lamp. But there are so many different ones out there and I don't know which is the right size. Which one do you have? The Hallmark ornament or different one?
Yes the Sylvanian stuff goes nicely with my Nintendo figures as I'm a huge Mario fan. :P As for my leg lamp ornament, I have the hallmark one that's ceramic with a real fabric mesh stocking. It stands about 4 inches high. :)
That is pretty awesome, well done.
Thank you! Would you be interested in some work-in-progress pictures?

For John, first I had to remove Captain Jack's coat:

Then I rounded off the shoulders and cut off the holster and the braces/suspenders.

I also did cut off the shirt collar. This is so hard it cannot be done with a knife, I use a mini saw for it. So I was sawing close to his neck. Sorry Jack ;) Here is a picture of my workplace:

I filled him up with Milliput to form the pullover:

Then it was a simple painting job, with a bit of white underneat for the t-shirt.

And voilá!

For Carole I first had to cut off a bit of the hair. Thankfully the face underneat was painted, otherwise it would've looked odd:

Then I used Milliput to add her fringe and also reformed the backside of the head:

Forgot to take a picture before painting, but because the original Willow figure had so awful thin arms I also added a bit of meat there with Milliput. Also filled up the waist a bit to make it look more realistic. Sorry Carole! Plus I formed the collar of the pullover:

Painting those thin strains of hair without getting brown paint onto the face wasn't quite easy but I managed. And then I realized something else: Willow has brown eyes while Carole's are blue like her brother's. Luckily I had bought myself the tiniest brush I could find. So I made a tiny blue dot for the eye, an even tinier black dot for the pupil and the tiniest white dot for a bit of reflexion. One eye was perfect on the first try but with the other the white dot wasn't in the right place, so I had to put black over it again to start anew, and then the black became too big, so I had to start with blue again... went through this three times. Here's the result:

Finally the last step, painting a lot of thin red stripes for the pullover:

The result:

She was very happy when I gave it to her.
