Surely something good happened to you today

No matter the age, the conversation of 'can you bring cookies for the cookie jar' always appears.

A little while ago, my wife called her mom, who had just put out a holiday cookie jar in our 'snack station', and asked her to get some cookies while she was at the store. She put the phone down, laughed, and told me how much she sounded like a 5 year old asking her mom for cookies. All I could do was smile and say, "Whether you're 5 or 75, cookies will always enter the conversation."

My point? There are now cookies in the cookie jar, and that's always a good thing to happen in a day.

My wife discovered the greatest Christmas movie is getting re-released in theaters... DIE HARD!

I just bought the tickets for us and my nephew for this Tuesday's showing. Yippee-ki-yay...
One of my absolute favorite horses has been moved back over by where I can visit her again. She's really friendly and kind of this light reddish brown color, so I've started calling her Sweet Red since I don't know her real name.
I also call her that to differentiate her from another, crabbier red mare I see visit at a different place who I've started calling Spicy Red.
One of my absolute favorite horses has been moved back over by where I can visit her again. She's really friendly and kind of this light reddish brown color, so I've started calling her Sweet Red since I don't know her real name.
I also call her that to differentiate her from another, crabbier red mare I see visit at a different place who I've started calling Spicy Red.

Very glad for you!
I know it gives you Big Pleasure!!!

Now that I think on it, I have some Sweet Reds and Crabby Mares and Spicy Mares (not equine) in my life, but I love them all, every day!