Stuff that make you wonder but not own thread worthy

So watching DS9 "Emissary" I have some thoughts. I wish the Bolian and the Bajoran monk had showed up again. Gilgo Beach is where a bunch of murders happened in real life, if it's the one in New York. I think Opaka had a premonition about Sisko arriving.
So watching DS9 "Emissary" I have some thoughts. I wish the Bolian and the Bajoran monk had showed up again. Gilgo Beach is where a bunch of murders happened in real life, if it's the one in New York. I think Opaka had a premonition about Sisko arriving.
This is the TNG forum though. I'm confused :wtf:
Have you noticed that in 'All Good Things...' the captain's chair from the time of the pilot episode is actually the one used later in the series?
In Generations, we learn that during the Farpoint mission, Geordi told Riker a joke with the punchline, "The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the Gorilla suit has to go". Since 'Encounter at Farpoint' took place before 'The Last Outpost', when they were still talking of the Ferengi as feared, shadowy customers with a tendency to eat their associates, I'd like to hear the set-up to the joke.
Have you noticed that in 'All Good Things...' the captain's chair from the time of the pilot episode is actually the one used later in the series?
Do you know the bit about the Observation room ship display? When the set was being used for Star Trek VI it got a makeover and all the gold ships were going to go in a dumpster and Michael Okuda told Ron Moore about it so he rescued them and took them home. Then they had to rent them off Ron for their use in AGT and now they're in his home office.

This is a bit random but I remember Voyager having really nice VHS cover art. DS9's was nice too and I think they had little articles or something inside.
Do you know the bit about the Observation room ship display? When the set was being used for Star Trek VI it got a makeover and all the gold ships were going to go in a dumpster and Michael Okuda told Ron Moore about it so he rescued them and took them home. Then they had to rent them off Ron for their use in AGT and now they're in his home office.

Interesting, I didn't know that. I wonder, if TOS movies didn't use the same set might the gold ships have been there through the series.
Actually I think it was a bit of a shame the gold models were replaced, I think that version of the lounge looked better.
Why would a “low gravity gymnasium” be something of note the Enterprise-D had, which Wesley mentions in Encounter at Farpoint?
For all the critiques and not wrongly so of "Booby Trap", how come nobody notices Leah's initial appearance and how the hand was placed on Geordi's shoulder? It's not a tap to get his attention, it's all but an outright caress. AI wasn't a thing back then, and the computer did state 9.37% margin of error, so what else was the computer thinking? If that were Barclay sitting there thinking, he'd jump up about ten feet.
Do you know the bit about the Observation room ship display? When the set was being used for Star Trek VI it got a makeover and all the gold ships were going to go in a dumpster and Michael Okuda told Ron Moore about it so he rescued them and took them home. Then they had to rent them off Ron for their use in AGT and now they're in his home office.

This is a bit random but I remember Voyager having really nice VHS cover art. DS9's was nice too and I think they had little articles or something inside.

I recall reading they went to dumpster* and were saved at the last minute**, but not their having to be rented out. That's cool. Especially as, by season four, they knew this show had hit similar heights to TOS. I wonder if they otherwise would have had to have recreated them, how much that would cost, what materials the originals (and thus the re-creations) were made from, and other fluffybunny stuff.

* which sounds more fitting if the show hadn't survived season two***, but would still be collectors' items
** it's a bit like Doctor Who's stories from the 1960s, innit? At least for the stories that were saved minutes or days before being junked...
*** Season two just about rocks. Season one has great moments and does much with so little in terms of script foibles, but it still did surprise me that TNG got renewed

Why would a “low gravity gymnasium” be something of note the Enterprise-D had, which Wesley mentions in Encounter at Farpoint?

Doctor Who's "The Leisure Hive" managed to show it in 1980, but it's a shame TNG never showed theirs. It'd be a lot more costly to do, but it sure would have looked slick. Especially if done in a story that really digs in and makes use of it. But I'd fear reusing the set would be harder to think of reasons for than separating the saucer. Not to mention, seasons 5-7 go all-in on "character drama" and often relegate the sci-fi aspects increasingly to veneer and treknobabble. Then again, I adore "The Last Phase" and roll with its imperfections as well, but I digress...
Reading this article about Tracy Tormé and it got me thinking how Roddenberry was bitching and moaning about Kirk vaporising the ear slug in Star Trek II and yet he was fine when Picard and Riker shoot Remmick until he explodes in "Conspiracy."
Have you noticed that in 'All Good Things...' the captain's chair from the time of the pilot episode is actually the one used later in the series?
I believe the original went missing.

Do you know the bit about the Observation room ship display? When the set was being used for Star Trek VI it got a makeover and all the gold ships were going to go in a dumpster and Michael Okuda told Ron Moore about it so he rescued them and took them home. Then they had to rent them off Ron for their use in AGT and now they're in his home office.
The Roddenberry Archive team also went to Ron Moore to get 3D scans of them for their Bridge recreation.
"Hey remember that Q episode where the object of the episode turns out to be a aquatic looking spaceborne creature in disguise?"
"You mean "Encounter at Farpoint?"
"No, "Q-Less"."
"Wait, what?"
That was my reaction tonight. A manta ray flies off at the end of episode and everyone looks on like it means something profound.
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Wait... Troi was a LT. in Farpoint? I didn't remember that. So she advanced twice in the show? & of course Geordi & Worf did as well... So pretty much all of them reached or surpassed Data's rank by the end of the show/1st movie? Riker had been offered 3 ships, Picard offered 2 admiralties, Beverly, the head of starfleet medical.

Everyone on that senior staff got at least offered if not outright took major leaps in advancement during their time together but Data. Geez, If Ro Laren hadn't gone Maqui-ish, she probably could've gotten a bump to Data's rank & took Worf's job when he left for DS9. Doesn't even Barclay get a bump to LT. Cdr. eventually? :angryrazz: