Ten Forward Lounge - Miscellaneous General Chat & Welcome Thread

Locutus of Bored

Yo, Dawg! I Heard You Like Avatars...
In Memoriam

Recently it was brought to our attention by rhubarbodendron that some of the lounge posters would like an all-access lounge available to posters of any rank to interact. A place where they could have free-flowing conversations, spammy posts, games, post jokes or articles, share links to sites they like, and so forth without having to worry about whether there was enough content to justify a thread of its own.

MacLeod suggested calling it Ten Forward, which, as it happens used to be the name of the category under which all the lounges were carried back in the day, as pointed out by Jim Gamma. That seemed like a good choice of name for the new lounge thread to me.

Stickied threads tend not to get a lot of notice unless they're already established (like the video thread) so I'm going to keep this thread unpinned until it starts to get a following amongst the regulars, then we'll sticky it up at the top of Miscellaneous. I also need to do some housekeeping up there, so I'll be unstickying the rarely used existing welcome thread to free up some space. This can take its place.

So, please feel free to discuss whatever subjects you like (within the board rules) and have fun. While spammy posts (the non-solicitation kind) are welcome, please be mindful to not abuse it with an endless string of one word, rapid fire posts that go on for fifty pages just to up your post count. We want people to be able to have conversations here.
Hawaiian Punch Flavored Cotton candy. I wondering of it will be any good. This bar tender lady puts it in drinks.
I cleaned up the sticky threads a bit to free up some space so it's not so cluttered up there, pushing regular threads out of the way, so I decided to just go ahead and sticky this now. Hopefully it will be visible enough to build a following.
Great Idea, and many thanks to Rhubarbodendron! (long time no talk, hope you are well!)

Like Robert, I request the corner cushion seat, to the right of the Bar. Back to the Door, dontcha know!
Move, bitches! The seat at the end of the bar is MINE.

Now get me my ice cream, and no one gets hurt.
(*Walks in with crate holding ten bottles of whiskey*)

Nine of these are mine. The rest of you will now fight for the tenth.

And if I'm not properly entertained by your alcohol-driven combat skills then you will have to sit and watch J. pole dance.
<ever clever, HIjol ducks the 'Bonz bottle and approaches His Coolness on the sly, as the others are mixin' it up
("Wagon Train To The Stars", indeed!) over the hootch and breakfast (J's pancacke) with an offer of Latnum for Whiskey...
Yo, that corner seat is mine. *brandishes knitting needles* You wouldn't want me to "accidentally" trip into you while I'm holding these, would you?

Bartender, get me any drink with one of those little umbrellas in it.
Yo, that corner seat is mine. *brandishes knitting needles* You wouldn't want me to "accidentally" trip into you while I'm holding these, would you?

Bartender, get me any drink with one of those little umbrellas in it.

Oh...uh, macloudt! Um, I heard you were on Star Base II!...I didn't realize...I assumed this seat - oh, now, wait a minute!!!...hey, what are you gonna do with theses needles?...here, here, take the seat!...Guinan, the drinks are on me!...

(*Walks in with crate holding ten bottles of whiskey*)

Nine of these are mine. The rest of you will now fight for the tenth.

And if I'm not properly entertained by your alcohol-driven combat skills then you will have to sit and watch J. pole dance.
Also, you should all know that I brought my own pole.
I'm reminded of that fact every time I misguidedly log onto your webcam feed.