Spoilers "Superman & Lois" Season 2

It was rather obvious that viewers assumed S&L was in the same universe as the other Arroverse series due to the showrunners at Berlanti Productions having SM appear on Supergirl several times, while Diggle appeared on S&L--including the season 2 finale; if they always intended the S&L characters to be inhabitants of another reality, that should have been laid out from the start....but it was not because that was not the intention.
I kind of started to wonder if it was a different Earth the first time he visited the Fortress and it looked nothing like the one on Supergirl, and then was getting to be pretty sure it was when we went the entire first season without any references to Supergirl. It's pretty rare for a spin-off not the include at least some kind of reference to or cameo from a character from the other show(s) by the end of the first season. Even the Berman era Star Treks all had appearances by characters from other parts of franchise in their pilots, with Bones in TNG, Picard in DS9, Quark in VOY, and Cochrane.
I'm hoping Diggle and John Henry's conversation about Bruno Manheim means we're getting him and Intergang as the big bad for next season, and not another threat from a parallel universe.
I kind of started to wonder if it was a different Earth the first time he visited the Fortress and it looked nothing like the one on Supergirl, and then was getting to be pretty sure it was when we went the entire first season without any references to Supergirl. It's pretty rare for a spin-off not the include at least some kind of reference to or cameo from a character from the other show(s) by the end of the first season.

Well, they did have Diggle's appearance, and it was intended at the time to be in continuity with his other appearances in the "mystery box" arc, though the reference to it was just a throwaway mention. So this wasn't the original plan. Helbing has said that they kept writing in references and then cutting them out because they were distractions from the story. It sounds like they decided at the start of this season that it would be a separate universe after all, but they were inexplicably not allowed to say so up front.

I'm hoping Diggle and John Henry's conversation about Bruno Manheim means we're getting him and Intergang as the big bad for next season, and not another threat from a parallel universe.

Well, Mannheim and Intergang are usually fronts for Darkseid and Apokolips. So it would probably be an alien threat, at least.
Well, they did have Diggle's appearance, and it was intended at the time to be in continuity with his other appearances in the "mystery box" arc, though the reference to it was just a throwaway mention. So this wasn't the original plan. Helbing has said that they kept writing in references and then cutting them out because they were distractions from the story. It sounds like they decided at the start of this season that it would be a separate universe after all, but they were inexplicably not allowed to say so up front.
I keep forgetting we did get Diggle's appearance last season.

Well, Mannheim and Intergang are usually fronts for Darkseid and Apokolips. So it would probably be an alien threat, at least.
I'm fine with that, most of Supermans best villains besides Luthor are aliens.
I still remember when I was hoping the old lady in Supergirl was Granny Goodness. Well beyond the point where it became clear she wasn't, honestly.
Yeah, plus them talking in space. That scene had some Superfriends style "science".

That ship sailed when they introduced the cube-shaped Bizarro Earth. That's one of the (fittingly) most bizarre things about this season -- how it embraced the most idiotic fantasy nonsense of Silver Age comics, yet played it as somber, intense drama that we were expected to take seriously. It was farcical.
Now that Intergang is coming will Darkseid come to the show as well?

I’m glad that Lana, Sarah and Chrissy are in on Superman’s identity. The keeping your secret stuff gets pretty tiring. It works best when the main cast are in on it. Now only Kyle is out of the loop.

Once Kyle is "in the loop", he will have to die. He's a wildcard and unpredictable.
That ship sailed when they introduced the cube-shaped Bizarro Earth. That's one of the (fittingly) most bizarre things about this season -- how it embraced the most idiotic fantasy nonsense of Silver Age comics, yet played it as somber, intense drama that we were expected to take seriously. It was farcical.

I can give a pass to tings literally from another universe, but we know how space works in ours.
So we’ve had 2 seasons and it’s not even the ArrowVerse Superman? I feel cheated. :)
So where’s that Superman? Crisis made it clear that he was around and also had twins. Maybe they’re at a younger age there.

So I wonder where their Lex is then. Must be in prison
I can give a pass to tings literally from another universe, but we know how space works in ours.
Earth One (Berlanti) Supergirl can't fly in space. Past Earth's gravity she's useless, floating there looking pretty.

I read the new action comics last night.


Supergirl's super suit has pants.
I can give a pass to tings literally from another universe, but we know how space works in ours.

It's a universe inhabited by human beings identical to humans from our universe, so it's contradictory for it to have such profoundly different physical laws as to allow a cubic planet to exist. Indeed, people from one universe can inhabit the other, so the physics must be the same in both. And gravity certainly seemed to work normally on the surface of Bizarro Earth, and it's gravity that requires large objects to approach a spherical shape.

The only way I can rationalize Bizarro Earth is as a side effect of Oliver/Spectre rebooting the universe in the Crisis. S&L may not be on Earth-Prime, but the flashbacks to how John Henry and Natalie crossed universes did depict the antimatter wave from the Crisis, IIRC, so the show is at least part of the same narrative multiverse. We know that the recreated universes were influenced by the conscious and subconscious minds of Oliver and the Paragons -- Oliver brought back his dead loved ones and erased all crime in Star City, Lex Luthor made himself a beloved figure, and I'm convinced it was Barry and Kara's BFF-ship that led to their respective universes being merged into one. So maybe Bizarro Earth was a side effect created from some screwed-up part of somebody's subconscious, or maybe a side effect of Lex displacing Earth-96 Superman as a Paragon. The original Bizarros in the comics were the result of a flawed duplicator ray rather than naturally occurring alternates, so it would be fitting if the Bizarro universe were some kind of distorted echo created artificially.

That still doesn't explain air in space, though.
Maybe it was a tribute to Superman IV that had people breathing in space and on the moon without any problems?
And Krypton is a giant heavy gravity planet that has aliens that look exactly human and sometimes dogs and monkeys as well.

So what? All planets in a given universe would follow the same laws, so convergent evolution is at least a self-consistent assertion. There's nothing wrong with fantasy proposing implausible ideas as long as they're internally consistent. My point is that it is self-contradictory to say both that a universe has radically different physical laws and that it has exact duplicates of specific individual people leading highly similar lives. That's trying to have it both ways, and it's a conceptual cheat.