Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

If you can accept the Enterprise in TMP is the same ship as the one in TOS, then surely you can accept the Enterprise in SNW is the same ship :shrug: :rolleyes:

It's not about "acceptance" for everyone; for some it's about being able to explain things to their own satisfaction.

Frankly, everything about SNW design has more polish, detail and is generally better than the TOS version - uniforms, sets, props. It's better than the rest of streaming Trek. I don't love the SNW Enterprise as much as some other versions of the ship, but I like it a lot more than I did before the show premiered. They improved it in detail over the STD version.
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If you can accept the Enterprise in TMP is the same ship as the one in TOS, then surely you can accept the Enterprise in SNW is the same ship :shrug: :rolleyes:
It's not about acceptance. At times, it feels like a deliberate barrier to enjoyment because it makes a change to Trek some find unacceptable.

There was a design by Doug Schramm from ~2009 showing an "NX-ified" version of the original Constitution-class. I have to say the SNW version has some remarkable similarities.

Looks like a ship.
Weird thing about ship design in Star Trek: Picard is how some of the ships like the Titan A and Intrepid look like TOS movie era saucer sections attached to TNG movie era stardrive sections.
If you can accept the Enterprise in TMP is the same ship as the one in TOS, then surely you can accept the Enterprise in SNW is the same ship :shrug: :rolleyes:

The TMP Enterprise was an actual refit (not a Picard "refit"), and was explained in the story. It also wasn't double the size of its pre-refit form, and its technology felt like a logical continuation of the TOS stuff, unlike the Discoprise which looks more advanced inside then the Enterprise-E.
She did in the season 1 finale of DSC and remains AWOL in SNW.
She was in Prodigy and Lower Decks, which are just as canon as SNW, DSC and Picard.

unlike the Discoprise which looks more advanced inside then the Enterprise-E.
No it doesn't. I don't remember the Enterprise-E having switches, and jelly buttons.

knew they couldn't use the DSC stuff in their nostalgia museum
They used the TOS Bird of Prey redesign from Picard/SNW.
I don't find it hard to buy into the use of TMP-style spaceframes in the 25th century given the established longevity of the Excelsiors and Mirandas. In-universe, those designs clearly passed the test of time to have been in service for so long.
Weird thing about ship design in Star Trek: Picard is how some of the ships like the Titan A and Intrepid look like TOS movie era saucer sections attached to TNG movie era stardrive sections.
The Titan's stardrive doesn't look like any TNG era ship. It's from a TOS movie era Fan design.

And the Intrepid's saucer doesn't look anything like a TOS movie era saucer. It has a ton of 24th Century details that the Titan-A doesn't have.
The TMP Enterprise was an actual refit (not a Picard "refit"), and was explained in the story. It also wasn't double the size of its pre-refit form, and its technology felt like a logical continuation of the TOS stuff, unlike the Discoprise which looks more advanced inside then the Enterprise-E.
It really didn't. The shape looked wrong, the proportions were off, and the tech felt different. Nothing connected to TOS aside from them playing lip service to it.

Nothing on the Discovery Enterprise feels more advanced for the century. It has buttons, knobs and read outs.
I dunno, maybe I'm just biased these days because of how much I loved the NX-01 and how well the "Discoprise" fits in with the lineage.

*Guess I should update this with the NX-01 Refit.

the Discoprise was designed to incorporate elements of the NX class and the refit. So of course it’s going to have more in common that the Classic Connie.

They used the TOS Bird of Prey redesign from Picard/SNW.

my head canon has been that the Bird of Prey from Picard is a refit of the original. And this refit was the Romulans primary ship during the TOS movie era. Similar to the Connie Refit and the upgraded Klingon Battlecruisers like Kronos One.
It's not about "acceptance" for everyone; for some it's about being able to explain things to their own satisfaction.

Frankly, everything about SNW design has more polish, detail and is generally better than the TOS version - uniforms, sets, props. It's better than the rest of streaming Trek. I don't love the SNW Enterprise as much as some other versions of the ship, but I like it a lot more than I did before the show premiered. They improved it in detail over the STD version.

The interior of the Discoprise is one of the best starship sets I’ve ever seen. The bridge, engine room, corridors, uniforms, props, etc. all look fantastic.

The exterior is a different story entirely. It is dull, boring, gray, unoriginal, and lacks any kind of charm or grace that the original TOS version had. If they were going to radically change the ship for the interior sets, they should have radically changed the exterior, yet they just made a lower-quality version of the TOS ship, IMHO.
It's not that good, sorry. And the "let's blow up Discovery " is a moronic old joke. Lamers were using it in 2009 against Church's design.

The Enterprise in SNW is Constitution class, too.



It was great design for me and many other people. And joke is not moronic. i really enjoyed when they distroyed Discovery and killed that strange crew.
The interior of the Discoprise is one of the best starship sets I’ve ever seen. The bridge, engine room, corridors, uniforms, props, etc. all look fantastic.

The exterior is a different story entirely. It is dull, boring, gray, unoriginal, and lacks any kind of charm or grace that the original TOS version had. If they were going to radically change the ship for the interior sets, they should have radically changed the exterior, yet they just made a lower-quality version of the TOS ship, IMHO.
I can respect your opinion, but I can't help but disagree. To me the "new" Enterprise is the most gorgeous ship in Trek. And I cannot understand the hate that she gets. But that's me. Opinions may vary.
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The TMP Enterprise was an actual refit (not a Picard "refit"), and was explained in the story. It also wasn't double the size of its pre-refit form, and its technology felt like a logical continuation of the TOS stuff, unlike the Discoprise which looks more advanced inside then the Enterprise-E.

The refit Constitution-class is substantially larger than the original (just over 10% larger volume) and sufficiently different in configuration that they even describe it in dialogue as "an almost completely new Enterprise". It's hardly in the same league as "swap the Bussard collectors and nacelle end caps and install a new bridge module". Ex Astris Scientia did an excellent article on just how different the refit Enterprise is from the original, to the point of stretching credibility that it can be considered the same ship at all. Of course, back when TMP was being made the production team didn't hold that TOS really looked like TOS; their intent at the time was that the TOS we saw was a production limitation. We don't get an on-screen confirmation that "TOS really looked like TOS in-universe" until TNG: "Relics", thirteen years after TMP was made.
I can respect your opinion, but I can't help but disagree. To me the "new" Enterprise is the most gorgeous ship in Trek. And I cannot understand the hate that she gets. But that's me. Opinions my vary.

And you’re welcome to your opinion. I love the Galaxy and Ambassador classes, and other fans hate them. That’s fine. I’m not speaking for anyone but myself.
I’ve never had an issue with the design of the Discoprise, inside or out (except for the bridge window). It’s a fantastic looking update of the original design. In fact, if JJ had actually given a damn we probably would have had something similar in the Kelvin-verse films.

That said, I still prefer the Classic TOS design 10 times outta 10.
And you’re welcome to your opinion. I love the Galaxy and Ambassador classes, and other fans hate them. That’s fine. I’m not speaking for anyone but myself.

See, that's funny because I've never understood the hate the Ambassador class got. It's beautiful. To each their own.