Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

The footage from ‘The Cage’ was used because there was no reason for them to mimic-reshoot those scenes with the production values they currently had, because the original footage made the point they wanted to make. There was no larger meaning to it than that.
No, but they could have had some expository dialogue that would have covered the same beats.

They chose to use the The Cage footage because it was a sequel to that episode.
Star Trek ship

That doesn’t look like the Reliant. Or the Defiant. Or the Nebula. Or the Akira. Or the Saber. Or the Steamrunner. Or the Constellation. Or the Sagan. Or the Prometheus. Or the Dauntless. Or the…


No, but they could have had some expository dialogue that would have covered the same beats.

They chose to use the The Cage footage because it was a sequel to that episode.

But that wasn’t my point. My point was they felt they didn’t need to reshoot scenes from the Cage because they already had the footage they wanted, and ignored that it looked visually different.
That doesn’t look like the Reliant. Or the Defiant. Or the Nebula. Or the Akira. Or the Saber. Or the Steamrunner. Or the Constellation. Or the Sagan. Or the Prometheus. Or the Dauntless. Or the…

Those aren't Star Trek ships then...:whistle:
That doesn’t look like the Reliant. Or the Defiant. Or the Nebula. Or the Akira. Or the Saber. Or the Steamrunner. Or the Constellation. Or the Sagan. Or the Prometheus. Or the Dauntless. Or the…

I'll give you the Defiant. The others are spear carriers. :p
Clone Wars and Rebels really don't.
The lightsabers are super skinny, Vader is angular and thinner, troopers...just weirder. It is all very quaint. Now, it is all an homage to the original concept art of Ralph Macquarrie but it is actually very different. And Resistance went full strange 80s cel shading with heavy borders. So no. And it has created quite the kerfuffle over skinny and pointed versus "regular" sabers. But no one says one is replacing the other.
Yeah things are exaggered and stylised in different ways to suit the animation, the proportions are stretched, details are simplified, but the designs underneath are basically the same. They're drawing from the same imaginary reality. Each is an impression of the same Platonic ideal forms.

Like the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Animated Series is more basic than the 11' TOS filming miniature, the diagram in Prodigy is even cruder, but they're all clearly, obviously, blatantly representing the same ship. One that shouldn't be mistaken for the Kelvin Enterprises, or the refit Enterprise, or the DSC/SNW Enterprise.

So now that both designs have shown up in shiny modern live-action series Star Trek: Picard, it implies that the SNW ship gets a refit to become the TOS ship. Either way TOS leads to TNG leads to Voyager leads to Picard. In story, in design, in visuals. SNW can go be off in its own little universe for all I care, as long as it doesn't suggest that the visuals I'm seeing in my TOS and TNG DVDs are wrong. Well aside from the horrible colours and NTSC artefacts and man I should've gotten the Blurays instead...
So now that both designs have shown up in shiny modern live-action series Star Trek: Picard, it implies that the SNW ship gets a refit to become the TOS ship. Either way TOS leads to TNG leads to Voyager leads to Picard. In story, in design, in visuals. SNW can go be off in its own little universe for all I care, as long as it doesn't suggest that the visuals I'm seeing in my TOS and TNG DVDs are wrong. Well aside from the horrible colours and NTSC artefacts and man I should've gotten the Blurays instead...
It implies nothing
There is no wrong.
We clearly have different limits to how much artistic reinterpretation we can accept before an apple turns into a bicycle, but I'm happy you were already happy.

Personally SNW bothered the hell out of me. This is an objective fact. Personally seeing that Constitution class in Picard brought me joy. Another objective fact. I've told you why I think this is. I am now happy like the rest of you, so we can all be happy together. Except for the guy who hates the thin lightsabers, I don't think they'll ever know joy.
So now that both designs have shown up in shiny modern live-action series Star Trek: Picard, it implies that the SNW ship gets a refit to become the TOS ship.

Well, not really. Because by that logic, the TOS Enterprise went from looking like it did in "The Cage" to looking like it did in SNW to looking like it did in TOS. It is not remotely the producers' intentions to 'refit' the ship to make it look like the '60's version inside and out by the time WNMHGB comes along in five years.

As someone else said, the TOS Connie was used for the museum scene because fans have nostalgia for that design. They don't have nostalgia for the Discoprise version. Just like how fans have nostalgia for seeing Worf again, but like how he looked in TNG, not bald and covered in mounds of latex so thick he can barely speak. Not to mention having only one penis.

If these two ships can be the same ship...

WTF is that thing in the top pic?