STC Ep. 7: "Embrace The Winds" speculation and discussion....

Just watched it.

Uh, there was a lot I liked yet there were things I didn't care for. I will have to watch it again.

The things that bug me most are pretty much the same things that have bothered me from the beginning of STC. And they really went to town on one of those things in this episode. Thats a major demerit in my book given how it took me out of the story.

I don't know if I'd call this one of their weakest, but it wasn't one of their best.

For me "Lolani" and "Fairest Of Them All" remain their best efforts.

Get out of my head! :)

I had almost exactly the same feeling as you. Though I suppose one can say that STC was being just like ST:TOS in being completely anvilicious about something :). (Just not something that ST:TOS would have been anvilicious about.)

I don't care that the episode was anvilicious about something TOS wouldn't have been, though. I do care that it was anvilicious. I didn't care for those kinds of episodes in TOS and don't care for them in STC. And I suppose one could argue that "Lolani" was anvilicious, but there it was secondary to the plot (though of course the plot set it up). Here the plot was entirely subservient to the anviliciousness.
They are so hellbent on connecting-the-dots and making rationalizations they undermined what could otherwise have been a decent story.

There I'll disagree with you. I can understand not liking connect-the-dots (though I personally am not bothered by it), but I don't see how the c-t-d "undermined" anything. If you don't like it I can see complaints about it taking one out of the story, but I don't see it harming or undermining the story at all.

Well, I will grant you one bit -- I thought part of one callback to a certain TOS episode could have been more tightly edited and a couple of minutes of time saved for something else.
It wouldn't be STC without "Banhammered Ray" bitching and moaning about callouts! (And then telling everyone "not to read" his posts if they don't like his whining.) ;) Personally I can't wait to see it tomorrow - just to savor all these callouts that pissed off The Banned One.

Disagree. They really laid those callouts on thick--completely kicked me out of the story every time given how obvious they were.

Candidly I found quite a bit of the writing weak in this episode. Again much of it felt very TNG like and the numerous blatant callouts is definitely fannish and does nothing to serve the story. All pretense of being as close to TOS as possible was completely undermined. This was glorified fanfic nearly as disappointing as "The White Iris."

I'm a staunch fan of STC, but the more I think about it the more I am disappointed with this effort.

I'd rate it 3/5 or just Fair.

It's not outright bad or poor, but it's certainly neither excellent nor good. They are so hellbent on connecting-the-dots and making rationalizations they undermined what could otherwise have been a decent story.
I think that the assertion that STC is "helbent on connecting-the-dots" is a bit of a reach. Sure, we want to make it fun and we love Star Trek but certainly we are NOT hellbent on connecting the dots.
You could have fooled me. None of the callouts in this story were necessary and each of them called attention to itself. This became a check, check and check exercise that never would have been seen on TOS.

It has been stated that STC is intent on doing on arc to get the characters in a certain place at the end. Well, they are doing it in a very obvious way and very fannish way.

There are other elements of this story I have issue with here, but I'll refrain from mentioning them until more people have seen the episode.

There is still STC's polished approach that cannot be denied, but as has been said by others the achilles heel is the writing.
It wouldn't be STC without "Banhammered Ray" bitching and moaning about callouts! (And then telling everyone "not to read" his posts if they don't like his whining.) ;) Personally I can't wait to see it tomorrow - just to savor all these callouts that pissed off The Banned One.
Respect for forum rules prevents me from stating my exact opinion of this post.
You've already called me an "asshole" in these forums. So why stop there? ;)
There is a lot to discuss about this episode given there is some meat to it so I'd rather stick to that then let the thread get derailed too far to no purpose.

And my "bitching" is actual legitimate criticism even if you don't like it. There is a decent story to be told in this episode even if it's undermined by disappointing creative choices.
There is a lot to discuss about this episode given there is some meat to it so I'd rather stick to that then let the thread get derailed too far to no purpose.

And my "bitching" is actual legitimate criticism even if you don't like it. There is a decent story to be told in this episode even if it's undermined by disappointing creative choices.

"Disappointing" is a subjective word. Your opinion does not equal fact, Raymond. To date you've done nothing but bash ST:C while claiming you're a fan - and I suspect that's why you've allegedly been banhammered from the ST:C boards.

So forgive the rest of us if we take everything you say with a dose of M-113 salt tablets. You're a typical "my opinion is fact" man, who constantly repeats the tired phrase "if you don't like it, don't read it" (yet you don't practice what you preach with everyone who disagrees with you).

