News Stranger Things - Season 5

Definitely not a crossover that I ever would have thought, but it could be fun.
While disappointing, this isn't unexpected news: The fifth season has been delayed due to the writers strike:

Fans of Netflix’s Stranger Things will have to wait longer for the fifth and final season, whose start of production is being delayed by the writers strike. Faced with the prospect of filming without writers on set, creators, executive producers and showrunners the Duffer Brothers have opted to instead postpone production.​

“Writing does not stop when filming begins,” they wrote on the official Twitter account for the Stranger Things writers. “While we’re excited to start production with our amazing cast and crew, it is not possible during this strike. We hope a fair deal is reached soon so we can all get back to work. Until then — over and out. #wgastrong.”
I fully support this delay and hopefully it won't impact the final season too much.

That said, it does seem like a time jump is more likely now as we discussed after the fourth season.
And there was no other way you could express you're feeling than with that image, which as a vegan who likes horses, I personally found highly disturbing. After seeing the kind of shit that happens to horses, I'm really not a fan of making jokes about them being abused.
Ffs it's a thread about a TV show where a girl had her limbs cracked backwards and eyes rolled out, a guy was picked to death by "bats" and a bad guy who slaughtered a room full of innocent government slave children. But ya let's sensor the satirical cartoon about a horse.
Yes, and those things are treated seriously, and not as a joke.
Maybe you should consider the fact that some things might be more upsetting for some people than other things. Animal abuse is something I feel very strongly about, and I really don't appreciate people making jokes about it. And now in the light of the what happened around Kentucky Derby, bringing this back up is especially upsetting.
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Okay, since it's been brought up again, I have to finally point this out; the meme (and the phrase it is based on) was misapplied in this situation. To "flog" or "beat a dead horse" means to continue or bring up again a settled argument (so what @TimeIsAPredator actually did there). Not only was the meme offensive to some of the other members, it was also the wrong meme for the argument, as what @the G-man was saying about Netflix and Stranger Things, the proper saying would have been to "milk the cash cow".
Okay, since it's been brought up again, I have to finally point this out; the meme (and the phrase it is based on) was misapplied in this situation. To "flog" or "beat a dead horse" means to continue or bring up again a settled argument (so what @TimeIsAPredator actually did there). Not only was the meme offensive to some of the other members,
"Some" or "one"?
it was also the wrong meme for the argument, as what @the G-man was saying about Netflix and Stranger Things, the proper saying would have been to "milk the cash cow".
I'm lactose intolerant, so I'm triggered by any mention of cows and milking.
"Some" or "one"?

Granted, there are far more members here choosing to be dicks about it.

I'm lactose intolerant, so I'm triggered by any mention of cows and milking.

Cool story. Still not the same as a picture (even if it was just a cartoon), and the cash cow still is the correct metaphor, while the dead horse isn't.
Well as everyone knows the phrase in question is "flogging a dead horse".
So don't worry cause a dead horse can't feel.
Yes, I understand the phrase, and I don't like the phrase any more than I like the meme. It actually really bugs me that there are so many phrases like that, that are violent or insulting towards animal, especially when so many of them are actually false.
Granted, there are far more members here choosing to be dicks about it.
Sorry, if that was directed at me. I'm not meaning to be a dick on purpose, it just really bothered me, and I'm not going to pretend I'm OK with it.
Sorry, if that was directed at me. I'm not meaning to be a dick on purpose, it just really bothered me, and I'm not going to pretend I'm OK with it.
No, JD, that wasn't directed at you, it was directed at those people who apparently can't help themselves but complain that something they view as harmless being pointed out to be offensive to somebody else.
OK, I have trouble sometimes knowing in these kind of situations which side of that I fall on.
Okay, since it's been brought up again, I have to finally point this out; the meme (and the phrase it is based on) was misapplied in this situation. To "flog" or "beat a dead horse" means to continue or bring up again a settled argument.

It also applies to wasting effort on something when there is no chance of succeeding, which is where I was going.
I'm lactose intolerant, so I'm triggered by any mention of cows and milking.

Still not the same as a picture (even if it was just a cartoon)

Considering this thread, I get the distinct feeling if I'd posted a cartoon of a someone milking a cash cow there's a decent chance a poster would have said I was making light of bovine sexual harassment.
I absolutely hate the dairy industry, but I would not have something like that extreme enough to be worth commenting on. I would have just been silently annoyed and moved on.

If that's where you were going, then you simply have no idea about the cost and return of animation. Of all possible spin-offs, a cartoon is definitely one of the cheapest options. Only a multi-camera sitcom with no big name actors would be as cheap.
But a cartoon has so much potential. It can reach not just existing fans, but younger children, as well, giving it so much potential to sell even more merchandise. There's a reason Ghostbusters only became a franchise when the cartoon hit, and the toys at the time were based on the cartoon. And Star Wars after the prequels was kept alive (and grew a new, younger fanbase) thanks to The Clone Wars, and even Star Trek has realized the potential in creating a cartoon that kids can watch and become new fans for the franchise.

Considering this thread, I get the distinct feeling if I'd posted a cartoon of a someone milking a cash cow there's a decent chance a poster would have said I was making light of bovine sexual harassment.

You just can't help yourself, can you?
From making a valid,if wry, observation?

From making a grandstanding fuzz.

You could have been a decent human being and apologized, saying you meant no offense. You even could have just ignored it.

But no, you had to ridicule JD for being offended. And now that other users with the same itch couldn't let it stand and brought the subject up again, you again started ridiculing JD for having feelings.

It's as if you subconsciously feel guilty that something you did in stride hurt somebody else's feelings, but can't admit it to yourself, so you have to ridicule the idea just so that you can feel that you've done nothing wrong.

I mean, I wasn't offended the way JD was, I doubt many others were, but I can certainly understand and acknowledge it. It's called empathy. You may want to try it sometimes.
I was offended the way everyone ganged up on a poster for making a comment about how they felt Netflix were using Stranger Things.
And no it wasnt just the animal cruelty thing. There was just vitriol from the start because someone dared to claim that Stranger Things is being milked.