News Starfleet Academy Coming to P+

No, it's not.

If you don't know "what teens are into these days" you can't write relatable characters of that age group at all - unless by "relatable" you mean "characters that middle-aged viewers can relate to as hypothetical young people they don't know much about."

As I said, a show 1,000+ years in the future shouldn't reference contemporary pop culture all.

I mean, did Harry Potter reference pop culture? Did The Hunger Games? Both were massively popular with young audiences, were thought to have relatable young characters, and were written by middle-aged women.
But it should actually show what culture is like in the future. Human & Federation culture, something Star Trek doesn't really do well IMO

I hope this shows more of the pluralistic side of the Federation instead of making it a homo sapiens club. Show more aliens and alien ships instead of just the same basic starship archetypes. Just more aliens, Federation and a few non Federation, in general. I want to see what life is like in the future
More aliens = Prodigy

That's good. Academy should follow suit. More Andorians, Bolians, Bajorans, Cardassians, Ferengi, even a few new species we've yet to see.

Whatever are the ship fanatics supposed to argue about? ;)

the more ships, the more they can argue. I want to see what the Andorians are flying around in during that era. I don't think we've even seen a Bolian or Trill ship yet. Instead we get variations on the same 3 or 4 basic Human ships
They don't have to have a Gorn or anything that expensive in that case


Pretend they're Klingons and call them a "different race" of Gorn. :whistle:
Yeah we're supposed to be narrow, judgemental and old-fashioned, hating anything after TOS or TNG
Not at all about progress or advancement like this show supposedly is
No one hates Star Trek and change more than Star Trek fans.

Always interesting to run in to those viewpoints in real life.
No one hates Star Trek and change more than Star Trek fans.

Always interesting to run in to those viewpoints in real life.

I think what the veteran fans don't like is bad television, and that's what they've been treated to. It's the fault of lazy writers. TOS/TNG/DS9 whatever, they presented diversity as something that was so acceptable in the future that the characters rarely if ever had to say something about it. Yes, there were a few shows here and there, but for the most part, they didn't wear it on their uniforms like the "modern" shows do. I don't have a problem with it, but when older folk complain about them, and I hear why, that's what I immediately think about. They're just not very good writers and they revert to lazy troupes and writing styles.