FYI, most of us love the canon callouts. Your mileage may vary; but to paraphrase you, "if you don't like it, don't watch it." Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's; and from the feedback I've read literally everyone but you has liked this episode. I'll refrain from passing judgment myself until I see it tomorrow, but your bizarre obsession with your own creative "credentials" is Just. Plain. Creepy.
"Disappointing" is a subjective word. Your opinion does not equal fact, Raymond. To date you've done nothing but bash ST:C while claiming you're a fan - and I suspect that's why you've allegedly been banhammered from the ST:C boards.

So forgive the rest of us if we take everything you say with a dose of M-113 salt tablets. You're a typical "my opinion is fact" man, who constantly repeats the tired phrase "if you don't like it, don't read it" (yet you don't practice what you preach with everyone who disagrees with you).

FYI, most of us love the canon callouts. Your mileage may vary; but to paraphrase you, "if you don't like it, don't watch it." Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's; and from the feedback I've read literally everyone but you has liked this episode. I'll refrain from passing judgment myself until I see it tomorrow, but your bizarre obsession with your own creative "credentials" is Just. Plain. Creepy.
Your opinion is just as much that.

TOS wasn't fanfic. If you like fanfic then goody for you. STC has done work transcending fanfic that helped make it feel so close to authentic. But stories like "The White Iris" and now "Embracing The Wind" undermine that aspiration. Sorry, but it cheapens the storytelling and undermines any real sense of professionalism.

That's an opinion based on the facts presented in the work itself. But continue to indulge in shouting down dissenting opinion because it doesn't gel with unquestioning acceptance.

I have supported STC, and that also allows me to give my opinion of the result. Something that obviously annoys some to no end.
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I'm not shouting down anything. You are. I'm simply calling attention to a self-appointed arbiter of what is "good" and "bad."

Yes, I love fanfic. ST:C has always referred to itself as fanfic, despite your repeated (and repeatedly disproven) allegations that Mignona stated it wasn't.

If you don't like fanfic, perhaps the "professional independent film" Axanar is more your tastes? LOL

I haven't supported STC (financially), but that still allows me to give my opinion of the result. Something that obviously annoys you to no end.

And again, for the record: Were you, or were you not, banned from the ST:C boards?
I'm not shouting down anything. You are. I'm simply calling attention to a self-appointed arbiter of what is "good" and "bad."

Yes, I love fanfic. ST:C has always referred to itself as fanfic. If you don't like it, perhaps the "professional film" Axanar is more your tastes?

And again, for the record: Were you, or were you not, banned from the ST:C boards?
Yeah, for making an innocent remark regarding the mispelling of a word. A totally ridiculous reason. So what?

And I retract my previous reservation. You are indeed an asshole now trying to use argument by intimidation. You don't like the opinion so you set out to try discrediting the person. Very Alec Peters of you.
Suuuuuuuuuuuure that's why. Sure.

Intimidation? Nope. Goes to your character. If the people you claim to "support" have gone so far as to literally ban you, it's quite clear you don't "support" them even remotely.

Very Alec Peters of you.

And thanks for the flame! Again: Goes to your character.

Seriously Ray, take your own advice. "If you don't like it, don't read it." Put me on ignore, for the love of ShiKahr.
Suuuuuuuuuuuure that's why. Sure.

Intimidation? Nope. Goes to your character. If the people you claim to "support" have gone so far as to literally ban you, it's quite clear you don't "support" them even remotely.

Very Alec Peters of you.

And thanks for the flame! Again: Goes to your character.

Seriously Ray, take your own advice. "If you don't like it, don't read it." Put me on ignore, for the love of ShiKahr.
You continue to show you know nothing. Absolutely nothing.

And, yeah, you are again on ignore given you bring nothing constructive or of substance to the conversation. I was willing to keep the discussion on-point, but you were intent on dragging it off-topic with your provocations. Speaks very clearly to your character. So don't protest being called on it and someone stating exactly what you are, and of the monumental variety.
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Disagree. They really laid those callouts on thick--completely kicked me out of the story every time given how obvious they were.

Candidly I found quite a bit of the writing weak in this episode. Again much of it felt very TNG like and the numerous blatant callouts is definitely fannish and does nothing to serve the story. All pretense of being as close to TOS as possible was completely undermined. This was glorified fanfic nearly as disappointing as "The White Iris."

I'm a staunch fan of STC, but the more I think about it the more I am disappointed with this effort.

I'd rate it 3/5 or just Fair.

It's not outright bad or poor, but it's certainly neither excellent nor good. They are so hellbent on connecting-the-dots and making rationalizations they undermined what could otherwise have been a decent story.

I am not very happy about this :) but I agree with Warped9.
Hey, the "admins" have allowed Ray to call me an "asshole" twice now in violation of the board's Terms of Service. Complain to them.