Stargate Universe Rewatch: Now with teacake

^But even if it was put there for them, to what purpose was it a benign reason or a more sinister reason?
Exactly. Someone leaves scrumptious candy laying around for you to find, you shouldn't put it into your mouth until you at least know something about who and why they left it laying there for you
You shouldn't, but considering the situation they were in, I can understand why it looked so inviting. As if some sort of higher power were giving them an escape.
It wasn't that inviting, there was no beach! And the weather predictions.. I wouldn't even move to the UK because of the winter, much less a planet with sub zero temperatures for months at a time.
There is nothing wrong with the British Winter, it's much like the British Spring, Summer and Autumn. Wet. :p
Human: I really enjoyed how we see Rush's mind working in the chair, looking for that breadcrumb trail of meaning in everything until finally the trail itself is clear to him.

The cave in, bleh predictable. If they had never been rescued and had eventually blown up or dug their way out I wonder how they would have survived. Also this planet looks just as good as the perfect paradise planet everyone was tempted by.
Lost: I forgot it takes them a few episodes to get back! The whole time Greer was running towards the Stargate hoping to get there before Eli, Scott and Chloe left I was thinking FIRE YOUR WEAPON! That would get their attention and they wouldn't leave until they found him.

Could have done without the whole Greer back story which is just kind of shitty and cliched. Oh tough guy, had a bad dad etc.. I like Greer just fine, I think he's a very interesting character, and the backstory does nothing to make him more interesting.

Speaking of terrible dads, poor T.J.

Nicely done, the beginning of Chloe's massive brain hiccup. Other than the Greer backstory the drama of trying to connect the team with the ship and Greer being left behind works well. Would be nice not to always interrupt these people with earth stuff.

Human: I really enjoyed how we see Rush's mind working in the chair, looking for that breadcrumb trail of meaning in everything until finally the trail itself is clear to him.

The cave in, bleh predictable. If they had never been rescued and had eventually blown up or dug their way out I wonder how they would have survived. Also this planet looks just as good as the perfect paradise planet everyone was tempted by.
Pretty much "What She Said"

About the only thing I can add is with the lost crew members that's an awful large percentage of their best resources.
Lost: I forgot it takes them a few episodes to get back! The whole time Greer was running towards the Stargate hoping to get there before Eli, Scott and Chloe left I was thinking FIRE YOUR WEAPON! That would get their attention and they wouldn't leave until they found him.

Could have done without the whole Greer back story which is just kind of shitty and cliched. Oh tough guy, had a bad dad etc.. I like Greer just fine, I think he's a very interesting character, and the backstory does nothing to make him more interesting.

Speaking of terrible dads, poor T.J.

Nicely done, the beginning of Chloe's massive brain hiccup. Other than the Greer backstory the drama of trying to connect the team with the ship and Greer being left behind works well. Would be nice not to always interrupt these people with earth stuff.

In first run, the Greer backstory really grated on me, I didn't like him yet at this point, and the backstory had me rolling my eyes "Oh, great, angry Black Man(tm) is justified from having a shitty father and a useless mother that allowed her child to be abused and justified it". However, this time around I really enjoyed it, it does explain alot about him, and the locked in the closet scenes interposed into Greer clawing his way out really went well together. I can't believe his dad drove him to the ghetto and dumped him off, saying it was probably good he didn't have any money in that part of town. Did I miss something, did they actually address why his father was such a poor excuse for a human being and took it out on Greer?
Lost: I forgot it takes them a few episodes to get back! The whole time Greer was running towards the Stargate hoping to get there before Eli, Scott and Chloe left I was thinking FIRE YOUR WEAPON! That would get their attention and they wouldn't leave until they found him.

Could have done without the whole Greer back story which is just kind of shitty and cliched. Oh tough guy, had a bad dad etc.. I like Greer just fine, I think he's a very interesting character, and the backstory does nothing to make him more interesting.

Speaking of terrible dads, poor T.J.

Nicely done, the beginning of Chloe's massive brain hiccup. Other than the Greer backstory the drama of trying to connect the team with the ship and Greer being left behind works well. Would be nice not to always interrupt these people with earth stuff.

In first run, the Greer backstory really grated on me, I didn't like him yet at this point, and the backstory had me rolling my eyes "Oh, great, angry Black Man(tm) is justified from having a shitty father and a useless mother that allowed her child to be abused and justified it". However, this time around I really enjoyed it, it does explain alot about him, and the locked in the closet scenes interposed into Greer clawing his way out really went well together. I can't believe his dad drove him to the ghetto and dumped him off, saying it was probably good he didn't have any money in that part of town. Did I miss something, did they actually address why his father was such a poor excuse for a human being and took it out on Greer?
IIRC they implied that Desert Storm messed up Greer's dad's head.
Yeah. The war did it.

