Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

Dave tweeted a Starfleet scale chart but then deleted it. I guess there was an error on it

I'm just glad that for the first time in close to two centuries a new Enterprise isn't bigger than the one that preceded it.
Now I can finally make this comparison showing why the G doesn't fit :D

I'm just glad that for the first time in close to two centuries a new Enterprise isn't bigger than the one that preceded it.

The Enterprise-E was less than half the volume of the Enterprise-D (2,429,000m³ vs 5,821,000m³). In fact it was slightly less than the volume of the Enterprise-C (2,871,000m³). Size isn't just length, gentlemen... ;)

Also – the Constitution-class was less than the volume of the refit NX class (212,000m³ vs 220,000m³). And in fact due to 10% of the regular NX volume being nacelle compared to 25% of the Constitution volume being nacelle, the NX-01 in her original configuration already had a larger habitable volume than the 1701 (180,000m³ vs 160,000m³).
Dave tweeted a Starfleet scale chart but then deleted it. I guess there was an error on it

As a DS9 fan, I would note that both the station and the Defiant's size and scale have been big open questions that vary a lot from episode to episode. It's interesting that they made the Defiant a little bit bigger than it was usually shown on the series.
I'm just glad that for the first time in close to two centuries a new Enterprise isn't bigger than the one that preceded it.
USS Enterprise Ship Sizes is like the Stock Market.

It can't keep going up forever without going back down at some point; eventually, it'll go back up in future iterations and reach new heights that represent new apexes for each respective era/time period, and will represent the largest USS Enterprise ever made at that time. Until then, this is one fo those era's where the USS Enterprise's size goes back down.
I think the E-J will just depend on what some showrunner wants to do when they get to that point. E-J existed in some future as a successor to an NCC-1701 so it's not unreasonable that it could exist in the real universe too.
Maybe the J we saw was developed in response to the Expanse growing up until that point and possibly built like that to get as many people out of the galaxy as possible, but since it was in the battle anyway, that part kinda failed.

The J we eventually see may be nothing like that ship.
Maybe the J we saw was developed in response to the Expanse growing up until that point and possibly built like that to get as many people out of the galaxy as possible, but since it was in the battle anyway, that part kinda failed.

The J we eventually see may be nothing like that ship.
I agree but I could also simply see them skipping over the J altogether but using the "Azati Prime" design simply so they don't have to design something new, in my mind kind of like how Picard used the Odyssey-class for the F. The thing about that "Azati Prime' future is that there's a Dauntless-class, a Prometheus-class and a Nova-class fighting alongside the J so it can't be too different from the regular universe.
Still, there was a progression of sorts. The Great Mistake is a big step back.
Calling it a great mistake is a bit much.

Personally, I've always thought the sizing of Enterprises needed a revamp. The 442m 1701 is perfect in sizing, especially when compared to the NX-01.

The Enterprise-B on the other hand, should be longer then the Ent-C. It's the only way the Excelsior class makes any damn sense.

The D and the E are fine, but the F is too damn big, for my taste.

Finally, if were up to me, I'd put the G down in size to match the 442m Enterprise Saucer.

But that's me.
Calling it a great mistake is a bit much.

Firstly, every other Enterprise so far was the pinnacle of Starfleet engineering. With the G they spent an entire season telling us what a rustbucket she is. So no progression here.

Secondly, we have the botched up and contrived background story of the refit. Was it just some raw materials or more as dialogue suggests when Picard referes to her as Riker's old command.

Thirdly, it doesn't make much sense that Starfleet thought NCC-80102 did something so impressive that its successor deserved a prefix, yet has no qualms erasing the name and registry.

Fourthly, I'm not a fan of "Class Roman Numeral" designations.

And lastly, minimal effort was made to bring the 23rd century Shangri La class to the 25th century so it looks oddly out of place.

So, basically everything about this ship just doesn't work out. It's the biggest mistake they made this season IMO.
Nah, what they said in the first three episodes was that it is an exploratory vessel. Not primarily a battle ship or ambassador ship.

Which to me would make me extremely excited for Legacy (if it happens) because the implication would be that they're exploring again, rather than hanging round waiting for an arc to hit them in the face.