I was offended the way everyone ganged up on a poster for making a comment about how they felt Netflix were using Stranger Things.
"Everyone" being *checks* two people. All other members ignored the debate, me included until you brought it up again. G-man was hardly being bullied.
First off, JD complained about the depiction of animal cruelty for the sake of a meme, the one other member at the time responding to G-man was Nth Doctor who complained about the timing of it, right at the beginning of the new thread, as well as the general crassness and (at the time, before G-man edited it) apparent pointlessness of the meme.And no it wasnt just the animal cruelty thing. There was just vitriol from the start because someone dared to claim that Stranger Things is being milked.
Secondly, you wanna talk vitriol, maybe take a look at that meme again (and then consider that the Netflix and Stranger Things logos weren't there at the beginning). Yes, it makes a point, but it does it in a way that strong reactions should not be surprising.
And sorry, Nth Doctor, I looked if I could find some news on Stranger Things to balance the post, but with production being halted, there's nothing. I have ordered the TMNT crossover comic from my comics dealer, though, and am looking forward to see what story they come up with.