No excuses given for the mother though. I have compassion for a woman trapped in such a setting but this was extreme abuse of her child, not just "dad has a bad temper".
Sabotage:Well what the heck.. after all that WE LOST THEM drama the ship stops and they just pop back on board. That was a waste of a storyline.

It is creepy as hell in the end when Franklin has disappeared :(

I feel sorry for him. And I seem to remember we never see him again, though maybe I am wrong about that.

And.. let's hear it for home made goodness!

Pain: I think this is a decent entry in the "alien shit makes us go mad" plot lines. Greer is impressively scary, I remember the first time thinking he was really going to kill Wray. No surprises here as far as people's secret pain goes but has its atmospheric moments.

Another scene of poor James alone in her bed..

And we get a bit of Volker who now that he is getting shaggy and fattish is much hotter than when we first see him. I like looking at him so you must look at him too :D

And why didn't we get something thrillingly revealing about someone once they trotted out this plot? Park's darkest secret! They could have really opened someone up with this and they didn't. Claustrophobia doesn't count.
A nice plot twist for Pain would have been that the Sombreroids (my name for the blue guys) really were behind everything, thereby making Rush the one who wasn't hallucinating. But alas.
Pain would've been the best episode ever if it had been "Rush and Greer beat/shoot aliens/people". I, for one, went "fuck yeah" when Rush beat Scott with that pipe.
A couple of decent episodes. Poor Scott, both James and Rush fantasize about beating on him, did someone else also? I seem to remember a 3rd knockdown. Yea, it's a shame Pain didn't pull out at least one unexpected deep dark secret. Greer/Camille was pretty intense.

I really like Camille's Girlfriend, she's such a breath of fresh air, compared to the emotional weight of everyone else.(And Doctor Perry, too)
Subversion: Eh, I know I always bang on about this but I wish they could have left the whole baddies from Earth thing alone and invented new baddies. Still it's a decent enough drama.

Kind of odd.. why does Rush get so into figuring out the mystery of Telford? I know it was his dream but you'd think he wouldn't give a fig about all this compared to his great ship and other mysteries. I would have thought he'd say to Young, "I have important work to do, your factions and squabbles are not my concern here."

And wouldn't Rush be speaking in his own accent when in Telford's body? Of course he would.

We did get the deliciously everywhere MIKE DOPUD!

And it's nice to see O'Neill a bit.

Volker continues to get scruffier :adore:

Kiva or Keeva or whatever is just silly in her leather outfit and "I am a badass" deal.

AND again Young is an animal here. I feel sorry for Rush's body.
Throughout the whole Lucian Alliance tries to take Destiny storyline, the Lucian Alliance themselves come off as cartoony bad guys. Randomly killing minions for not being competent enough, brutally torturing their prisoners, Kiva with her "I'm not really a bad person, I just do bad things for my people" routine, the whole thing was pretty damn silly.

And why do the Lucian Alliance care so much about Destiny? Yeah, I know there's supposed to be legends and myths about the great treasures and rewards to be found at the other end of the Stargate when you dial the nine chevron address. But based on the conversation between Rush and Varo, the Alliance know damn well that the other end of the ninth chevron leads to a run-down starship on the ass-end of the universe. Yet they still want to make a play for it since it means getting an Ancient starship. If having an Ancient ship is so damn important, wouldn't it be easier to find a way over to the Pegasus galaxy and take one of the dozens that are drifting over there?

And yeah, Rush should totally still be speaking with his Scottish accent while inside Telford's body. After all, accents are partly related to how one pronounces certain words, and Rush would still be inclined to pronounce them that way even inside another body.
Incursion Part 1: Good thing there was a mystery in this with guy burning into powder since I'm a bit bored.

:: stares at Volker ::

I did remember suddenly that we get Mike Dopud on the ship after this and that is a HUGE plus!

And how did Young know that killing someone would debrainwash them?
Also I just gotta say.. I'm watching this on dvd. The recaps at the start of every episode drive me nuts. They are getting longer and longer and longer.. it's awful when you're watching it not week by week. Why the heck do they put this stuff on EVERY EPISODE of a dvd? It's not a part two. It's every single one.