Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

When are we gonna see this baby with it's spikes and bulbous bridge?
I'm just glad they're making a firm statement that no one's trying to retcon the TOS
No one ever said otherwise.

TOS remains a part of the canon. Discovery used footage from the Cage. Not sure how much firmer you can get than using actual footage.
I also think it should have been a canonical ship, such as Yorktown, which would have been a more fitting tribute.
Which is why I think the tribute is to Picard first, TOS second.
Which is why I think the tribute is to Picard first, TOS second.
I understand what you're saying given our previous discussions. But I just don't see it that way. "Relics" was itself a tribute to TOS and Scotty. And I doubt most TNG fans even remember Picard talking about seeing it in the museum.

But I as I've said before, I agree with @drt, it should've been a Connie known since the TOS era. Yorktown being the perfect choice given its association with the earliest series proposal.
No one ever said otherwise.

TOS remains a part of the canon. Discovery used footage from the Cage. Not sure how much firmer you can get than using actual footage.
Using footage of the old ship in a deliberately campy recap before cutting to 'reality' implies that the TOS ship is a goofy 60s version of the DSC ship that we'll be seeing going forward. Things like Short Treks and the SNW season finale replaced the TOS ship with the SNW ship during events we'd seen in the series.

Putting the TOS design (more or less) right there amongst the Berman-era ships and the Kurtzman-era Titan-A in live action is a huge deal. For me anyway. It says 'this is what these ships actually look like'. Well, more or less. They weren't ideal models.

But I as I've said before, I agree with @drt, it should've been a Connie known since the TOS era. Yorktown being the perfect choice given its association with the earliest series proposal.
If the Yorktown had appeared it probably would've looked like the Enterprise-A. Also it would've ruined people's theories that the Enterprise-A was the Yorktown.
^ I have no problem with it being the Yorktown. But if not that name, one of the other Connie names from TOS.
Using footage of the old ship in a deliberately campy recap before cutting to 'reality' implies that the TOS ship is a goofy 60s version of the ship we'll see going forward. Thin
At the risk of sounding rude, I find this argument to be looking for a problem. No where, repeat no where, has anyone with the production suggested this. They have simply continued the story with modern day elements. They didn't even go as far as Roddenberry with TOS and distancing himself from it as a dramatic interpretation of Kirk's logs.

The use of the Cage footage is to tie it directly to the story told. The visuals are just changed because Hollywood changed.

This idea that it's a "goofy 60s ship" is reading in to it and searching for a problem to fit a solution. To be offended over something assumed rather than stated.
Hollywood changing the visuals is the problem! Picard shows that they're willing to just to just let the TOS Constitution be, even in 2023.
Why is this a problem? When did set dressing become most impressive thing, the thing that gives a show value? We've had these looks all across the new shows but this one nod rectified everything?

What? Its nonsensical arguments like this that confuse the hell out of me.
Why is this a problem? When did set dressing become most impressive thing, the thing that gives a show value?
I never said it was the most important thing, like dialogue's not the most important thing, and costuming's not the most important thing.

I said that seeing that the Constitution-class definitely hadn't been retconned made me very happy, and being very happy is what I want from my entertainment! It's much better than feeling frustrated, so I'll support any choices they make that lead to my happiness rather than my frustration.
This idea that it's a "goofy 60s ship" is reading in to it and searching for a problem to fit a solution. To be offended over something assumed rather than stated.

I think the over-the-top posterized, flippy transitions and blasting the theme music outside of context definitely was designed to play up the campy elements of the original series and increase the contrast with modern prestige-TV standards when it snapped into the episode proper. Compare it to what happened not long before where Doctor Who did the same bit of having a previously-on segment from a half-century-old episode, and played it almost entirely like it was just another recap, even blending it into the present-day with a couple of shot-for-shot recreations of the new actors recreating an old scene before moving into the new story.

(This version adds in some extra recreated shots that weren't in the actual episode, but the first 40 seconds are the relevant part.)

I've got the time, it'd be a fun exercise to try and reedit the "Persistence of Memory" recap to be something closer to a normal Discovery recap rather than being so self-conscious about how long Star Trek has been around.
I'm confused.
I never thought using the 60s recap in SNW was campy. At least no more so than the 60s were. It was dead level 60s look, feel, and action, in my opinion.

In the end, it's an asthetic. A look. An artistic choice, no different than different animation styles being part of the same canon. It's a purposeful change in continuity for STYLE. (If you need an example - The Clone Wars animation, versus Rebels Animation, versus Resistance. Literally no one says they can't all be canon.) Yes people argue the style. Argue that up down and sideways. Sure! Doesn't make it less canon. Same with TOS vs SNW in mind.
I think the over-the-top posterized, flippy transitions and blasting the theme music outside of context definitely was designed to play up the campy elements of the original series and increase the contrast with modern prestige-TV standards when it snapped into the episode proper.
Again, I feel this is eisigesis and a solution in search of a problem.
In the end, it's an asthetic. A look. An artistic choice, no different than different animation styles being part of the same canon. It's a purposeful change in continuity for STYLE. (If you need an example - The Clone Wars animation, versus Rebels Animation, versus Resistance. Literally no one says they can't all be canon.) Yes people argue the style. Argue that up down and sideways. Sure! Doesn't make it less canon. Same with TOS vs SNW in mind.
This. Exactly this.
I'm confused.
I never thought using the 60s recap in SNW was campy. At least no more so than the 60s were. It was dead level 60s look, feel, and action, in my opinion.

I didn't feel like that part was out of place at all..its no more weird than any other time a Star Trek episode has used a clip from another episode, sometimes *IN THE EPISODE* to make a connection.

I never felt it was odd when they used scenes from TWOK in TSFS for the 'security footage', or in Menagerie when they used footage from The Cage..or when they used the footage from Unification in Discovery when Burnham is looking back at who Spock came to be.
Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, Mandalorian, Obi-Wan, Book of Boba Fett, Andor, Lower Decks and Prodigy have all had excellent design continuity and I've got nothing but praise for all of them.