News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

They strongly implied the time frame in the announcement, so why are they being coy now? Did they just see the fan speculation and decide to turn into the curve, in the hopes to generating discussion and buzz?
A few possibilities:
There may be a time jump between end of DSC-5 and SFA. If DSC characters will appear in S1 they really need to get this nailed down, and perhaps the current stories are still in a bit of flux. So it could still be "post" DSC but they haven't announced anything bc they haven't figured out exactly when.

They know exactly when it's going to be but they want to wait for a special occasion - perhaps SDCC or NYCC to announce it, along with a teaser or trailer.

It takes place in a completely different time period, perhaps a hundred years after Discovery, and only long lived characters would be able to cross over (unlikely IMO)

It takes place in a completely different time period and no Discovery characters will be participating, but they don't want to spill the beans until they could put together a more cohesive plot. (slightly less unlikely).

I'd personally put my money on "B" but :shrug:
A few possibilities:
I'd personally put my money on "B" but :shrug:

They know exactly when it is.

All signs point to it being DSC 32nd century. Hell within DSC itself, they pretty much allude to it, with Tilly going to teach at the Academy.

Regardless of when it takes place, Paramount full well knows and has known for some time.

I will eat my god damned hat though if it's not... could you imagine Paramount deciding to make an SFA show set in the PIC-era, and then everyone starts going off about Legacy, and Kurtzman is sitting there like with best Bowser face on going "kinda?"

I actually feel like there is an incredibly small chance, given the almost weirdly dead response to Legacy. Kurtzman tends to have a reaction similar to "Hey, anything can happen!" or "who knows, maybe?" when ideas are thrown out but Legacy seems to be... absolute crickets. Just nothing. No acknowledgement at all.

Could it be that something along a similar vein was already being cooked up and now they're being mum about it?
Lots of people have been asking for an Academy series. I'd wager most of those insisting that nobody was asking for it are just upset that it won't be another story about the TOS crew.
I love this thread on Reddit of fans going, "Yes, Academy series was asked for."

Glad to know I'm not alone.

I'm not sure about y'all, but anytime a new show is announced I get excited! If I suddenly wasn't excited about new shows or movies I'd honestly take that as a sign I'm ready to move on from Trek. It doesn't mean I think every decision was executed perfectly, but as long as I have fun I am content.

That being said, I think SFA is filled with potential. I hope we see some returning characters from Discovery, namely Tilly and Blu. But most importantly I also want camp! I want corny plots and outlandish ideas. Lets have a shrinking hologram, or a horned up betazoid to round it out!
Smallville was HATED by DC and Superman fans. But it was popular enough to last 10 seasons and usurp SG-1 as the longest running sci-fi series. It brought it tons of new fans. They're hoping for similar with SFA. I'm expecting old school fans to hate it like they do Discovery. Teens saving the galaxy between classes while falling in love? I'm gonna love it:lol:
I'm not sure about y'all, but anytime a new show is announced I get excited! If I suddenly wasn't excited about new shows or movies I'd honestly take that as a sign I'm ready to move on from Trek. It doesn't mean I think every decision was executed perfectly, but as long as I have fun I am content.

That being said, I think SFA is filled with potential. I hope we see some returning characters from Discovery, namely Tilly and Blu. But most importantly I also want camp! I want corny plots and outlandish ideas. Lets have a shrinking hologram, or a horned up betazoid to round it out!

I hope you’re still this enthusiastic about it when it is shown two years from now.

But you’re correct. It’s better to adopt the attitude of “Yay! A new Star Trek show!” rather than, “Oh God, not another new Star Trek show. Uggh.” Unfortunately that’s kind of the way I am feeling now, because what they’ve been currently producing has been giving diminishing returns over time.
I hope you’re still this enthusiastic about it when it is shown two years from now.

But you’re correct. It’s better to adopt the attitude of “Yay! A new Star Trek show!” rather than, “Oh God, not another new Star Trek show. Uggh.” Unfortunately that’s kind of the way I am feeling now, because what they’ve been currently producing has been giving diminishing returns over time.

