News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

I think what the veteran fans don't like is bad television, and that's what they've been treated to. It's the fault of lazy writers. TOS/TNG/DS9 whatever, they presented diversity as something that was so acceptable in the future that the characters rarely if ever had to say something about it. Yes, there were a few shows here and there, but for the most part, they didn't wear it on their uniforms like the "modern" shows do. I don't have a problem with it, but when older folk complain about them, and I hear why, that's what I immediately think about. They're just not very good writers and they revert to lazy troupes and writing styles.
Good grief. Trek had lazy writers throughout its history. This is an absurd idea that TOS/TNG/ETC did diversity differently. It didn't as much as our memories tell us it did.

That's why I say new Trek is average. Just like all other series before it.
Diversity has almost nothing to do with the problems with NuTrek. The poor writing isn't due to being more obvious or whatever.

I have my problems with NuTrek but I'm also tired of fans of older stuff, in any fandom, complaining about vaguely defined "bad writing"

Plus SNW is better at developing its cast than pretty much any Trek besides DS9
This feels like it's retreading what Prodigy's already doing.
Way late to the party on this, but I think it's distinctly different as Prodigy is about children who had no idea of what the Federation is and they--and by extension, the young audience it's aiming for--is learning all these concepts while discovering that good people exist in the universe.

SA on the other hand, is essentially young people trying to rebuild Starfleet again from scratch after paradise was lost, and aimed at a demographic that may be more familiar with the franchise. Depending on how long it takes to get up off the ground, the kids at the older range of Prodigy's demographics will be teens hankering for a new Trek show and this will be right there.

As a former teen girl who made my account here back as a sophomore in high school, I can't wait to see it.
Honestly I’m so glad for the YA skew (that being said I am an older teenager so the exact audience for it) because FINALLY I feel like Star Trek are trying to draw a younger and newer audience and I’m hoping the academy series will provide a good gateway for people to get into trek (aka hoping the series gives me people my age to geek out with lmao)
That was kinda also the reason ENT was made as a prequel back in the day too. Thankfully with women in the writers room, SA's attempts at updating Trek for a teen to 20 something audience won't be nearly as cringe as the second chambers of yore :lol:

I was just never really enamored with most of my forays into media with the YA moniker even as an older teenager and early twenty-something, haha.
Funny enough, I wasn't into any of the big teen dramas of the 90s and 2000s that were running concurrent to ENT despite being 19 when that show ended. I was big into following The Bold & the Beautiful though, which was way worse :p
I'm surprised by soap opera still being a thing
Honestly, me too :lol: a whole glut of 'em got cancelled between '07 and 2012 and I figured the others wouldn't be far behind. Other that Days Of Our Lives becoming a Peacock exclusive, they've all been pretty safe since I guess there's only so many daytime talk shows and game shows to fit on the schedule:shrug:
Honestly, me too :lol: a whole glut of 'em got cancelled between '07 and 2012 and I figured the others wouldn't be far behind. Other that Days Of Our Lives becoming a Peacock exclusive, they've all been pretty safe since I guess there's only so many daytime talk shows and game shows to fit on the schedule:shrug:

Talk shows, another relic of the past
I'm a 40 year old man and I want to see a teen drama Star Trek akin to Smallville or Buffy. Starfleet Academy may succeed and bring in the fans in the way Prodigy (as wonderful as it is) failed to and got kicked off P+.

I wish it the best, even if I'm not terribly enthusiastic at this point. No reason not to hope it works, even if it only works for others! And it would be great if it pulls that off. I have my doubts on that score, but you never know until you know.
I'm a 40 year old man and I want to see a teen drama Star Trek akin to Smallville or Buffy. Starfleet Academy may succeed and bring in the fans in the way Prodigy (as wonderful as it is) failed to and got kicked off P+.

To be fair, the only reason Prodigy "failed" is because it was specifically created with the idea of selling toys, and when Playmates cancelled their new Star Trek line, Paramount yanked Prodigy whole cloth in a fit of pique. But it's (rightly) doing quite well on Netflix.

Honestly, it was stupid of Playmates to think those 5" toys would take off like they did in the 90's. Kids don't play with toys like that anymore. I have 4 kids, ranging from 24 to 9, and NONE of them ever played with toys like I did. The only person in my household that still collects toys is me.