Starfleet Security after Oh/Narissa revelation

I'd be Starfleet Intelligence and/or Federation Security (from TSFS) are gonna get called in to clean house at Starfleet Security. Literally everybody in that division is gonna have to be investigated lest they turn out to be Zhat Vash agents.
I vote for Tim Russ as Tuvok head of Starfleet security

Captain Tuvok (still in Ops gold) recalled to oversee the investigation; subsequently promoted Rear Admiral and appointed the new Director.

It’s complete and utter fanwank, obviously... (!)
— but, in truth, they could do much worse.

I would hope that they would use at least the first episode of S2 (maybe the first couple if you include some sub-plots with the rest of the Scooby gang from La Sirena) to wrap up a few loose ends, even if some of it (or even quite a bit of it) occurs off-stage:

Picard needs to go back to the Chateau, meet up with Laris and Zhaban (and maybe drag them along this time, at least for some of the season);

Jurati needs some sort of due judicial process over the death of Maddox, even if the official outcome turns out to be that she legitimately gets off by virtue of whatever Oh did to her — presumably on the basis of some forensic mind-meld to establish what actually happened (Tuvok again...?!);

Picard needs to go back to SFHQ and be officially exonerated and re-instated, even if he then promptly re-retires (!) — easiest opportunity ever to gather a few TNG and other relevant alumni in Clancy’s office;

(it would be nice to see Rios and Musiker get some official Starfleet recognition here too, after all that they have been through)

there needs to be at least *some* reference to the in-house clear-out that Starfleet had to do in the fallout from all this, especially in relation to public explanations about Mars, the Utopia Planitia attacks and the Synth Ban — and the subsequent rescinding of the ban, or perhaps final confirmation of this if the initial response at the end of S1 was a temporary lifting of the Ban;

just as with Family after The Best of Both Worlds Part 2, Picard needs to resolve his personal fallout from all of this — at the Chateau? — with Beverley? — back to Nepenthe with Will and Deanna? — The Rikers visit him at the Chateau...?

OK, enough day-dreaming; back to the main event...
I'd be Starfleet Intelligence and/or Federation Security (from TSFS) are gonna get called in to clean house at Starfleet Security. Literally everybody in that division is gonna have to be investigated lest they turn out to be Zhat Vash agents.
I believe Mr. Simon Tarsus has been appointed from Starfleet Intelligence.
But everybody expects Section 31! That's their main weapon: utter predictability, and a fanatical devotion to Empress Georg... ah, Federation security.

Timo Saloniemi
We may expect Section 31, but nobody expects..........the Vulcan Inquisition!
View attachment 14316

Our weapon is surprise! Surprise and logic. Logic and surprise. Our TWO weapons are surprise, logic and ruthless efficiency. Ah...amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as surprise, logic, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion to Surak...I'll come in again.
I said this in another thread, but it bears repeating...

If word gets out that Nedar was behind the attack on Mars, she had better hope she is extradited to the Federation before any Romulan faction - be it the military, the Tal Shiar, a government official, or anyone at all really - gets ahold of her. Because once the Romulans find out that Nedar ordered the destruction of the rescue fleet, her fate will be something that will make her beg for death.

At least the Federation will give her a fair deal. Her own people won't.

As for the Zhat Vash: Personally I like the idea that there is no such thing, and the Tal Shiar made the whole thing up just to scare people. It's definitely within their wheelhouse.
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Life imprisonment in humane, healthy conditions seems reasonable to me.

As long as it's accompanied by mandatory regular interrogations to wring out as much info on Starfleet weaknesses, the Tal Shi'ar, the Zhat Vash and any insights she can offer on genocidal psychopaths (a rare breed during the period, even by RW standards).
I don't care whether this is followed up in Picard or in any other branch series. So long as it's followed up.