Spoilers Strange New Worlds Episode 7 - Those Old Scientists

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I assume people talked about this already, but is there a paradox with the fact that the device should have no Horonium after they used all of it to get Boimler and Mariner back home? lol
Maybe the detection of the Horonium is via a temporal effect from when the portal is about to be activated. They could be detecting the remains of the Horonium before it gets used up in the past, later. ;)
One of my favorite episodes from any series, but why did they have to ruin it by Uhura saying Sato could speak 63 languages? The character wasn't convincing to speak more than a handful of languages.

Maybe this should be another thread, but what is up with ST and polyglottery in the recent series? There were episodes in Enterprise where Sato hears a few phrases and is suddenly able to speak fluently. No, that's not how language works. It's ridiculous that Uhura at her age in SNW could speak 37 languages and it's not believable for her character. Then there's Saru in Discovery. I get the idea that no one writing any of this has ever met a polyglot, nor knows anything about it.
One of my favorite episodes from any series, but why did they have to ruin it by Uhura saying Sato could speak 63 languages? The character wasn't convincing to speak more than a handful of languages.

Maybe this should be another thread, but what is up with ST and polyglottery in the recent series? There were episodes in Enterprise where Sato hears a few phrases and is suddenly able to speak fluently. No, that's not how language works. It's ridiculous that Uhura at her age in SNW could speak 37 languages and it's not believable for her character. Then there's Saru in Discovery. I get the idea that no one writing any of this has ever met a polyglot, nor knows anything about it.
We’ll add that to the list.
One of my favorite episodes from any series, but why did they have to ruin it by Uhura saying Sato could speak 63 languages?

That is an incredibly unimportant detail. It doesn't "ruin" anything. That is not a realistic idea of how to critically evaluate the quality of a production.

Then there's Saru in Discovery. I get the idea that no one writing any of this has ever met a polyglot, nor knows anything about it.

Saru is an alien whose brain need not function in the manner of a Human's.
There were episodes in Enterprise where Sato hears a few phrases and is suddenly able to speak fluently. No, that's not how language works.
You are aware TV shows need narrative conveniences like that in order to move the plot forward, right?
I get the idea that no one writing any of this has ever met a polyglot, nor knows anything about it.
Say it ain't so!!! :eek:

Hate to break it to you, but Star Trek writers rarely know much if anything about the subject matter they're writing about, particularly where science stuff is involved. That's what Star Trek is. This is the way.
One of my favorite episodes from any series, but why did they have to ruin it by Uhura saying Sato could speak 63 languages? The character wasn't convincing to speak more than a handful of languages.

Maybe this should be another thread, but what is up with ST and polyglottery in the recent series? There were episodes in Enterprise where Sato hears a few phrases and is suddenly able to speak fluently. No, that's not how language works. It's ridiculous that Uhura at her age in SNW could speak 37 languages and it's not believable for her character. Then there's Saru in Discovery. I get the idea that no one writing any of this has ever met a polyglot, nor knows anything about it.
I haven't thought about it much, although Saru speaking extremely many languages struck me as odd. Perhaps it might lead to a fruitful discussion to open a thread about Star Trek's polys?