Spoilers Supergirl - Season 3

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I am doubtful that Lena has figured out Sam is Reign. She didn't look nearly half as scared as she should be, if she thought the woman who nearly killed Supergirl was standing in front of her. I wonder if she just thinks Sam is exhibiting multiple personality disorder, her very own Sibyl. A problem for sure, but not one that could potentially kill her and her (other) best friend. :vulcan:

I agree. She either thinks Sam has multiple personality disorder or that she has become possessed by an alien entity (glowing red eyes were a dead giveaway) but I don't think she has quite made the final connection to Reign. If she does know Sam is Reign, I hope she tells Team Supergirl. I get annoyed when characters keep secrets from their friends just to create more drama.

Also, is it just me or is Supergirl losing a lot of fights this season?
I am doubtful that Lena has figured out Sam is Reign. She didn't look nearly half as scared as she should be, if she thought the woman who nearly killed Supergirl was standing in front of her. I wonder if she just thinks Sam is exhibiting multiple personality disorder, her very own Sibyl. A problem for sure, but not one that could potentially kill her and her (other) best friend. :vulcan:

We're talking about Lena Luthor here -- a Lena who just decided a week ago to embrace her mother's devious cunning and to use it for good. She doesn't scare easily, and if she were scared, she'd contain it and remain in control of herself and the situation.

Recall that several weeks ago, Lena was present at CatCo when Reign burst into the offices to make her speech to the public, so Lena has seen Reign's face and her eyes and heard her voice. So when she saw Sam's eyes flash red and heard her speak in that imperious tone, she probably put the pieces together. She said "I know what's wrong with you," a statement of certainty, not guesswork.

If she does know Sam is Reign, I hope she tells Team Supergirl. I get annoyed when characters keep secrets from their friends just to create more drama.

I'm not a fan of secrets either, but Lena doesn't really think of Team Supergirl as her friends. Kara and James are her friends, but she doesn't know they're superheroes. She's acquainted with Supergirl and Mon-El, but she doesn't consider herself as close to them. And I'm not sure how aware she is of the DEO; last week, when J'onn recommended getting her out of the DEO before she recovered, suggested that she's not in the loop there. So there's a good chance she will keep the secret to protect Sam.

By the way, when Supergirl and Alex were arguing about whether Julia was a real personality or just a trick of Purity's, I wish Kara had said "You remember Caitlin from the wedding? How she changed to Killer Frost when she got scared? This could be the same thing." Heck, their eyes even change the same way. But the Supergirl producers seem to be trying to ignore "Crisis on Earth-X."
You'd think the DC equivalent of Cincinnati would be something like Queen City (our nickname).

I guess within the DC universe Queen City would be a nickname for Star City ;)

I am doubtful that Lena has figured out Sam is Reign. She didn't look nearly half as scared as she should be

I think she did, she said that her blackouts were "coinciding with something", so it would seem she's figured it out. As for being scared, well Reign has only gone after criminals so far, so odds are she wouldn't have been in any immediate danger.

I liked the episode, but Alex being trigger happy and overly aggressive would be much more believably explained by her still being afraid from seeing Kara beaten to a pulp. "I'm still bummed out by the breakup" just seemed unnecessarily tacked on...

So Purity is Black Canary with a side of Count Vertigo when it comes to the powerset, I wonder what the third one will be.

Double cliffhanger there with the Legion's true mission and "I know what's wrong with you"
The two month wait will suck, but on the plus side the Legends are back :techman:
Contrary to what some may believe, the Arrowverse shows are and have always been very straightforward in the way they unfold "major moments" within their respective narratives, to the point that if something is implied to be the case by the writers of one of these series, said implication is almost always confirmed as correct.
So Purity is Black Canary with a side of Count Vertigo when it comes to the powerset, I wonder what the third one will be.

The comics' Worldkillers don't include a Purity and Pestilence, so I guess we're on our own. But one of them, Perrilus (yes, really), has the power to spread poison and disease, which sounds like the kind of power a character named Pestilence would have. (The others are Deimax, who's really strong and specializes in "mass terrain destruction," and Flower of Heaven, who has energy protection and absorption powers. There's also a "Worldkiller-1" who I guess was the prototype of the others, basically just really strong and destructive but also something like the Venom symbiote, able to bond to people and take them over, it sounds like.)
Well that is an odd way to leave the show before a long 9 week break. That was obviously not planned as any cliffhanger of real significance. But no trailer or notice of the date the show will return. This is a long and unexpected break. They should have given us a teaser to keep interest going.

Showcase in Canada had an onscreen bumper thingy (just after the big fight in the subway station) that new Episodes would return on April 19th.
We already know when the show returns: Monday, April 16th.

in the post I responded to wo was the comment "But no trailer or notice of the date the show will return" hence me making a comment how viewers in Canada where given notice as to when it would return.

Not everyone who watchs a tv program keeps track of everything that goes on with a show or knows when the broadcast breaks are coming.
I'm very happy with season 3 so far. I don't know the comics, so the mystery around Reign and her two friends is interesting to me and it's different enough to what we've seen before.

Two things from the last episodes that I didn't appreciate: 1. How can they bring Sarah Douglas to the show and let her die after two or three sentences? 2. The death of Livewire. She had grown on me and I would have loved to see more of her, struggling between good and evil.
Maybe she was only available for a day.

It's not that I wanted to turn "Supergirl" into "The Sarah Douglas Show" but if she had only one day available they should have offered another role in the fourth season, so she can schedule accordingly. ;)

And don't say "maybe she didn't want to do more", please. I will continue to watch The Sarah Douglas Show, I mean Supergirl.

It's just sad. ;)
To be honest, I was a little taken aback at how quickly they disposed of Sarah Douglas.

"Look! It's Sarah Douglas from the old movies!"


"And there she goes . . . "
I was surprised they dispatched her like that as well. Even if she was only interested in a cameo they didn't have to kill her off.
On the plus side, we get ten episodes without random breaks like The Flash and Arrow currently have.
Aquatic Streaky confirmed! :D

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