Oh I will be!! Though if I can be pessimistic for a bit, I think a paramount sale seems likely, which could mean major changes for Trek's future. Maybe for the best, maybe for the worst. Depending where SFA is in production, it may be axed :/
Just remember, these are the same people who couldn't get a new theatrical movie off the ground for the last eight years despite lots of 'announcements' about it, and also the people who couldn't get a new tv series produced for three years and ended up resorting to making a TV movie instead.
Smallville was HATED by DC and Superman fans. But it was popular enough to last 10 seasons and usurp SG-1 as the longest running sci-fi series. It brought it tons of new fans. They're hoping for similar with SFA. I'm expecting old school fans to hate it like they do Discovery. Teens saving the galaxy between classes while falling in love? I'm gonna love it:lol:

SMALLVILLE didn't outlast STARGATE SG-1. They both had 10 seasons.

Now, SMALLVILLE did have a few more episodes than SG-1 did. (218 vs. 214... the 9th season event "Absolute Justice" was a double episode, in the way DS9's "THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR" or the pilot/finale of TNG, DS9, and VOY were.)

SUPERNATURAL ended up completely shattering those records with 15 seasons and 327 episodes. :hugegrin:
They know exactly when it is.
Considering that Discovery S1 changed significantly through filming, and then again when episodes were cut together, it's entirely possible that the precise time period of the show hasn't been locked down.

It makes sense to me that it would be concurrent or immediately after DSC S5, and almost certainly takes place at some point in the 32nd Century.
The fact that they're not saying it means that they're giving themselves some wiggle room or they're waiting to make an official announcement.
Just remember, these are the same people who couldn't get a new theatrical movie off the ground for the last eight years despite lots of 'announcements' about it, and also the people who couldn't get a new tv series produced for three years and ended up resorting to making a TV movie instead.

Honestly movie rights for trek have been in purgatory for ages, especially since they split the rights. Lately there has been less of an excuse since the merger, but I feel it’s partly because the lines are so blurred between film and television now.
Considering that Discovery S1 changed significantly through filming, and then again when episodes were cut together, it's entirely possible that the precise time period of the show hasn't been locked down.

It makes sense to me that it would be concurrent or immediately after DSC S5, and almost certainly takes place at some point in the 32nd Century.
The fact that they're not saying it means that they're giving themselves some wiggle room or they're waiting to make an official announcement.

That's certainly true, although in all fairness DSC had a dumpster fire of a production with a showrunner who almost literally wrote some notes on a napkin and ejected out.

This one seems more... planned. Anything could change.

But you’re correct. It’s better to adopt the attitude of “Yay! A new Star Trek show!” rather than, “Oh God, not another new Star Trek show. Uggh.” Unfortunately that’s kind of the way I am feeling now, because what they’ve been currently producing has been giving diminishing returns over time.

That's how I kind of feel. I *WISH* I was like "YAY! New Star Trek show!"... but they announced these things and it tends to be more "ugh, why?"

The only one* I was actually excited for was Picard. LDS, SNW, Prodigy are varying levels of fine/good, but I still wasn't actually excited about any of them.

*I WAS excited about Discovery, but the lead up to it and the more we learned about it killed alot of it, and then the actual show nailed the lid on the coffin.
I will eat my god damned hat though if it's not... could you imagine Paramount deciding to make an SFA show set in the PIC-era, and then everyone starts going off about Legacy, and Kurtzman is sitting there like with best Bowser face on going "kinda?"

I actually feel like there is an incredibly small chance, given the almost weirdly dead response to Legacy. Kurtzman tends to have a reaction similar to "Hey, anything can happen!" or "who knows, maybe?" when ideas are thrown out but Legacy seems to be... absolute crickets. Just nothing. No acknowledgement at all.

Could it be that something along a similar vein was already being cooked up and now they're being mum about it?

I'll be honest, I'm ambivalent about a possible "Legacy" series. I was more excited at the idea of a Titan series with Shaw.
I don't necessarily need or want more memberberry stuff. I just want a concluded story. I was pleased with Picard because it gave us a closure we never got after Nemesis. But I don't need more TNG.
I'd love a bit of closure for DS9. Namely, I'd like to see Bajor join the Federation and Sisko leave the wormhole. But that's all I want to see, and I adore DS9.
I don't want to see more 32nd century Trek because it both seems too fantastical and not fantastic enough. The 1000-year time jump is just too unwieldy in that regard. The 24th century seemed more advanced compared to the 23rd than the 31st does. The only real advance they seem to have made in 1000 years is...programmable matter? Yawn.
My perfect new Trek series would be one set in the 25th century (be it on a ship, a base, or even the academy) that continues the overall story we've been getting since 1960. I don't want to skip to the end. And one with a NEW crew that isn't trying to desperately cling on (see what I did there) to adding fans.