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Swap an episode title


Official Tahmoh Taster
Rear Admiral
I saw a video once about how the Star Wars films made way more sense if you swapped all the episode titles around.

Watching Duet this week (and still what a FANTASTIC episode) they talked about vengeance and it occurred to me that the episode could have been better titled The Vengeance Factor.

So it made me think: what episodes do you think could be better named with another Star Trek episode's name? I see there's a thread on new original titles, but I want to think what we could do with in-universe titles just swapped about.
BY ANY OTHER NAME's official title is rather throwaway, given the overall scope of its plot. WHAT ARE LITTLE GIRLS MADE OF? is slightly more appropriate for it, though still it cannot encompass the entire story.
The Q and the Grey (as the episode where Q introduces us to the Borg) vs, Q who (as the episode where we meet many Q embroiled in a civil war).
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